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Persels and Associates: How dependable is it?

Date: Tue, 11/04/2008 - 08:43

Submitted by chrisiw
on Tue, 11/04/2008 - 08:43

Posts: Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 71

Persels and Associates: How dependable is it?

I'm working with Care One and they want to refer me to Persels and associates llc for a debt settlement program. Our credit sucks - so I'm not worried about a settlement program damaging our credit- I'm more concerned about the fees. The guy from care one, said I'd have to pay 100.00 to retain Persels & Associates debt settlement company. What other fees do they make you pay? I read online that a lot of times they want the fees up front. I can not afford a lot of fees - hence why I'm looking into a debt settlement.

Does anyone have advice on this? This is just stressing me out to the max. I do not feel like myself anymore. :( I just want all this crap to be taken care of...

Thanks in advance.


Most settlement companies just charge a percentage of your total debt - the common amount seems to be 15%. I am in a settlement program, and there are no other costs or retainers other than that fee. It is a three-year program, and their fee is spread out over the first 18 months or so, but when I make a monthly payment only a PORTION of that payment goes toward the fee - the rest is available for settling accounts. I have been able to settle three accounts, including two of my largest, in the first 10 months (began the program in Feb.). A fourth account, my largest of all, I did on my own outside of the program because my funds in the settlement program were committed to settling another account at that time. Because of that, my settlement company deducted the estimated settlement amount of the account I did on my own, and their fees that would have been associated with it, making my monthly payments lower.

Paying the fee for me was alright, because I had so much debt and so many creditors and just wanted to turn the whole mess over to professionals. I did a lot of research and found a company I believed to be a good one, and so far they have done a super job. HOWEVER, many people have good luck in just settling their accounts on their own, so they don't have to pay any fees at all. You might want to look further into that, negotiating with your creditors on your own. I would have gone this route if I didn't have such a large debt, or so many cards. I have read a lot of good info on this site about that; check out previous posts about settling debt on your own and you will find some good advice.


Submitted by SusieQ on Tue, 11/04/2008 - 09:50

( Posts: 302 | Credits: )

Did they say what their fees were and over how long of a time did they take them ? Also what state do you live ? Who do you owe and how much ? How delinquent are the accounts ?

They did not say what their fees would be. I live in Ohio. I owe a lot of people. collection agencies (from charged off credit cards) collection agencies for medical bills - a past due tax bill,
*sigh* too many people... :(

They are really delinquent - like 1-3 years.


Submitted by chrisiw on Tue, 11/04/2008 - 10:21

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I am with Superior Debt Services, and they were very up front with their fees and how they are collected, way before I signed up with them. What worries me about your case, is that they won't tell you what the fees actually are. Doesn't sound like they are up front with their potential clients, which could mean trouble later on. I certainly wouldn't consider signing up with someone who won't even tell you how much they are going to charge you. Smells fishy.


Submitted by SusieQ on Tue, 11/04/2008 - 12:45

( Posts: 302 | Credits: )

I had car one originally,
Now I am with Persels and Associates LLC.
They already have a settlement with one of my companies now. Persels settled a balance of 877.00
To 465.00
By July this will be paid off.
I pay them 274.00 a month.
88.00 toward the settlement and the rest to start new settlements with other companies.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/23/2009 - 12:06

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

all settlement companies charge differently. some charge 15% of the origional debt a little out of the account every single month, some charge outragous upfront fees right at the beginning (not advised) and nothing else, and some charge a % of what was saved by thier settlement agreement (makes them work harder, the better the settlement the better they get paid)

so it all depends on that particular company on how they charge and how much. This should be a open book, and they should be upfront about it, if they are shady and don't want to discuss it, use caution.


