GHS Debt Solutions: Need information about this settlement company
Date: Wed, 06/11/2008 - 08:31
GHS Debt Solutions: Need information about this settlement company
Do they ever allow you to just pay what you can, with a chance of rehabbing it whenever I have a better job?
Also, GHS debt solutions says they can cut the debt to 25,000, and I can pay them $375 a month. I've checked with every other debt solution company and they couldn't help me, but GHS promises they can. I've researched them, and they've got credentials, but i'm mighty sceptical.
If Allied refuses to work with me on a fair and affordable plan, I know I can call the ombusdman.
But should I consider the GHS?
By calling Allied first, will I be messing up GHS's chances of negotiating the debt?
If they do start garnishing, can I ever rehabiliate and lower the debt?
Thank you for your help and your forum. I'm trying to fix my mistakes of youth and keep my marriage together. I'm so scared I can't eat and can barely sleep.
GHS is handing you a line of BS. debt settlement companies cann
GHS is handing you a line of BS. debt settlement companies cannot settle the debt for student loans. The only way to settle a student loan is up front offer of cash...usually they will waive some or all of the collection fees. But 50% off....never! In fact Allied will not work with such companies. Besides, what these companies charge you is better off applied to the student loan itself.
You need to sit down prior to calling allied and make out a financial statement. Rent, utilities, car payment, car insurance, food, expenses. Then call them and tell them you wish to rehab your loan and that you are entitled to reasonable and affordable payments under the Higher Education Act. They will go over your financial statement and should set up a payment plan.
You have to do this....nobody else can do it for you. Quit wasting time looking at other companies to intervene for you. You need to pick up the phone and just get it done.
I Called Allied!
...and they have send my account back to the DOE, to the Default Resolution Group.
I called the Default Resolution Group, and they said they didn't have it, but will contact Allied and make sure that they asked for it back. They're sending me an expenses form to fill out.
My hopes are to negotiate with the DOE before they send it off to another collections.
Have you heard of this happening?
Thanks for making me "man-up" and call them.
No...the account will just be shuffled to another CA. Allie
No...the account will just be shuffled to another CA.
Allied will have to give a response as to why the account is being recalled.
Allied said that the DOE had requested it back... Oh....i was g
Allied said that the DOE had requested it back...
Oh....i was getting some hopes up.
Since the lady at the Default Resolution Group is sending me the expenses form, is she just gonna pass that on to the next collection agency? She made me feel like there was a chance?
So, am I back to square one? This is driving me nuts!
How can i stop more collection charges being added while this account is in transit? OH i'm gonna puke...
So, i just gotta wait until the next collection agency, then call them and make an arrangement? I just hate this so much...
So I called Allied again to find out why the account had been re
So I called Allied again to find out why the account had been recalled.
It hadn't. Allied still has it.
When I asked for debt validation, I asked for all collections activities to be seized.
and they did.
A very scary Allied lady gave me a number for the department that it has been escalated to.
My next question is:
If they will not give me reasonable, affordable payment and they wind up garnishing my wages for the rest of my life, will it ever make a dent in my debt?
I may be mistaken, but I believe they have to give you 'reasonab
I may be mistaken, but I believe they have to give you 'reasonable & affordable payments. That's actually in the law [Higher Education Act], IIRC. Soaplady's the expert on this, give her a little while.
Quote:When I asked for debt validation, I asked for all collecti
When I asked for debt validation, I asked for all collections activities to be seized. |
You cannot do this over the has to be done in writing. EAnd doing so will immediately have start garnishment.
Requesting validation for a student loan is seen as a stall. Ceasing collection activities equals garnishment.
What did you discuss with them....did they offer you a payment plan...did they do financial statement.
I requested debt validation in writing three weeks ago. They qu
I requested debt validation in writing three weeks ago. They quickly responded with a zerox of my signature on the direct loan consolidation in 2002, and a run-down of the original prinicple and the ungodly interest since.
Here is more of my situation:
I'm moving to another state at the end of the summer.
I was unemployed from last december until the beginning of february this year.
Since I have been at my current place of employ for less that 12 months, i believe that they can't garnish yet.
Even though my debt validation is seen as a stall, are they still going to send me the garnishment notice that i have 30 days to comply to, or can they skip that?
Because I want to start rehabbing, but i'm hoping to start next month...still saving for a pricey move, but worried that if i stall too long and they can't garnish, that they'll go after me in other ways.
I'm gonna call them at noon today. wish me luck, and any more hints or tips are appreciated...
To avoid garnishment, you will need to start repayment right awa
To avoid garnishment, you will need to start repayment right away.
In order to use the job defense, you have to have been "involuntarily seperated" from your last job. This means you have to have been fired or laid off...being a contractor or seasonal help doesnt qualify. Also, because you are moving, I would assume you are quitting your current job, which would make garnishment at your next job immediate.
I did get fired from my last job. I have a statement from my ol
I did get fired from my last job. I have a statement from my old employer stating that i was involuntarily terminated, and a statement from my new employee stating when i was hired.
work has me tied up so i can't call allied until later tonight, but what can they do during the three months that i'm here if they can't garnish?
do they start moving in on bank accounts or taking me to trial?
i'm gonna call 'em, but i sure could use another month or two before i start repaying, and i'm wondering if the job defense will buy me some time.
