Direct Loan
Date: Wed, 08/05/2009 - 12:04
Direct Loan
Nine years ago I was waiting from the Direct Loan that I continue and finish my studies at the university. The sign or instruction on screen stated: "under construction" and that means I had to wait. I was not given any message or instruction to the effect that I may or can continue. I passed all the instructions given by the university registrar of all hardships: perseverance, deferment etc, which all those instructions came automatically at my detriment. These FAFSA processings were done by de Paul University office of financial aid staff which I assumed to be informed of processing the applications in 1997, Chicago.
Before this FAFSA processing at de Paul University, it was first processed by Northwestern University, Evanston and Chicago, 1995, 1996 and moved to de Paul University, Chicago in 1997.
I had taken too many courses which were loaned from Direct Loan using my social security number.
The worst event happened in 1998 when my studies/books, my office, our family assets, including our residence was stolen and negatively created a bad record in our credit history, stealing our valuable assets, confidential records and used by the the financial institutions, the persons/neighbors in the community and the Cook county people.
In February 1998, I was also registered at the university as a senior student to graduate in December 1998. In April 1998 the crime, bad event, subsequent accidents occurred.
Direct Loan is timely informed of all the events and happenings.
For almost ten years now, I worked three jobs with minimum income and paid my and my husband's bill (who was first in accident after retiring from the U. S. Navy, in San Diego)
and I paid a monthly $75.00 to U.S. Direct Loan, and when there is extra money I made the payment to $150.00 a month.
To brief the message: I like to inform you that our residence address and our valued property of studies, office, when at the lower court at Cook County, I announced my claims for losses and damages will be $500k or more, not lower. this a case on file I worked out prose as per advice of my retired lawyer,
Ridge Estate Condominium Association vs. Antonina Viloria, et al
When I collect this amount this will pay the loan to the U. S. Direct Loan, which I am detailed looking for the information, since all the records were stolen.
While at this point wherein my studies were not even used, until I get back to school and get certificated and work out
and be compensated with the appropriate compensation for my studies: MBA, Masters of Business Administration in Finance,
then from that professional income or salary will I pay the U.S. Direct Loan.
The problem is at that point of a positive student, I request that counseling be done promoting positively the student and not wasting time on counseling the student going negative downturn. Let us forward quick and cut the unnecessary
negative, make it other ways such us turn around up positive.
Besides the hardships and accidents, maintaining positive and keeping it positive gave me a clear results.
On my part I did a good work of working out two seniors financial accounts who were recorded in bankruptcy and updated and cleared their files to the point available information and data were gathered and submitted to the IRS until their accounts were processed and updated (specific time of business) if not totally cleared for appropriate application of taxes. Dec. 2000-2003. The taxpayers-debtors owe me monies
on professional accounting work, IRS matters, I rendered to them, United States of America in Chicago, Illinois.
As per GAAP, I have this account receivable in my book as
a current balance, my account receivable, Asset section of
my balance sheet.
Other bankruptcy case which records were on file and I must complete/redemption in fiscal year: October 1997-September 1998, these records were stolen: a case of 1.5M Gran Cal Laboratory vs. IDPA, Illinois Department of Public Aid.
Records stolen in April 1998.
And I was in accident three times: April, May, JUne 2009.
This case owe me also for my professional service done, this is also a current account in my book, account receivable, Asset section of my balance sheet.
Other receivables: on record in the Asset section of my balance sheet.
Workmen's Compensation claim, not settled/not paid.
Antonina Viloria vs. Carson Pirie Scott
this is a claim for accident at work, Carson Pirie Scott, Dec. 1995.
I have other accounts receivable current section of the Asset section of my balance sheet.
Now, I am reviewing and disputing a case on Bankruptcy Chapter 7 case,
wherein the principal taxpayer was reported NO ASSETS,
just to put a negative record of that person in a negative bad situation and resulted to an accident, life risk and subsequent damages. Damages are done and the lawyers and judges are gone, they changed their positions and colored their hair and got a changed profile.
