Student Loans from a School that was not acreditate and now is bankrupt!
Date: Fri, 07/15/2011 - 01:43
Student Loans from a School that was not acreditate and now is bankrupt!
I would appricate any advise or answer.
Thank you!
Where you still in attendance when the school filed bankruptcy?
Where you still in attendance when the school filed bankruptcy? Did they actually close? What was the name of the school?
Student Loans from a school that file for bankruptcy
I left two years before the school file for bankruptcy, the school was Brooks College in Long Beach California. The school close and is no longer around. I left the school because many of the classes were been taught by the same students and they kept on adding more onto my loans and I was not getting any benefit from their school. Now I am in an imense debt with loans and don't know what to do?
Thank you for responding, I hope this information is of help and you respond back
The school was accredited...
The school was accredited... Now how much this means, I dont know. Nobody really monitors these accrediting bodies.
Unfortunately, you were not attending the school when it closed. Federal regs allow loan cancellation and provisions for students who were in attendance when the school closed or had attended with 6 months. You are way outside that provision.
What type of loans do you have? Private or federal?