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Integrity Debt Relief Group scam – is it really so?

Date: Sat, 09/27/2008 - 16:21

Submitted by kingmic777
on Sat, 09/27/2008 - 16:21

Posts: Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 63

Integrity Debt Relief Group scam – is it really so?

Anyone know or heard of it? Hard to keep all the similar names separate. Sounds too good to be true, but...

They claim to rewrite the contract with the CC companies/debtors, send with a late payment, and if cc cashes check, they agree to new terms. And violations, such as attaching late fees are penalized $500-$2500. Etc, etc.

Do they offer guarantees?

Are they a scam?

I really need help here,...

Man, I am still not convinced on rewriting contract of Integrity Debt Relief Group. It still sounds too good to be true. The legal power behind a CC company? Like they haven't figured this one out yet.

Sorry to ask, but, JoeBob, do you work for them? Are you affiliated with them? 100% success at what?


Submitted by kingmic777 on Mon, 09/29/2008 - 22:54

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I didn't know for sure at first, but I figured I had nothing to lose by requesting a free consultation. I asked a lot of questions and even had Integrity Debt Relief Group send documents to my attorney. End of the story is, it works. I paid my enrollment fee, filled out the paperwork, and now the debt is no longer in my name and I don't even get mail from the credit card companies anymore.

You can holler scam all you want, but at least do your homework first. I'd suggest taking the next step, speaking with them, and making a decision based on facts rather than internet gossip. Anyone with an opinion can type it up with apparent authority.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 11/04/2008 - 21:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

You want facts. Integrity Debt Relief Group scam. Their web page has stuff like

This is on their web page and has a link to the article. :lol: The article is written by them.

Another article written by them.

They advertise that they have been in business for 8 years and yet there is no BBB report on them at all. What wrong with this picture ? Heck you can't even find a physical address for them. I hate scam companies that prey on people in a hardship who are desperate. Anyone considering doing business with them be sure to stock up on plenty of KY Kelley because they will bone you.

If you are actually considering doing business with them after doing your homework on the " Debt Termination " industry you need to get back with me asap. You've won $7,000,000,000.00 dollars in a Australian lottery. All I need you to do is wire me $2,000.00 dollars to cover processing costs and you will receive your winnings.



Submitted by mobile0311 on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 07:35

( Posts: 1817 | Credits: )

Like I said, I did my homework, decided to go for it, and it worked. I don't know what else you want.

BTW, I did look up Court Mediation Services with the Better Business Bureau and it has an excellent record. In fact, Brad Daley, who works as a Court Mediator in Phenix City, Alabama, is on a first name basis with practically everyone in the Alabama Attorney General's office and Court Mediation Services has David Grossack, one of the Top 10 Attorneys in all of Boston on retainer.

You seem to be spouting a lot of "facts" but none of them have anything to do with this individual company. They simply cannot be lumped in with all the rest.

I was skeptical, I did my homework, I joined the program, and it worked beautifully. I have nothing further to say.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 23:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just looked up CMS on BBB, was a bit hard to find but it does have them listed out of Phynix Alabama. They have no rating or any info really about good or bad and they aren't registered with bbb but don't have a government action or complaints filed against them.
With that said I have found it strange that their webpage has no links or access to something other than a consultation form asking for your personal info. Way too many standard internet scam red flags going off just on their one webpage. I have also discovered other one page scam looking debt elimination pages with an audio link of the same exact 11 min recording that I listened to on CMS webpage describing their process. I like many struggling Americans out there would love to beleive that this is a possible answer to our debt problems and stick it to the greedy credit card companies that we all know are making obscene profits off the American people and will continue to do so until government steps in on them.
Why don't these CMS people have a proper website at least, asking people to just hand over all their dept info and monthly payments to them is a big task when they seem shady as heck, please someone expose the truth about this company and it's so called service, what is the TRUTH???