How can you help out?[samebox:9ba9753005="paulmergel"]sorry no personal emails allowed for safety.[/samebox:9ba9753005]
Before this FAFSA processing at de Paul University, it was first processed by Northwestern University, Evanston and Chicago, 1995, 1996 and moved to de Paul University, Chicago in 1997.
I had taken too many courses which were loaned from Direct Loan using my social security number.
The worst event happened in 1998 when my studies/books, my office, our family assets, including our residence was stolen and negatively created a bad record in our credit history, stealing our valuable assets, confidential records and used by the the financial institutions, the persons/neighbors in the community and the Cook county people.
In February 1998, I was also registered at the university as a senior student to graduate in December 1998. In April 1998 the crime, bad event, subsequent accidents occurred.
Direct Loan is timely informed of all the events and happenings.
For almost ten years now, I worked three jobs with minimum income and paid my and my husband's bill (who was first in accident after retiring from the U. S. Navy, in San Diego)
and I paid a monthly $75.00 to U.S. Direct Loan, and when there is extra money I made the payment to $150.00 a month.
To brief the message: I like to inform you that our residence address and our valued property of studies, office, when at the lower court at Cook County, I announced my claims for losses and damages will be $500k or more, not lower. this a case on file I worked out prose as per advice of my retired lawyer,
Ridge Estate Condominium Association vs. Antonina Viloria, et al
When I collect this amount this will pay the loan to the U. S. Direct Loan, which I am detailed looking for the information, since all the records were stolen.
While at this point wherein my studies were not even used, until I get back to school and get certificated and work out
and be compensated with the appropriate compensation for my studies: MBA, Masters of Business Administration in Finance,
then from that professional income or salary will I pay the U.S. Direct Loan.
The problem is at that point of a positive student, I request that counseling be done promoting positively the student and not wasting time on counseling the student going negative downturn. Let us forward quick and cut the unnecessary
negative, make it other ways such us turn around up positive.
Besides the hardships and accidents, maintaining positive and keeping it positive gave me a clear results.
On my part I did a good work of working out two seniors financial accounts who were recorded in bankruptcy and updated and cleared their files to the point available information and data were gathered and submitted to the IRS until their accounts were processed and updated (specific time of business) if not totally cleared for appropriate application of taxes. Dec. 2000-2003. The taxpayers-debtors owe me monies
on professional accounting work, IRS matters, I rendered to them, United States of America in Chicago, Illinois.
As per GAAP, I have this account receivable in my book as
a current balance, my account receivable, Asset section of
my balance sheet.
Other bankruptcy case which records were on file and I must complete/redemption in fiscal year: October 1997-September 1998, these records were stolen: a case of 1.5M Gran Cal Laboratory vs. IDPA, Illinois Department of Public Aid.
Records stolen in April 1998.
And I was in accident three times: April, May, JUne 2009.
This case owe me also for my professional service done, this is also a current account in my book, account receivable, Asset section of my balance sheet.
Other receivables: on record in the Asset section of my balance sheet.
Workmen's Compensation claim, not settled/not paid.
Antonina Viloria vs. Carson Pirie Scott
this is a claim for accident at work, Carson Pirie Scott, Dec. 1995.
I have other accounts receivable current section of the Asset section of my balance sheet.
Now, I am reviewing and disputing a case on Bankruptcy Chapter 7 case,
wherein the principal taxpayer was reported NO ASSETS,
just to put a negative record of that person in a negative bad situation and resulted to an accident, life risk and subsequent damages. Damages are done and the lawyers and judges are gone, they changed their positions and colored their hair and got a changed profile.
How can you help out?[samebox:9ba9753005="paulmergel"]sorry no personal emails allowed for safety.[/samebox:9ba9753005]
I have no clue what you are asking. Do you have a simple questi
I have no clue what you are asking. Do you have a simple question that came be asked in less than 100 words???