Garnished wages/Convicted felon
Date: Sun, 10/03/2010 - 21:32
Garnished wages/Convicted felon
I took student loans while in college. While in college I was convicted on a non drug felony charge. I was still able to take loans. I went to schoold for education. However upon graduating i was unable to get a job in education because of the felony record. I struggle for years to find gainful employment...years later, after finally getting a job and attempting to make good on student loan debt and other debts, I was unable to make payments and eventually had my check garnished. I am not disputing the fact that I owe money nor am I disputing the garnishment itself. I am however in despair over the fact that the original 50,000 debt is now 100,000 thousand with interest still accruing. Is there a way to negotiate that some of the interest be forgiven? I have read some things indicating loan forgiveness due if you went through a course of study that wouldn't benefit you but you were given loans. Again, not looking for a free ride just a more manageable one.
Nope. Your education would have benefited you if you hadnt made
Nope. Your education would have benefited you if you hadnt made the wrong choices and as such there is no forgiveness program you would qualify for. If these are federal loans, your only option is to rehab, making payments over and above the garnishment and then consolidate your loan under the income contingent repayment plan.