student loan cancellation upon death
Date: Wed, 04/22/2009 - 17:32
student loan cancellation upon death
Federal loans are cancelled upon death. Private loans however
Federal loans are cancelled upon death.
Private loans however are just like any other debt and will go to the estate. However your kids will not inherit it.
i am a terminal patient with 2 young children, is there any undu
i am a terminal patient with 2 young children, is there any undue hardship type of cancellation of these loans? I'm trying for disability...i just don't want my children to have to handle my student payment history has been perfect for the 5 years since collecge..any advise on the private loans? Can you ever get rid of them?
I'm glad you cleared some things up...I was really concerned tha
I'm glad you cleared some things up...I was really concerned that you were planning to do something to take your life in order to get rid of your debts. Sorry, my heart sank.
The best thing you can do is pick up the phone and call them. The Federal ones will be easier to work with. They can put your payments into deferrment for awhile.
I don't have alot of knowledge on the private ones, but I would at least call them and let them know the situation. It could help.
no oh no. Not the case here. I'm experiencing some trying medi
no oh no. Not the case here. I'm experiencing some trying medical times right now and trying to prepare my children both financially and emotionally for what is to come. However, in making final arrangements, my private loand debt exceeds my small public pension and life insurance policy. I just don't want the burden of these loans to continue on to haunt my family. I'm trying for a medical discharge-my fed ones are very comprimising. My other loans companies proclaim they can sue me and my kids for the money..I'm looking for some guidence during this difficult time..
That's very responsible of you. All I can tell you is that when
That's very responsible of you. All I can tell you is that when my grandmother past, we didn't pay any of her debts that were left. And she had a lot of debt. We sent the death certificate to all the creditors and didn't hear from them any more. She had plenty of life insurance and after funeral expences it was split between the grand children. So I wouldn't really worry too much about it.
Students loan, like every loan, must be repaid at some time base
Students loan, like every loan, must be repaid at some time based on certain conditions. In the UK you are not required to repay until you graduate and start working and even then it has to be based on some understanding.
Many students in recent times have been defaulting in repaying their students loans. The meltdown is blamed just as there are other reasons.
But like all debts you can get rid of them if you get in touch with the right people or firms to help you through. At advertising link removed there is what they call debt consolidation or debt management. You'll need to speak to an expert to know how each works.
How about co-signed loans???
What if a Mother and Daughter are on a FEDERAL studuent loan and the daughter dies pre-maturely? Will the Mother be responsible for repayment of the loan for which the daughter was primary?
Mother and daughter CANNOT be on a federal loan. No cosignors a
Mother and daughter CANNOT be on a federal loan. No cosignors are least not since the 70's.