Unable to pay student loans
Date: Thu, 07/01/2010 - 14:27
Unable to pay student loans
bherron, you need to give us more information on your student lo
bherron, you need to give us more information on your student loans. Can you tell whether or not these student loans are federal or private? How many loans do you have? You can consolidate all your loans into a single one, and take out a new loan to pay off the other loans. However, if your loans are Federal Student Loans, you can also try for deferment of these loans, or can also apply for student loan forgiveness.
Your best bet is to ask if they will offer rehabilitation. But t
Your best bet is to ask if they will offer rehabilitation. But that requires payment.
Loan consolidation is an option to get out of default. If you go with a icrp you don't have to make a payment to qualify for consolidation. Just make sure not to default on that loan.