Submitted by love_my_things on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 07:14

( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

If you plan on going with careone, they will refer you to Persels & Associates to handle settlements. With them, all they tell you is $100 is for legal fees. They don't tell you that every month for the next 18 months, legal fees will be deducted from your monthly payments.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/30/2009 - 10:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been with Care One for about 6m. and honestly if your creditors are anything like mine-Cap. One, they don't want to work with you or settle with you so they take you to court. Joining Care One and getting to speak with Persels & Associates has really saved me because I have no idea what all of the legal paperwork is and how to go about fighting for your rights in a civil case. Persels has given me a lot of advice and guidance legally. I have had to go to the courthouse to do a lot of filings and I actually go to court today for a trial on this $5000 debt that Cap. One refuses to settle on. I would recommend paying a few legal fees. Care One did disclose EVERYTHING to me up front and they send statements every month breaking down how much money goes to legal and how much into my settlement account.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 04/06/2009 - 09:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Long story short- lost job- had mini stroke-paniced. Not behind on payments at that time but struggling and about to sink. Called Care-One- couldn't afford debt management- go straight to debt settlement with Percels and Associates LLC,- when you are in panic mode, that friendly voice on the other end telling you that you can be out of debt in 5 years for 483.00 a month sounds like a savior- even though they mention that some creditiors may not want to settle right away, and the attorneys would councel you and help you if they tried to take you to court, but not represent you. We signed the contract, no one held a gun to our head, and emotional duress doesn't count. We stopped making payments to the creditors as instructed, to make the negotiation process easier, we paid P&A 3000.00 dollars over 6 months, had one 240.00 debt settled, We are being taken to court by three creditors now, filed the answers they gave us to file, paid the 75.00 x3 filing fees, and are still being sued. Was told by Percels and Associates debt settlement firm if we could just send 800.00 more to tthem extra, they might be able to negotiate before wage garnishment takes place. Thought: If I had the 3000.00 back that went for attorney fees to P&A except for the 240.00 and 100.00 in escrow acct, I could pay 2 of them and the 240.00 debt they settled for me. Thought: If I would have taken that 483.00 a month and paid off these creditors one by one I'd still be in better shape than I am now, and would probably have avoided bancruptcy which I am now considering. I cancelled P&A, said goodbye to the 2760.00, will probably have to pay them 50.00 more because of the 150.00 early termination fee, and feel like a first class idiot. Take it from me, if you can't afford the debt management program, through your self at the mercy of your creditors and hang on to your money to pay them. Don't give someone else your money to pay their bills with for some words of comfort and a couple of months worth of false relief. That safety net has a big hole in it.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 08:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

(Part 1) May 2009 I just started with Care One..I was advised about the $100.00 retainer fee then when we went over all the bills that were behind it turns out that I could not afford the Care One monthly payment plan which was about $425.00 a month. So I was suggested to go with P & A. Care One emailed me the nessary(excuse my misspelling) paper work....I read EVERYTHING...even the blogs here. To give you an idea where I stand...I lost my job in Sept 2008 I've been on UE up to this point May 2009. I have 6 Bills that have fallen behind and creditors calling me for payment..(I stopped answering my cell phone). My 6 unpaid bills equal to be $20,000.00; for the next 60 months with P & A, I will be paying $225.00;(but I don't plan to staying with them that long, I will get a job somewhere) anyway within the first 5 months of the $225.00; $34.00 will be put in a Trust Account and $191.00 will be paid to the Lawyer; then the next 13 months $84.00 will be put into the Trust Account and $141.00 will be paid to the Lawyer. P & A has sent me ALL of the paperwork of what they do and what they don't do, there's no secret your snail mail from them when you get it! Since I'm new on the program the only complaint I have is that in their letter they state...that when a collector calls and leaves a number and name; to write it down and at what time they call, then call P & A and let them know; well I did just that and the secretary did not want the info, she stated to call them when we receive a letter from the creditor of any changes...I'll keep you posted..................


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 05/29/2009 - 04:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i'm more confused. i've been with P&A for 2 months and they did give me a breakdown of my payments/their fees, etc. when i initiallly signed up i thought it was a 4 yr. plan(which seemed more reasonable/legit then companies promising 12 mon.) but now they're telling me that they won't negotiate till i have 40% in my escrow account to settle. but considering they are taking out they're fee's, that is going to take a while before they even settle with my creditors. plus, i just was told i needed a signed POA for them to settle. anyone else hear of this? it concerns me and i haven't done it yet. i did like my initial discussions with care one credit and i have received replies to any of my calls or emails but i'm hearing from both sides and don't know if i should get out. help


