bank acct frozen
Date: Tue, 10/23/2012 - 16:01
bank acct frozen
This company froze my bank account over 1200 dollars, I had to wire money to them, and still a week later, my acct is frozen still, and they cant tell me where the money is! I have no money, when I call to talk to someone, I get harassed and asked things like where do I work? Well Duh they know that they have my acct.My relationship status, etc, then told me if he were in charge he wouldn't eve deal with me, so I have no money, no one will talk without threats and then hang up on me, and no, I was not verbally abusive or yelling. Upset yes, but I was professional, he was not! What can I do to fix this, is there any attorneys that are willing to take this on without me paying for them? Is there someone specific to call? Any help would be great, and it is Portfolio recovery.
Well, the point here is this. There seems to be a levy placed on
Well, the point here is this. There seems to be a levy placed on your bank account which would also mean that at some point you got sued by a creditor. Did you ever receive summons? Did you reply to those summons and appear in court? You should take a look at your credit report. It should show if you have a judgment against you.