Should I pay off student loans or save money for my marriage?
Date: Tue, 10/27/2020 - 18:07
Should I pay off student loans or save money for my marriage?
Hello Kristie!
Hello Kristie!
I guess you have taken a federal student loan. Repaying a student loan is a long term process like a mortgage loan. But you cannot wait for a long time to get married. That is why my suggestion is first to concentrate on your marriage. You have merely 2 month's time for marriage preparation.
So, first of all, concentrate on your marriage. For student loan debt, talk to the student loan representative.
This can be an ideal strategy.
It is always better if you
It is always better if you can save a certain amount and don't splurge on your marriage.
Yes, you want to enjoy but won't it be better to have a better life after marriage than enjoying a lot and then remain stressed about paying back debt!