need 6k by monday
Date: Thu, 03/25/2010 - 20:35
need 6k by monday
dcs contacted my cosigner fri and sd the loan was in default they only gave 2 options to pay: 1. settle for 10,000 or 2. pay 6,000 by mon 3/29 and then 200 a month... tried to get the 6k but no luck no one will lend it to me (not a big suprise) what else can i do??? are those really my only 2 options of repayment???
Sounds like a private loan in default. You do not have many opt
Sounds like a private loan in default. You do not have many options as privates to do have to offer income geared payment plans. Plus they are holding you and your cosignor to your agreement of balance due in full on demand upon the default.
You are aware I hope that they will sue both you and your cosignor.
Best thing I can suggest is get this paid off as quickly as a part time or second job if you can but get this resolved quickly.