Mobiloans- bugging me again- need help
Date: Mon, 04/08/2013 - 06:00
Mobiloans- bugging me again- need help
Hello-- I had a loan with Mobiloans this past summer, and paid it back plus a bit of interest. It was less than $1000. I had 3 payday loans and stopped paying them once I read about things here and sent out letters (thank you - they were copied from here) stating that payday loans are illegal in NY, I have paid back the principal, cease using my bank (I changed it) - and 2 got back to me and made a very reasonable offer to officially make them go away. But not Mobiloans- they claimed that they are not really a payday loan company and tribal laws permits this etc etc (I lost that email)
I still get monthly statements - I did re-send the letter (no response) - and TODAY they sent a email stating that I am seriously past due and I need to call them to arrange a settlement. I refuse to pay them another cent.
Question: what should I do????? Should I ignore this - or contact them and see what they have to say??
Thank you in advance for your advice! You worked for the other 2!
I still get monthly statements - I did re-send the letter (no response) - and TODAY they sent a email stating that I am seriously past due and I need to call them to arrange a settlement. I refuse to pay them another cent.
Question: what should I do????? Should I ignore this - or contact them and see what they have to say??
Thank you in advance for your advice! You worked for the other 2!
I sent them an email telling
I sent them an email telling them a lawyer had advised me this was an illegal loan and that I had paid the principal and they emailed back and closed my account.
Dear Mobiloans..
Dear Mobiloans..
I am not a member of your tribe and have never been on your reservation. You know as well as I do that you do that the only laws apply to my loan are the laws of MY state of New York. Please quit wasting my time...I am not paying you another penny.
Great News - Print out the
Great News - Print out the email from them saying account is closed and keep in a safe place...