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 06/26/2009 - 09:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been working in the collection buisness for several years and I am telling you run away! Get as far away from the DSA's as possible. if you cant make your bills now why would you add another bill to the pile? Call you creditors and collection agency's work with them directly, most of the time you will get the same results (ie, settlement) that the DSA would get only you forego having to pay an outside agency to do it for you. Also alot of these creditors will stop or reduce the interest and penalties you are accruing if you will just set up a re-occuring payment with a checking or savings account. So in closing grow up, handle your buisness and take your lumps. you made the debt and ultimately it will be you who has to pay it, better to face the music now than giving a DSA 1-5 years to screw with your credit even more. Most of "us" meaning collectors and creditors are more willing to work with you than you might think.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 11:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

p&a took about 7000 of my money over 7 months and only settled the tiniest of my debts equalling less than $2000. i have about 80k in debt. i was never told (but probably was in the fine print somewhere) that theyd be taking legal fees for 18 months. so from the 1000 they were taking monthly, 100 was going into an escrow account. when i cancelled my account and complained, they stated that the program works for the majority of their customers. im assuming that the majority was not in great of a debt as i was in.
if you have a small amount of debt. it might not be a bad idea. if you have a great debt, try to save the money on your own and settle directly with the creditors (or collection agencies when they are turned over to them). stop paying your ccs for about 6-8 months and the settlement offers will literally start pouring in. i received these letters as SOOON as i cancelled with p&a. but at that time, i had NOTHING saved up as i was giving the bulk of my income to p&a. when i cancelled with them, they waived my cancellation fee bc i was very angry with them, and i let them know that.
if you are only 2-3 months into the program, cancel immediately and do it on your own. there are alot of resources out there. i was under care one originally, and i realy liked them. but debt settlement companies are dangerous. there are more out there to take advantage of you than help you.

good luck to you all.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/23/2009 - 16:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Listen people, it sounds to me like you guys are expecting miracles. They are trying to settle your debts for about 50% off the balance. If they are attempting to cut the debt in half it is going to take time, they have haggle with th creditors. If you read the contract it says that you legal fees are 15% of the debt and is taken out of your first 18 payments and the $100.00 retainer goes towards that 15%. After they take the legal fees out of your payment the rest goes into an escrow account and is held there until the creditors agree to settlement. If you need to contact them I would suggest that you call and not email, your questions and concerns will adresses faster if you speak with a direct person. And remember you did not get into debt overnight so do not expect to get out of debt overnight!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 08/12/2009 - 13:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I was with CareOne / Persels for almost a year and I can say based on my experience, it was tragic! I only had a few creditors not even exceeding $15,000 total debt and now I am facing 2 lawsuits, hearings here and there and notices from my other creditors. I will NOT be represented when I go to court and just imagine how that will go. I had no choice but to file bankruptcy for my situation has worsen. Paid Persels about $1,500, no refunds upon termintaion, no settlement made with my creditors, 2 lawsuits and counting AND guess what... I am still in debt!

Now I am with a local lawyer who I see in person and I know will be there when worse comes to worst.

Good Luck to you all!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 11:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I'm coming form the other side of the fence- working for a collection agency. The fees that you are paying these debt settlement companies up front could be put right toward your debts (most collection agencies are more than willing to get you set up on payment plans to get the debt paid off in 1-2 years!). If you can't afford to pay off your debt in 1-2 years of payments, your second best bet is to settle the debt. Our company doesn't settle for less than 50%- PERIOD. Early on you'll have chances to settle for less, take them while you can, because the more time that passes, the more likely they are to demand a higher amount for a settlement- after, my option is- do I work with the client and get a settlement for 50%, or get all of it guaranteed, by sending it to our legal department and having wages garnishes or a judgement put on your property? A settlement is a privledge, if you can do it,- do it. It doesn't look as good on your credit as paying of the balance in full, but if it's your only option to avoid litigation, go for it.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 08/29/2009 - 18:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Ha, I just read the comment someone said about how it "takes time for haggle the creditors for settlements" When I can get one of our cardmembers to answer the phone, they can send me a fax (1 piece of paper, nothing worth sending to a debt settlement co) that day, and if we accept the settlement offer they can pay that day too. If we don't accept it, we call the cardmember back the next day and offer them the counteroffer. Boy, that sure took a long time...