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 22:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

In response to holyfield:

CMS is a registered business, but not an BBB accredited business. Accrediation is obtained by companies willing to pay for such status. BBB even states this does not mean they endorse these companies any more and use the same reporting methods on these companies as they would those not accredited. There is an actual explaination of BBB Accreditation right on Court Mediation Services BBB report. Supposely the "no rating" status for CMS is a software issue. My feeling is BBB does not want to seem they are endorsing a debt relief company because so many in the past have been shady. In the end though CMS does not have any customer complaints in the three reporting years. In all fairness they should have a "Satisfactory" rating. I believe ther may be some underlying politics here.

These websites you are talking about have been developed by agents of CMS. CMS has no intention of having a internet presence on their own. They strictly deal with the administrative work in eliminating your alleged debt. I do agree with you though these web pages do raise many red flags. I don't know if it is really because they are poorly developed or in the past there have been way too many actual scams. This is a case of painted with the same brush. The authorized agent I had for the process does not an internet presence in terms of a actual promotional website but has a radio presence. My research for this company was done through talking and asking a ton of questions to those involved in the program not relying on info from these website. This was followed by research on the terms and strategies they use. I talked to their legal counsel, got confirmation of his involvement and felt very secure in my decision to go ahead with CMS.

I am in the program for 6 months and have seen results. Everything CMS has detailed in their process they have done. Communication has been great too, if I have a question via email they respond within 48 hours. I have talked to others who started earlier than me and they have seen accounts on their credit reports satisfied (marked paid as agreed) or cleared entirely.

Continue your due diligence though but don't be mislead by the scam looking websites. Again the problem is they are designed by others and other than the actual text content (process details) CMS has no control over what these sites may look like.

Nico: what are your reasons to state "run as far from this company" ? At least if your trying to deter people from a company have good cause otherwise it appears has though you are slandering a reputable company with an agenda of your own. I say this because I have seen other accounts like yours but never ever have they given ANY proof as to their claims of CMS. Being skeptical of their websites or process is not proof enough.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 05:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

May have gone up since I started since that have actually retained Attorney David Grossack as part of their team,
but when I enrolled:

$2500 for 10 accounts up to 100k
$3500 for 15 accounts up to 200k
$5000 for 20 accounts over 200k
an add'l $350 for any account over 20 after 200k.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 09:15

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The physical address is
2034 Columbia Blvd. #140 St. Helens, OR 97051

all I had to do was ask this guy:
Jeff Leland
Integrity debt relief group
Direct line: 503-397-0594


Submitted by gflowers on Thu, 11/13/2008 - 09:09

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Again though, Jeff Leland and Integrity debt relief Services are an authorized agent for CMS. They handle your enrollment, and after that you completely deal with CMS regarding your accounts.

A good agent should still be willing to answer all your questions throughout the process though.

I have seen complaints about Integrity Debt Relief Services but they were in relation to other programs they endorse not CMS. I am not saying these complaints have any validity but I believe some clarification and separation from CMS should be explained.

I have also seen complaints regarding Integrity debt solutions and although Integrity Debt Solutions (Doyle Bruekner) completely separate themselves from CMS I know two authorized agents for CMS do work for Integrity Debt Solutions. These complaints seem also to be more accusations than actual complaints.

Bottom line: You may have authorized agents of CMS also representing different methods/ companies for debt relief. If you want actual info on Court Mediation Services I would rely on the BBB, the Attorney General of Alabama and the FTC, all which lack any complaints or investigations on CMS.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/13/2008 - 10:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I also emailed the law firm, David Grossack, who replied immediately as follows: "I am legal counsel for Court Mediation Services and Brad Daley." Appears to lend some credibility to the operation. Asked Jeff about thier BBB entry and references, waiting for an answer. Probably I will proceed . . .


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/13/2008 - 11:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I really need help. I am tried of stressing and worrying over all of my credit cards. Only thing is I am real worried at the same time about scams. So Freedomthinker you feel real good about this one correct? I have a had time following lost of things legally so I was just wondering too.....