They are not going to want to wait, nor should they have to.
They are not going to want to wait, nor should they have to.
They do not take loans to trial nor do they garnish bank accounts. The only time they file for judgement is for accounts over $100k
I would like to know who at GHS Debt Solutions told you they could help with studet loans. I am a manager there and everyone knows we do not ACCEPT student loans ever
student loans
i called GHS Debt Solutions and asked about student loan , and was told they CAN NOT do them,They are federal and they only do unsecured debts
SCrewed by GHS
Dont do it! These people will promise you everything and give you nothing but sleepless nights and creditors calling even your mother. I'm going thru the Better Business Bureau now.'re getting mixed reviews on your issue but the fact're getting mixed reviews on your issue but the facts are as follows since it appears that you're very concerned about being garnished:
1) if you're head of household, they can't touch your income or your bank account regardless of what the balance outstanding is.
2) garnishment doesn't happen have the right to dispute or attest this action long before it happens. By law, you'll be served papers by the court showing that the creditor has been awarded the judgment...the creditor then needs to get the courts permission to act on the judgment...this is called an Execution Award. Only after they've received the execution can they proceed with garnishment/levy or lien. However don't forget...they still need to know who you're working for, this isn't a simple task unless you've advised them yourself. In addition, you can fight the garnishment by filing out a Claim of better be truthful because if not, opposing counsel will eat you up and the garnishment will be awarded.
3) your employer will be notified of the garnishment order prior to them actually holding anything back from you, they even have to answer to the opposing counsel prior to initiating garnishment.
So my a nut shell, you still have some time to negotiate pymt terms however I agree that you should do it directly with the lender. If it's a collection agency, screw em...wait until you actually get notice from the court (most collection agencies talk the talk but can't walk the walk...they threaten actions that they have no intention of taking or can't - by the way...this is illegal re: FDCPA).
4) IF AND WHEN YOU'RE SERVED WITH A SUMMONS & COMPLAINT...GO TO COURT AND TELL THE JUDGE OF YOUR FINANCIAL HARDSHIP...YOU HAVE A 90% CHANCE OF GETTING THE PAYMENT ARRANGEMENT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR...if you don't go to've just handed a Default Judgment to the creditor...after's just a matter of time before they take actions against you.
good luck from "THE BAD GUY"
On October 7 the debt companies like GHS debt solutions in Flori
On October 7 the debt companies like GHS debt solutions in Florida can no longer charge you up front fees for services.They have to settle at least on card before they can collect fees.Watch out because the crooks are going to go belly up and walk away with all your money.
Watch out for crooks like GHS debt solutions.THEY ARE CROOKS!
Watch out for crooks like GHS debt solutions.THEY ARE CROOKS!
They took me for a ride also.I hope the go belly up and all end
They took me for a ride also.I hope the go belly up and all end up homeless.The bunch of bums!I'm talking about GHS debt solutions.Watch out for Mark and Dave.There are two crooks there named Dave.
You will be sued before they (GHS debt solution)will even talk t
You will be sued before they (GHS debt solution)will even talk to any of your credit card people.You are on your own.They just sit back and take thier fees while your phone is ringing off the hook.Because they tell you to stop paying them and go into default.In the meantime the credit card people are filing suits against you.They (GHS) will not defend you in court.If you end up in court ,the credit card people will get a judgement against you (even if you have no money to pay)When you do get money or property, even if it take years they will be there waitng to take what you owe.That could take years.File for bankruptcy, your better off.It will be off your credit report quicker than paying the CROOKS @ GHS DEbt Sloution.
GHS Debt Solutions is nothing but a scam. They linger promise f
GHS Debt Solutions is nothing but a scam. They linger promise for the first year, after they have collected most of their fee from you. . . .do nothing in resolution because you have not saved enough to negotiate, then in the end you get sued and end up filing bankruptcy unless you can handle the wage garnishment of the law suit. GHS is a scam......GHS is a scam. . . .I cannot repeat that enough.!!!!!!!
Quote:Originally Posted by anonymousyou will be sued before they
Originally Posted by anonymous you will be sued before they (ghs debt solution)will even talk to any of your credit card are on your own.they just sit back and take thier fees while your phone is ringing off the hook.because they tell you to stop paying them and go into the meantime the credit card people are filing suits against you.they (ghs) will not defend you in court.if you end up in court ,the credit card people will get a judgement against you (even if you have no money to pay)when you do get money or property, even if it take years they will be there waitng to take what you owe.that could take years.file for bankruptcy, your better will be off your credit report quicker than paying the crooks @ ghs debt sloution. |
i totally agree. I had the very same experience as state above. Ghs is a scam!!!!!!!
Avoid this company!!! They have ruined my life!!! My credit is r
Avoid this company!!! They have ruined my life!!! My credit is ruined!!! I was so stupid to ever sign up for this program. I get about 20 calls a day from creditors. I was served papers by the police on one of my debts and ghs was only able to settle for 80% of the balance which i have to pay to avoid significant financial implications. This 80% of the balance is greater than the balance when i signed up for the program. They are thieves. They collect your money and leave you hanging out to dry. Anyone please do not work with these thieves, and i only hope that the people responsible for the outrageous lies at ghs are put in jail!!