can i consolidate?
Date: Mon, 12/20/2010 - 11:12
can i consolidate?
I just recieved a wage garnishment order also. I am not worried about the amount but I would like to know if I am eligible to consolidate these loans and if that would remove the negativity from my credit report or get me out of default status.
any and all help is appreciated.
Once you've defaulted and are being garnished, you can't consoli
Once you've defaulted and are being garnished, you can't consolidate until you've rehabbed the loan. You will have to pay additional funds over and above what's being garnished in order to do that. SoapLady is our resident student loan expert. I'm sure she'll be along shortly to give you more detail.
Have you just received the 30 day notice? Or has your employer
Have you just received the 30 day notice? Or has your employer received the notice to start garnishing you? If it is just the notice, call now to set up a rehab to avoid the garnishment. If the garnishment has started, you will need to make payments over and above the ganrihsment to rehab. Once your account is rehabbed, then you consolidate....this is the only way to get negative info removed.
Quote:If the garnishment has started, you will need to make paym
If the garnishment has started, you will need to make payments over and above the ganrihsment to rehab. |
Will it take 10 months to get this account rehabbed if the OP continues to make payments over and above the garnishment? Also I'd like to know your views regarding the mistake committed by CG services.
Mistakes happen. The CA will reimbuse but it takes time. Reha
Mistakes happen. The CA will reimbuse but it takes time.
Rehab should happen if the OP makes the payments. But right now the garnisment issue needs to be dealt with first.
My employer recieved the wage garnishment. I'm not freaking over
My employer recieved the wage garnishment. I'm not freaking over it though. I only work very part time there. (I have more than one job). So paying over the garnishment will not be too hard on me if it is a reasonable amount. My previous agreed to payment was $75. So, this is my plan. I want to call GC services and work out the additional payments before they realize how little the wage garnishment is. Can I expect GC services to raise the overpayment amount once the low payment is noticed? and how long do I make payments before I am elibile for financial aid, have my credit restored and the garnishment withdrawn?
Once the deficient balance for which your wages are garnished is
Once the deficient balance for which your wages are garnished is recovered by the creditor, he will stop the wage garnishments. As far as overpayment amount is concerned, it will depend upon GC Services whether or not they will accept additional payments.