student debts
Date: Mon, 01/12/2009 - 13:23
student debts
could be wrong, but i am pretty sure that the uk has a law--if y
could be wrong, but i am pretty sure that the uk has a law--if you enter into an agreement in the uk for credit, then the only place you can be taken to court for that debt is in the uk--they cannot sue you in another country. so at least thats one thing
ye ok, that would be kl to move to another country to avoid debt
ye ok, that would be kl to move to another country to avoid debt but its quite complicated moving to another country esp the USA, ive been looking, its not lookng easy:(
answer for kev
i have a debt with the student loans company. if you stop paying i.e. you lose your job, earn under the threshold, or eave the country, they just assume that you no longer earn above the threshold. they do not persue you. the loan also (if yours is with the student loans company) has a lifespan of 25 years, so is cancelled whether paid or not. believe it or not i got this info from their call centre! need to do some major reading on student loans. Th need to do some major reading on student loans. There is no SOL and it not cancelled whether you are paying it or not. You might have been talking to a call center but you completely misundertood what they were saying. They will continue to pursue a default right up to garnishing social security income.