Check N Go installment loan
Date: Fri, 04/12/2013 - 11:08
Check N Go installment loan
Try for EPP with the Check N
Try for EPP with the Check N Go wherein the interest rate will be frozen. You can pay off the total debt amount in 4 equal installments.
There are 2 ways to go about
There are 2 ways to go about this.
1. Call them and ask for the EPP. With the EPP the interest is going to be frozen and the remaining loan balance is going to be spread over 2-5 pay periods. It might work for you but given the high loan balance, those monthly payment chunks might grow larger.
2. In case the EPP route does not seem feasible, revoke ACH in writing which would automatically force the account into collections. You can negotiate on the terms of repayment after that. It would be substantially easier to do so.
Check n Go update
I called CNG & they offered me a settlement of 50%. Manageable biweekly payments. I will be done with this in 4 months!
Check N Go
I am just curious, but were you in default, or was your account current when you called them?
Extended Payment Plan!
Extended Payment Plan! Usually breaks balance up into 4 or 5 payments so can pay off..