In debt, can't afford bills, how do I get back on my feet?
Date: Thu, 04/18/2013 - 07:37
In debt, can't afford bills, how do I get back on my feet?
First off I would register
First off I would register with the forums.. and lets see you have to car loans you can't afford, you can't afford a place to live, your insurance went up from more than likely them running your credit, you have taken a substantial cut in pay, I would definitely be considering can get rid of the car by having the loan discharged completely, as well as include your credit card bills and any other debt you may have - excluding student loans or government debt like taxes. .. And you can get your finances in line with what you make now, not what your were making.. Oh and next time you buy a car - make sure that on your insurance you have gap coverage so you don't get in this mess again.
Qualifying for BK is a good
Qualifying for BK is a good question. You will need to consult a BK attorney. BK seems like a good option in getting rid of the loan although filing is going to trash your credit.
Your insurance possibly went up because of the accident last year. They usually take the opportunity to raise cost during policy renewals.