Student Debt Question
Date: Wed, 02/04/2009 - 19:26
Student Debt Question
I was registered for the spring semester and started it. However, I was dropped from classes and asked to leave campus 3 weeks in to the semester since I had a balance due that I hadn't made even.
I was forced to leave campus. I've been in and out of 9 different residences in 2 years since I sublet everywhere... The university sold my debt to a debit collections agency. National Credit Management. They say I owe $8757.85, the university however, states I owe $6568.55.
I make $20,000 dollars a year and walk away with around 400-500 a month pending random failures in life such as a blown tire or broken tools for work. The debt collection agency got in contact with me and initially was nice enough to go over somethings but when I didn't offer payment instantly they started to become harsh, which I'm not unaccustomed to. I eventually stopped talking to them, for 6 months now I've done nothing but try to save to pay off the debt and I get my tax return check in for 1700 dollars. I can not afford to pay off the debt in full in a reasonable time frame with the current rate I'm paying it off and I need to get back to school ASAP.
I've talked to the agency and wrote them 2 letters to settle for less than what they were asking but they refused to do so. Does anybody have input in regards to what I should do outside of spend the next 2 years working to pay off a debt so I can get back in to school and incur more debt?
What type of school was this? It it was a public institution ,
What type of school was this? It it was a public institution , your debt might be submitted for tax offset as it would be deemed a public debt.
Bottom cannot go back to school until the debt is paid in full. You transcripts will be currently frozen. You also will owe the higher amount....schools hired CA's under contract and they have to pay them regardless of where you send the money. When you enrolled in the school, you agreed to pay all the costs of collection activities.
Bottom line if you wanna go back to school...pick up an extra job to increase your income. Only thing you can do other than borrowing the money from a personal source.