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 08/29/2009 - 18:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Be EXTREAMILY cautious with Persels & Associates! I would give them the worst rating humanly possible! They're putting me through more PAIN then I can mention. Recently, I wound up in a very uneasy situation because a creditor was not satisfied with the settlement being offered. So that firm wants to sue me, by the way they have not been paid in 31 months because they do not like the settlement being offered. Now I have to find an attorney who can help clean up this MESS it will be VERY COSTLY not just to my finances, but credit rating as well. Right now my credit rating is probably like being in the sub zero's and sinking fast. The worst thing is I DO'NT diserve this at all. I did nothing WRONG! just take Persels advise make monthly payments and I'll be just fine.All that did is get me in more trouble putting me in Cival Court. The worst is still to come CLEANING up this MESS! It may take a while but hopefully I can get this matter resolved. I guess you really can't take even well meaning people at their word. It's so hard finding honest people these days Persels And Associates may have meant well but they ruined me! Like I said BE EXTRAMILY CAUTIOUS with Persels (And other's also) I'm DEFINETLY looking FORWARD to a FRESH BEGINNING someday. Question is when will that day come?


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 09/03/2009 - 16:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
If you plan on going with careone, they will refer you to Persels & Associates to handle settlements. With them, all they tell you is $100 is for legal fees. They don't tell you that every month for the next 18 months, legal fees will be deducted from your monthly payments.

I am with persels and they explained in detail how much every month was taken out for legal fees.maybe you talked to an uninformed person.I found them to be very helpful in explaing things.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/09/2009 - 11:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I would just like to say thank you to all who have shared their experiences. I signed up today, however, I haven't had any money taken out yet and thanks to everyone I won't be. In fact, I will be canceling this program at the very earliest tomorrow. I plan to take a different route. After hearing how people are being sued, etc. I think I'll take my chances on something else.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 09/22/2009 - 13:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Have any of you ever received a check from Persels & Associates? I singed up with CareOne at one point and they never mentioned Persels to me. Now, a few months later, I have received a check for $100 - I have no idea for what.

I am tempted to just tear it up. Why on earth would they be giving me money when apparently all they are good at is taking other peoples...



Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 10/15/2009 - 13:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I worked with them for about six months. I then received a summons and got scared. I cancelled my account with them right away. I did receive reimbursement for the money that I had given (minus fees) very easily. I found Care One/Persels to be open and honest. I think I got caught up in the idea that they would handle all of my problems if I paid the monthly fee. Unfortunately, the creditors continue to come after you and many don't care if you are in a management or settlement program. They will sue you for the money you legally owe. My only problem with the company was the attorney assigned to me in Ohio. I did not feel comfortable with him and he told me to file bankrupcy. Luickly I didn't follow that route and have since consolidated my debt and paid what I rightfully charged onto my credit cards.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/16/2009 - 16:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Yes. Get out now!!! Do a lot more research on them. I know someone who's being sued by their creditors because of these settlelment people's deceptive practices. Do not give them poa. Do a lot more research on them & call the BBB. Investigate & read the Consumer Report. Investigate, investigate, investigate!!! Itruly believe they're scam artists.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 23:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I worked with them for about six months. I then received a summons and got scared. I cancelled my account with them right away. I did receive reimbursement for the money that I had given (minus fees) very easily. I found Care One/Persels to be open and honest. I think I got caught up in the idea that they would handle all of my problems if I paid the monthly fee. Unfortunately, the creditors continue to come after you and many don't care if you are in a management or settlement program. They will sue you for the money you legally owe. My only problem with the company was the attorney assigned to me in Ohio. I did not feel comfortable with him and he told me to file bankrupcy. Luickly I didn't follow that route and have since consolidated my debt and paid what I rightfully charged onto my credit cards.

