option to get money back from student cosigned
Date: Thu, 08/02/2012 - 07:28
option to get money back from student cosigned
Since you are the cosigner, you are equally responsible for the
Since you are the cosigner, you are equally responsible for the debt.
If you want to somehow force her to repay you, you will have to get her to sign an agreement with you and have it notarized. Then you could take her to small claims court for repayment.
If she's not paying her student loan, what makes you think she's going to pay you? And, what makes you think she'll sign an agreement with you taking full responsibility for a debt that you're currently on the hook for?
I think family pressure might help in this situation. Ultimatel
I think family pressure might help in this situation. Ultimately the poster of this thread is trying to protect her credit. In a way it could be a win win situation. And if she does sign the agreement and defaults, it can be much easier for a family member to pursue legal remedies as they generally can find out where the borrower works and banks.
Oh, I understand what she's trying to do and I don't blame her o
Oh, I understand what she's trying to do and I don't blame her one bit.
I'm just thinking it's unlikely she'll be able to convince her to sign an agreement accepting full responsibility for a debt she's already not paying.