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 12/01/2008 - 11:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

regardless of skeptics and passionate detractors(mobile), there is solid contract law behind much of what this company presents. If you investigate the "other side", the fractional reserve system and it's shady history and beginnings, you will find much of IT is actually built on a scam where debt is used the same way as guilt is used in religions, to keep you in a subservient, predictable, controllable position, and one that is profitable for them. In order to prevent much of that system from being outright fraud, there had to be legal "remedies" in place. Buried, of course, and with no obligation to inform the public, but they are there, and are as solid and legal as any other portion of the system, used regularly in the corporate environment. This is similar to, if not directly taken from, the tenets of black magic. Truth, whether in government, religion, medicine, finance, etc, is very hard to come is now our responsibility to mine it and distill it diligently and relentlessly until those who would attempt to control, own, label, market, and otherwise distort it for profit and power are shown to be ignorant and out-of-step with our greater potential. I would say you stand a pretty good chance of success with this company, but never stop researching and learning about all these other connections......learn to witness information without emotion and will get a better picture.....truth is coming.....rising like cream........beautiful, but not of luck!.....Rev.MdP


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 01/16/2009 - 13:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

does the amount (which would be all that you owe) have to be declared as income?


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 01/16/2009 - 17:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I really want to believe that these people can do what they say they can. However, they said that they have been around for 15 years, and I would think that after a few times of being scammed these companies would do something to prevent it in the future. It seems that if it were this easy, everyone would be doing this.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 10:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This company, CMS, and others like it (as well as those who promote them) should have as much scorn and derision heaped upon them as is possible in the moment. I applaud mobile's spade calling profusely.

Any one posting on such in a positive light is shilling for profit or got taken in on the scam and is now either deluded beyond recovery or hanging out for hope that reality does not come back to smack them in the head.

Reality, the ultimate boomerang.


Submitted by tip.billy on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 11:12

( Posts: 15 | Credits: )

You need to do your homework before choosing a group to handle your money. You can use the search feature here and see who others have chosen, or have had luck, or no luck with.

Depending on your circumstances, alot of times you can do it yourself, as far as your debts.

Check with your local Chamber of Commerces, the United way, and other helping agencies to see who they recommend.

Good Luck, and feel free to ask questions..karen


Submitted by Bossy4455 on Fri, 01/30/2009 - 08:39

( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

I have requested a consult on the internet 15 times and no one has responded to me.
Does any know their phone number or email address to someone at the organization?


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/02/2009 - 06:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

[left:82b4378742]So, it's a legitimate site for a company that's been in business for 8 years helping people, but the site was created (not renewed) 2 1/2 months ago according to a whois search. Its registered owner is another shady website and the only administrative contact information, unlike real companies, is one of those "hide your contact" sites that scammers all use.

Yup... sounds legit to me... :roll: [/left:82b4378742]


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 09:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

[left:5314c2cdbf]So, it's a legitimate site for a company that's been in business for 8 years helping people, but the site was created (not renewed) 2 1/2 months ago according to a whois search. Its registered owner is another shady website and the only administrative contact information, unlike real companies, is one of those "hide your contact" sites that scammers all use.

Yup... sounds legit to me... :roll: [/left:5314c2cdbf]


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 09:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

smells like a scam to me . . . there's a thread on the debt free destiny web site which is owned by the founder of CMS (Brad)(you should be seeing a big bright waving red flag at this point) . . . . . .

CMS is listed as Integrity Debt Relief group

Anyway the thread has some real people like us asking questions and about this so called legit company. They uncover some facts that speak for themselves! Check it out!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 11:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

To All,

I am researching this company because of my own financial woes. In fact I am scheduled to talk with one of the representatives tomorrow.

Nico, Please provide a reason to prove your point.