Can you tell me the name of the attorney? I am in ohio and just signed up today.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/28/2009 - 11:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If your finances are bad enough where you need to be in a DMP for 4 or 5 years, consider filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. It is the ultimate DMP - lower payments, no phone calls from creditors, REAL attorneys who provide REAL legal advice, no judgments. Don't waste your time or money with these type of programs. Most of them can not handle tax issues, child support issues or even deliquency on car notes. Bankruptcy can take care of all those problems.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 10/29/2009 - 08:58

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Ihave been with Persels for almost 3 years of a 5 year settlement plan. This is the way to go if you own nothing. If you own property, house, new car, stocks or anything else would not be the best choice. Yes you do need to sign a power of attorney which lasts for the settlement period but only applies to the items you place in the settlement. If they do not have your power of attorney the credit card companies can refuse to divulge info or even talk to them. When you pay each month they take their fee and the rest goes in escrow. As the escrow amount grows it is easier for them to deal as the credit cards companies or collection companies want their money in one lump payment or a lump and a few payments. I have had 3 that went court and got settlements against me. I have had 1 of those settled and one dismissed without prejudice. Be very careful if you have any creditors that get court settlements. They will empty your bank account and this process will freeze your accounts for over a month. Don't think you can hide your money then they will garnish your paycheck. When I went in debt settlement 3 years ago Ihad contacted 2 c/c companies to try to get relief but their answer was as long as you can make min. payment we won't help sorry. Maybe in todays financial climate they might be more receptive to you the individual.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 11/29/2009 - 17:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

In response to Collector, how dare you tell people to grow up and handle their bussiness. Some people loose thier jobs, some get sick, and some have drug addicted family that steals from them, so who are you to give such hated advise and comments. I was on care one and they helped me take care of 6 of my debts but because of a drug addicted child and a gambling husband I could not get ahead. So I joined P & A, they have been upfront with me about everything, are settling 2 accounts ($700 & $600) now and will paid by April and I have only been with them since October. I signed for a car note for my (now ex) son in law and daughter, and when they broke it off he stoped making the payments. Then my oldest daughter asked me to help her buy a pc for collecge and she did good until her husband lost his job, but could no longer make the payments, thus adding to my debt. So I do nice things for people and this is how I got payed. so for you collector of credit cards, I can only pray that nothing happens in your life that you are in the same boat as the rest of us. I have stressed over all my bills and Care One and P & A have been a life saver for me literaly.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 12/05/2009 - 08:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i wouldnt worry to much about critisism alot of people just get on here to get a rise out of others. stuff happens, as long as your taken the steps to straighten things out your on the right track. good luck to you!

Also to previous posts, a 5 year plan is a very long time for settlement and you surely will end up in court, 2 years or less is best if you can swing it.


Submitted by love_my_things on Sat, 12/05/2009 - 09:39

( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

Persels & Associates took advantage of us. We paid out $187 for 8/9 mos while still getting calls/letters, etc...only to find out that they never even contacted our creditors. They were taking our money for "lawyer fees"! Fees for WHAT? And something else, how can Care One give a direct referral to them alone? Are they in bed together...? Isn't that against the law, or is that only for doctors?


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 01/04/2010 - 17:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Seems like not too many people has had much success with P&A. I am new to the program and my worst nightmare is being sued and having my paycheck garnished. I have been with P&A for 4 months and receive creditors calls on every available phone number I would love to hear some more success stories. This is starting to affect my health. I made the bills and am willing to repay the CC but I am so far behind (90+ days) I cannot catch up. Does anyone know how long before the CC tries to sue?


I am starting to get a very bad feeling about my decision.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 01/11/2010 - 19:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have nothing but good luck with Persels and Associates (so far!) I think the $100 start up fee is so they know you are serious about doing this. It's very hard to put all that debt in someone elses hands. It was very very hard for me. And there fees go down as you move along in the process.

I have been with them for almost a year now. I was paying out about $750 a month to my creditors, making the minimum payments and realized I would be paying them for the rest of my life. Now I give them half of that, I have money for food and gas now, and to give you an example, they settled with my largest creditor first, from $8000 to $2500!

And you are right, you credit is already ruined if you are in the same boat I was in. But when I am done with the program in approx 3 more years, my credit will start looking better and I will NEVER EVER get another credit card as long as I live. I will put that $400 a month in a savings account ! ! !


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 01/15/2010 - 05:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I've been a customer of Persels and Assoc for almost 15 mths now for credit card settlement. Of the 10 cards in dispute, they have paid off 2 at about a 30% reduction. I was informed before contracting with them exactly what their fees would be and that those fees would be taken out in monthly payments only for the first 18 mths, in addition to the escrow used for settlement. They also inform you that most of your debt will probably not be settled until after that 18 mths is up. In addition, they send me monthly statements identifying exactly how much is in my escrow acct. I really don't understand those that act like this is a big surprise or has been withheld from them. You DO have to sign a contract with them that stipulates all their terms.

