Student Loans and credit counseling
Date: Mon, 09/19/2005 - 10:22
Student Loans and credit counseling
Hi Brian93, Welcome to forums. Since federal student loan
Hi Brian93,
Welcome to forums.
Since federal student loan issues are controlled by the federal government, the scope of negotiation is limited to some extent.
Federal student loans cover some explicit plans and mechanisms like, how to stay current on your student loan account, different repayment options and definitely a counselor can guide you to the right way to select the best route. Thus the role of the counselor cannot be denied.
When it comes to consolidation loan, the loan providers may offer some specific facilities, which in turn may vary for different loan holders. Moreover, a counselor can always help you to find out the best place to service your consolidation loan.
As far as non federal student loans are concerned, there is lot of scope to negotiate with the lender. So credit counseling makes you think technically and fetches a bunch of benefits on your way.