Student Loans
Date: Thu, 05/07/2009 - 12:17
Student Loans
Nope. Student loans are considered non dischargable debt. Whic
Nope. Student loans are considered non dischargable debt. Which means you can't file bankruptcy on them.
Exactly its a Federal Debt :? Federal debts are non-discharg
Exactly its a Federal Debt :?
Federal debts are non-dischargeable.
yes you can file on student loans. however, rarely are they dis
yes you can file on student loans. however, rarely are they discharged. you must pass the brunner test which includes 3 sticking points as to if it will be discharged. but it is very RARE, but they can be discharged. see the bk discharge thread below for more clarification on the brunners test...
Hmmm.....Are you sure about this? I have never heard of this be
Hmmm.....Are you sure about this? I have never heard of this before. Where is Soaplady? I hope she can come along and answer this.
look @ my thread below bk discharge..soap reported on it...sure
look @ my thread below bk discharge..soap reported on it...sure you can discharge if and only if you meet certain qualifications brunner rarely happens but does in extreme cases...
Holy Cow....You're right. I wasn't aware of this. But I guess
Holy Cow....You're right. I wasn't aware of this. But I guess it is quite rare that someone can get them discharged.
Sorry to doubt
perfectly fine..its a unknown secret to most of the world..but i
perfectly fine..its a unknown secret to most of the world..but it does happen..very rare though..
student loans
I'm not fling BK, but, the contract ( for my student loan) clearly states if I DO file BK, I can't file the student loan in with it. I have a 'public' loan. I don't know if 'private' loans are different, however.
The information is not can google student loans a
The information is not can google student loans and bankruptcy and the info is all over he web.