It's definitely not for the faint of heart, waiting so long for your debt to be resolved, while your credit score continues to plummet. I'm not sure I would use them again. But, in their defense, I have to say that they have handled my account EXACTLY as contracted. One of my debtors sent me a notice to appear in court and Persels sent me legal documents in answer to be mailed to the court and the creditor. All I had to do was sign it and mail and to date have never had to make a court appearance. Once you sign with Persels, your creditors must by law stop contact with you and stop harassing you. Persels gives you letters to send to all your creditors stating that they are now representing you and further correspondence should be sent to them. When a debt is sold to a new company, which will happen frequently, you are asked to fax that info to Persels. I have never had these collection companies continue to contact me, and if they do, you need to firmly remind them of your legal rights!

That greatly reduced my stress and allowed me to focus on other areas of my life. I was so stressed trying to make the cc payments that I had gotten behind on my mortgage, and once turning the ccards over to Persels, have been able to get caught up with that! Remember, there is no debtor's prison, but they can take your home away!

Also, in Persel's defense, I've always gotten through to them immediately and have never had a problem getting any questions answered from them, and found them to be both professional and courteous. I've never had problems with debt before and felt completely unequipped to deal with the creditors. I needed to turn it over to experts, and can't say they've done anything unfair or fraudulent. My only complaint is the length of time it's taking to get results. In my opinion, it's the greed driven banks and their excessive interest rates and fees that are sucking the life out of the American people!


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 01/31/2010 - 17:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I was with Care One for about a year when my husband lost his job. Thats when they refured us to persels and associates. Whe have been with them since March 2009 and have settaled 5 accounts for 50% or more af what we owed on them. We had to go to court for 2 of them once, but it took five minutes inthe court room and we had them ppaid off in no more than three months each. P&A where there every step of the way for support and questions. My attorny through P&A is very easy to get in touch with. If I call him and cant reach him right away he calls me right back, and same goes with email. I have always been treated very good with this company. And I am very greatful for what they have done for me and my family.They even got ate cpaital one accounts settled for 50% of what we owed.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 02/17/2010 - 08:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Persels & associates are crooks. They do not help you at all! You are just giving your money away. They do not do anything at all! They do not even keep track of work they suppose do for you. You cannot get any information from them. All they tell you in the end is for you to declare a bankruptcy. Would be great see them all burn in hell!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 13:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Be very careful and read everything they send you. My unsecured debt was around $77,000. I was under tremendous stress and worries about surgery and a cancer diagnosis and needed to have someone deal with the companies. I didn't read all of it thoroughly. They charged me $11,000+ in "legal fees" that they will not detail. Also, one of the accounts went to court. Even though I told the attorney I wanted it settled (I had come in to some money and I applied all of it to their escrow account) she decided we needed to try to outsmart the plaintiff. So far I have a judgment and two garnishment orders. If things are not going right, they will not return your calls or e-mails. I have just mailed a check to the court to settle this account because Persels will not give me any advice about what to do.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 03/05/2010 - 08:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I accrued several credit lines of debt. Most was accrued, because I am an individual with disabilities. I work, but I am underemployed. And, due to the disability, I have faced exceptional opportunity for discrimination. My insurance premiums have risen tremendously each year, and insurance doesn't cover the cost of my medications and treatments. The lines of credit paid for food when health care providers wouldn't take credit. They paid for medication I needed to avoid having my body deteriorate further.

I worked overtime and earned enough money at my job to pay extra each time I made my payments. My balances were going down, but in Oct. 2008, my employer closed their doors. I got another job, but not making the same amount. Then my credit card companies jacked up my interest rates, even those that were supposed to be fixed, and raised my monthly payments.

