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Cease and desist letter for sallie mae?

Date: Mon, 05/04/2009 - 02:58

Submitted by majax79
on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 02:58

Posts: 18 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 7

Cease and desist letter for sallie mae?

I was wondering if someone could post an example of a cease and desist letter that could be sent to sallie mae?

actually, you shouldn't assume anything.

I paid $150 for loans my loans to be in forbearance and after they took the money, gave me a confirmation, and sent me documents stating all would be in forbearance, they were taken out of forbearance. So, I'm gonna do what I need to do.

Again, if anyone has a cease and desist post it. Otherwise don't post in my thread please.


Submitted by majax79 on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 14:35

( Posts: 18 | Credits: )

SOAPLADY is correct, the C&D letter does not apply to the original creditor of the debt. Are you trying to send them a C&D to stop contacting you or debiting your account? I am a lil confused.


they were taken out of forbearance.

Please clarify. Did they notify you your loan was removed from forbearance and why?

Cease and Desist Letter for Debt Collectors
The cease and desist letter has legal stature based upon the Fair Debt Collections Practices act Section 805. You can read it for yourself here. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act applies to both the agency and to attorneys who collect two or more debts per year. This law does not apply to the original creditor. However many original creditors will honor your request to not be called.
Please note the following. When a collection agency receives a cease and desist letter they may move the account to legal status. This means that if they intend to sue you if they can't collect on the account the cease and desist letter will prompt them to bring suit immediately. So if there is an alternative way to stop being bothered by their calls, like using an answering machine, I'd suggest that you try it first. If there is no alternative then send the cease and desist letter.

Send the letter via certified mail with a return receipt request. Keep a copy of the letter for your files. It may also be a good idea to get a copy of your checks from your financial institution. The letter may take a couple of weeks to work its way through the collection agency's system before your number is taken out of their automated dialers. Even after they receive the letter they are allowed (under law) to contact you one time to notify you or their intent. SOURCE [/quote]


Submitted by Cool_Abyss on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 15:09

( Posts: 2936 | Credits: )

read my OP. I didn't ask for your opinion. I asked for a c&d letter. If you don't want to give me an example fine but all over this board all you do is defend big business and these predatory practices so the LAST person I'm going to listen to is you.

I already said I don't want your advice. Please get a hobby so you don't just sit around posting on this board all day.


Submitted by majax79 on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 16:38

( Posts: 18 | Credits: )