lien on jointly owned property
Date: Fri, 01/18/2013 - 03:13
lien on jointly owned property
I have a judgement against me from an unpaid unsecured credit card.About 2 years ago, they froze my mom's bank accounts because my name was on them even though she did not have enough money to cover the judgement and she was not named in the judgement.After explaining to the judge that this was my MOM'S money and I was only on the accounts for probate purposes, they released my mom's money back to her(talk about stress!!!) Since Mom passed away, her house is now titled in my brother's and my names.I understand that my wages cannot be garnished because I am head of household with 3 children still at home, my house is homesteaded but I believe they could place a lien on it, right? What about my Mom's house, can they place a lien on it even though my brother did not have anything to do with this judgement?
The house is no longer your
The house is no longer your moms but yours and your brothers. It is YOUR asset ...and yes they will lein it.