I believe your collector in the note above suggests calling your creditors and explaining your situation and trying to work with them. I did this repeatedly. They did not care that their decision to raise my (in some cases fixed) rates and my payments to astronomical amounts was causing me to have to choose between food and medicine. In fact these (willing to work with you) creditors were condescending and had that same attitude that (if you will read the collectors comment above mine) you will detect. Their attitude was that it was my problem. Period

I took my problem to Persels. By this time I was extremely ill. This resulted in major surgery in December followed by a digestive disease at a level of severity that normally kills 30% of its victims. During this time (nine months) Persels took my $240+ per month and settled zero accounts. They were keeping the money for their fee. They weren't even effective in communicating my situation with the one hostile collector I only owed about $2000 to so that they would stop the process of serving me and running me back and forth to the court house. While I was doing that, I should have been at work. I was already about to take an FMLA. One of the trips to the courthouse was on an icy day. There was no other choice as Persels would not prepare papers until the last minute. Again, I am disabled. I fell on the ice, and fell out into the street in front of the courthouse.

I am a compassionate individual, so if my worst enemy were about to make the worst mistake of their life and enroll with Persels, I would talk him/her out of it.

During 2009 and January 2010, I was very ill and this resulted in a major surgery, followed by a lengthly digestive disorder that causes death in 30% of its victims.
By that time I was under the loving care of Persels. During this time I was under the care of Persels. I would not recommend them to my worst enemy. No one should ever have to experience what I went through with them.

They actually gave me over $1000 of my money back though, because I kept calling them and complaining. Also when they BEGAN TO AVOID MY CALLS I put my situations on their online chat site. In addition I used the on line white pages to look up the number to their administrative office when they began to block my calls. And, I made reports to the Better Business Bureau on them. They don't like those. In the end, I got the over $1000 back and an ugly letter from them about my excessive calling.


At this time I am engaging in a different strategy. I am eligible for Chapter 7. I would rather settle, but if this isn't possible I have enough on hand to pay the attorney I have selected for the Chapter 7. If one creditor harrasses me between now and the time I have every creditor on board with a good settlement plan. They ALL lose ALL of their money. In this situation, I think that's fair. Please warn everyone you know. Do not use Care One nor Persels. Persels is horrible. Care One is their front.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 20:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by chrisiw
i'm working with care one and they want to refer me to persels and associates llc for a debt settlement program. Our credit sucks - so i'm not worried about a settlement program damaging our credit- i'm more concerned about the fees. The guy from care one, said i'd have to pay 100.00 to retain persels & associates debt settlement company. What other fees do they make you pay? I read online that a lot of times they want the fees up front. I can not afford a lot of fees - hence why i'm looking into a debt settlement.
Does anyone have advice on this? This is just stressing me out to the max. I do not feel like myself anymore. :( i just want all this crap to be taken care of...
Thanks in advance.

***************don't do it ******************** do your homework*********


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 04/06/2010 - 11:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by anonymous
p&a took about 7000 of my money over 7 months and only settled the tiniest of my debts equalling less than $2000. I have about 80k in debt. I was never told (but probably was in the fine print somewhere) that theyd be taking legal fees for 18 months. So from the 1000 they were taking monthly, 100 was going into an escrow account. When i cancelled my account and complained, they stated that the program works for the majority of their customers. Im assuming that the majority was not in great of a debt as i was in.
If you have a small amount of debt. It might not be a bad idea. If you have a great debt, try to save the money on your own and settle directly with the creditors (or collection agencies when they are turned over to them). Stop paying your ccs for about 6-8 months and the settlement offers will literally start pouring in. I received these letters as sooon as i cancelled with p&a. But at that time, i had nothing saved up as i was giving the bulk of my income to p&a. When i cancelled with them, they waived my cancellation fee bc i was very angry with them, and i let them know that.
If you are only 2-3 months into the program, cancel immediately and do it on your own. There are alot of resources out there. I was under care one originally, and i realy liked them. But debt settlement companies are dangerous. There are more out there to take advantage of you than help you.
Good luck to you all.

you all need to realize that you can do the same thing they can without being ripped off! Debt does not just go away as you wish it.......take it one bill and one day at a time - avoid the rip offs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 04/06/2010 - 11:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I didn't know Care One was using them - what a joke. Will tell everyone I know and posts to my website to avoid using Care One. The entire 'debt settlement' = 'debt resolution' - industry needs to be regulated. All they do is get people more in debt. They issue cease & desist letters so you think they are doing their job but all they've done is make it illegal for the creditor to talk to you or to discuss settlement with you! Now the creditor has to deal with them and they don't return the calls of creditors either. They got your $ - no sweat - right?


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 04/06/2010 - 12:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )