How can I pay back credit cards on which I was scammed?
Date: Thu, 04/20/2017 - 21:51
How can I pay back credit cards on which I was scammed?
Hi, I live in centraila WA. I got scammed with a credit card in my name with Wells Fargo and I owe $5,000 on it. They somehow got into my Key bank account; so now, I owe them $600. I also live on SSI and I only get $565 because I have to pay SSI back from Job Corp like $30 a month. I do have a job but I maybe get 100 every month. So I need some help to figure out how to pay both banks. SSI just takes $30 out before they give it to me.
Should you report the scam to
Should you report the scam to the police? You need to inform the credit because regarding the scam as well.
Regarding the debt payments, you need to follow a budget and cut down all unnecessary expenses so that you can save as much as possible. Get a mode of debt repayment and target a debt first and make an extra payment to get rid of interest rates.