Deliquent private student loans
Date: Thu, 01/15/2009 - 12:32
Deliquent private student loans
My student loans went into default some time ago. My federal loans were rehabed and are now in good standing and I was able to defer them for a little while. My private loans are still in default. They've been in default for some time and I don't know how to approach it or the collectors. They have no obligation to help and don't have any rehab programs like the federal loans. I want to pay, but I can't afford to pay what I owe at once, so what do I do? At this point, I don't even bother with my FICO, my credit is destroyed. I've learned to accept it, but I do want to begin handling this debt. Any suggestions?
You may opt for debt consolidation program. Your debts shall be
You may opt for debt consolidation program. Your debts shall be consolidated into one. Debt consultant shall work out with the creditors to lower the payable amount on your behalf. It will be easy for you to pay the installments and to clear the debts.