Can I decide on my own how much to pay to a consolidation or a settlement company?
Date: Mon, 05/22/2017 - 23:32
Can I decide on my own how much to pay to a consolidation or a settlement company?
Usually, the consolidation or
Usually, the consolidation or settlement companies decide an affordable amount for you after assessing your financial condition. However, you can obviously have a discussion to decide on thye payable amount.
If your financial condition
If your financial condition is too bad, then you will get assistance on it. After that, you will get a payment rate according to your affordability. I think this will help you.
The payment amount is decided
The payment amount is decided on the basis of your affordability. A consolidation company will negotiate with creditors to reduce your interest rates. Settlement companies will negotiate to lower the principal amount.
Whether you choose
Whether you choose consolidation or settlement, earning extra and following a budget is central to any debt relief strategy. The more liquidity you have the larger you can make your debt payments to be. As already, just check your affordability before deciding any one of the two.