garnishment of multiple loans
Date: Mon, 07/04/2011 - 08:31
garnishment of multiple loans
If a person has 8 loans in default, is garnishment taken on each one at 15% of disposable income, or is there a grand total of 15% that can be garnished?
Usually your loans are held by one guarantor....they will garnis
Usually your loans are held by one guarantor....they will garnish 15% for all of your loans in total. Now if you have a second guarantor, additional garnishments can be done, up to your state max.
Check the garnishment laws in your state to get more information
Check the garnishment laws in your state to get more information on this matter. The following url may help you out:
Garnishment laws in general do NOT apply to student loans.
Garnishment laws in general do NOT apply to student loans.