GC services 25 year old student loan
Date: Wed, 05/13/2009 - 12:35
GC services 25 year old student loan
GC services is a USDOE vendor. Did they have your SS#? You mig
GC services is a USDOE vendor. Did they have your SS#? You might wanna send a DV letter requesting a copy of the prom note. Resolve it....
Student loans
For anyone getting calls about student loans especially from GC services check out this website. It is YOUR rights and options if threatened with wage garnishment. http://www2.ed.gov/offices/OSFAP/DCS/awg.html
Also be advised to make copies of anyone suggesting you settle from this site as if they do work for them you can sue for unfair debt practices. Groups dedicated to protecting people from predatory debt collectors have free attorneys who will subpoena the website for the IP addresses, you can make this shady person lose their income! Search for these good heroes online for help! All you need to do is match their IP with their employer to nail them! Paying your debts is good but being harassed is not. Protect yourself.
Anyone telling you to settle and ignore your rights probably works for them.
Quote:Also be advised to make copies of anyone suggesting you se
Also be advised to make copies of anyone suggesting you settle from this site as if they do work for them you can sue for unfair debt practices. Groups dedicated to protecting people from predatory debt collectors have free attorneys who will subpoena the website for the IP addresses, you can make this shady person lose their income! Search for these good heroes online for help! All you need to do is match their IP with their employer to nail them! Paying your debts is good but being harassed is not. Protect yourself. |
Wow ...how did I miss this idiot post?
Bluey...nobody here works for any collection agency, guarantor or loan servicer, so your advise is totally useless. I used to be a collector for several FFELP guarantors and the DOE and a financial aid officer at a major midwest university. I am going back to work shortly as a financial aid officer and default specialist. So you aint going nothing or nobody to nail. And for these so called free groups, are these the same ones who charge $350 to send a Direct Loan application to a borrower? I have read the websites of some one these radicial anti student loan groups and although there are some cases where intervention should be taken, most of those posters spent years with their heads in the sand, ignoring collection attempts and only decide to complain once the goverment seizes their taxes or wages. I sit there laughing at the majority of the posters....having children, buying a house or car is not a reason to ignore your student loans.