Student Loan states transfer or brought by another one.
Date: Mon, 12/12/2005 - 04:59
Student Loan states transfer or brought by another one.
I consoldiated my student loan, but the orginal loan appear stating transfer or brought by another institution. How can I get installment loan off my report. Instead of only 40,000 in installment, I have 115,00 in installments on my CR.
Koolbreeze If you want to verify the installment status of th
If you want to verify the installment status of the loan, place it on dispute with the bureau reporting it. They will check it with the lenders and if there is any mistake, it will be corrected.
Talk to your lenders and see if they can give you more information about the loan status.
Student Loan states transfer or brought by another one
Do you have a sample letter for this type of situation asking for verification and removal?