When can I apply for a new Student Loan after Rehab
Date: Tue, 08/28/2012 - 23:42
When can I apply for a new Student Loan after Rehab
I have been rehabilitating my student loan that I had defaulted on. I have made 5 consecutive payments at this time. At what point can I fill out a FAFSA and have it processed and get a new Student Loan?
Thank you!
Thank you!
You won't qualify for FAFSA unless you complete the rehabilitati
You won't qualify for FAFSA unless you complete the rehabilitation program. You have made only 5 payments. You'll have to make 4 payments more. Once you complete the rehabilitation program, you can try for FAFSA.
Ignore the poster above. You regain eligibility after 6 consecu
Ignore the poster above. You regain eligibility after 6 consecutive payments. Talk to the agency handling your rehab.