student loan help
Date: Fri, 04/23/2010 - 19:02
student loan help
I need help communicating with sallie mae. Most of my loan debt is accrued interest. I have a good annual income however I have 2 chronic illnesses that take up most of my is slim and they do not listen to what i am saying...i cannot afford the monthly payment. if i pay the paymemnt i skip required medical attention i need...end result is death or just increased medical needs.. i am not disable am able to work if i receive the medical treatment i need....
As far as your situation is concerned it is better for you to go
As far as your situation is concerned it is better for you to go for the federal student loans and not the private ones.Private student loans cover up 100% of the school costs but charge a high rate of interest and the borrowing options are very stringent, if federal loans are concerned in the contrary they have a lower interest rate and borrowing options are not that stringent.
Rebecca...that doesnt help her now....she has already borrowed.
Rebecca...that doesnt help her now....she has already borrowed. Just trying to find out what type of loans she currently has.