Student Loan Help Please
Date: Mon, 05/20/2013 - 11:44
Student Loan Help Please
Were you making the required
Were you making the required payments to NES or were they less than what was required?
At this point, since it is with an attorney I would say that you have defaulted on the loan. When they "stopped" taking payments, why did you not contact them?? They must have sent you notices or started calling. I dont know why you would assume you private loans being serviced by a different company than you federal loans would automatically be deferred.
When you default, there is nothing that can be done. You and your cosignor agreed to balance in full on demand if you defaulted on the account. They are under no obligation to offer you payment. This is the reality of private loans. If you do not pay up, they will sue both you and your cosignor. Even if they relent and allow you to make payments, they still will sue you. That is just how it works.