defaulted Private loans
Date: Thu, 03/05/2009 - 15:29
defaulted Private loans
I need help now. I am paying on Federal Student Loans and thought that when I started to pay that I had consolidated all my private and Federal loans together, but unfortunately I was mistaken and was out of the country for months and have defaulted on my Private Student Loans to the tune of $36,000.00. I am more then willing to pay, but the collection company is demanding $20,000.00 down and then they will arrange payments of the last amount owed with payments so high and with so much interst that I could not afford to live. I went to my parents for help and they are tapped out in this economy losing most of their 401K already. They helped me out with a small loan that I also owed which was part of this mess, but cannot do anymore. They are willing to help me with my Federal Loans so they don't default, and with my expenses I can only pay around $250.00 to $300.00 per month. I called some counseling agencies and debt relief help agencies and one company wants $1500.00 for their services and another wants $700.00, at least that is half? Is this normal procedure? and of course I cannot come up with $20,000.00 for the collection agency, so I am not going to find it easy for the $700.00 either. I am at wits end here, and I know this is my fault and I need to come up with something, but I need some input fast. Thank you for your time
Student loans cannot got thru councelling agencies. Private l
Student loans cannot got thru councelling agencies.
Private loans are pretty nasty when they default. You really do not have any options but to pay it in full as quickly as possible. Can you pick up an extra job to help pay it down quicker