Sending collection letter using different return address
Date: Mon, 07/23/2012 - 22:42
Sending collection letter using different return address
Got a letter today from an ONWEST21, P.O. Box 1022, Wixom, MI. 48393-1022. There was the usual letters saying that I owe so much money to Sallie Mae. The thing is that on the payment stub has West Asset Management, Inc., P.O. Box 790113, St. Louis, MO. 631790113.
I am on disability, and Sallie Mae had my disability check garnished for over a year now. West wants me to start a program designed to reduce the amount taken from my check each month - the William D. Ford Program. West told me that I owe about $4000. If I allow the garnishment to stand as is, I will have Sallie Mae paid off by 12/3/2015. Otherwise, I will be paying until 2020.
What to do?
I am on disability, and Sallie Mae had my disability check garnished for over a year now. West wants me to start a program designed to reduce the amount taken from my check each month - the William D. Ford Program. West told me that I owe about $4000. If I allow the garnishment to stand as is, I will have Sallie Mae paid off by 12/3/2015. Otherwise, I will be paying until 2020.
What to do?
I don???t have any knowledge about this. Let???s see w
I don???t have any knowledge about this. Let???s see what the other forum experts say.
Quote:Got a letter today from an ONWEST21, P.O. Box 1022, Wixom,
Got a letter today from an ONWEST21, P.O. Box 1022, Wixom, MI. 48393-1022. There was the usual letters saying that I owe so much money to Sallie Mae. The thing is that on the payment stub has West Asset Management, Inc., P.O. Box 790113, St. Louis, MO. 631790113. |
It says Sallie Mae?? Or your guarantor? SM would have filed a default claim against you with either the Department of Education or a regional guarantee agency.
I am on disability, and Sallie Mae had my disability check garnished for over a year now. West wants me to start a program designed to reduce the amount taken from my check each month - the William D. Ford Program. West told me that I owe about $4000. If I allow the garnishment to stand as is, I will have Sallie Mae paid off by 12/3/2015. Otherwise, I will be paying until 2020. |
Are you taking into account accruing interest and collection fees assessed you your account?
Sounds like they are proposing a rehab.It will reduce your monthly payment significantly. Guess it depends if you can live with the 15% being guarnished out of your disability.