Date: Sat, 10/20/2012 - 01:46
Hello my question was DMP vs chap 7 Im currently in the Army and deployed to AF Im due to return home in June I want to try to clean my credit up while Im away so I can have a better chance of buying a new home when I return. This would be my second ch 7. the last time I had to do it my credit score went up after 6 mons do you think it would be wise to do it again. Im looking for a short term fix vs a long term.
You have already filed bankruptcy once and you messed up your cr
You have already filed bankruptcy once and you messed up your credit again?? If you file bankruptcy a second time I am predicting now you will be in debt and foreclosure again in the next 10 years. You need to learn how to budget and pay your bills...not utilize bankruptcy as a short term fix.
The army has financial counselors you can see. Please take advan
The army has financial counselors you can see. Please take advantage of one. BK is not a way to fix cash flow problems...