Mobile0311 - I hope you're are wrong because alot of us little people need the service to do better for ourselves and for our families. If you and Nico are right then I want to be the first say THANK YOU for saving us from the SCAM. If you are wrong then; you wrong. I will do my best to give everyone an update as to what I found out. GOD BLESS ALL of you !!!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/09/2009 - 18:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

does anyone have real proof of being scammed or having success with cms? everyone seems to have something different to say, which makes things more confusing


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/14/2009 - 19:06

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Thanks so much for this information in these scary times. I was making over $100,000 and living large pre-Bush era...this past few years has been tough with, first, my industry tanking, and then the financial meltdown in this country. I am looking to stay in my house and keep my car while I attempt to start my own business with the rest/last of my savings. I am looking to restructure a lot of dept until the economy turns around. It truly is a survival of the fittest. Any suggestions to get help me or others like me get through the next year? Does Integrity Debt Relief Group work? The Truth!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/19/2009 - 00:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The Integrity Debt Relief business model is the same as that of the Robert Lock CCDN program. I may even be an affiliate or the same company with a different business name.

As for being in business for 8 years, it relatively easy to buy an old corporation so it looks like you???ve been around for awhile. This may be the case since their domain was only created on Created on: 20-Nov-07.

These debt elimination programs are risky business. You will certainly piss off the banks and will likely get sued by the original creditors. Look up "CCDN" on Google and see what clients of these programs are saying.

A less risky debt relief option (however also aggressive) is debt settlement -- may cost more but certainly safer and more honorable.

There you have it folks!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/19/2009 - 06:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This is my first time with this "discussion group thing" but I have read a lot of info from all of you regarding CMS/ integrity debt relief, I am trying to take everything into consideration. The part that Im having trouble with is... Where are all the people who have tried this? All of you who seem to have BAD things to say are speaking from what you think/know, or what makes sense to you. All the rest are hopefuls, so how do I find someone who has actually personally been "screwed over" by this process, or someone who (hopefully) can tell me that it saved their life... which is what Im hoping for ;-)


Submitted by c0rtney2002 on Thu, 02/19/2009 - 14:25

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I want to hear from more people who have actually used CMS. Tell me your experience from sh*t to shinola-what was the outcome? Do they actually take on your debt at a certain point? I want to understand how the process works from an unbiased person who has done it.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 20:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Im looking into this company and hearing all these ripoff stories. It seems too good to be true but we have tried all other alternatives next being bankruptcy. Has anyone had any excellent results?


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 11:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am sure the testimonials they have published are their own hyped output. I have heard of a few writers who had done such jobs for such companies. But they are not necessary a scam. Basically they have a small clues in hand (maybe the wrong ways) and bombard all their energies to convince the customers. By the way why to taste the poison? Take a turn to newer options.


Submitted by vijayrajnawale on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 12:12

( Posts: 13 | Credits: )

Why do they charge the consumer a minimum fee of $2500 (+ $43 per initial account payment) if in fact they can realize much more by assessing fees against the credit companies, instead of the debt-strapped consumer seeking their help?? :?:


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/08/2009 - 21:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Here is the information so you can listen to the radio broadcast.

This is a show on the Republic Broadcasting Network, where the founder of the process was the guest on Thursday, November 1, 2007. Some of the subject pertains directly to the process, some is about the d.e.b.t industry as a whole. Also a second guest appearance can be found on the 18th of December 2007 which answers many of the questions that everyone has been asking since the first interview as to how the process works and exactly what can be done.. (Radio Broadcasts ??? commercial free -- can also be found on our website: relief2day net)


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/08/2009 - 22:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Why don't you contact an agent of CMS and have them explain the fees.

No one who is in the program and no one who is an agent is going to spell it out for everyone to see.

There are people working for the CCs and CAs who want to know all about the program so 'they' may be able to figure a way to stop it.

They can not because it is 100% legit.

Your assumption of $2500. plus $43.00 is not correct, but I am not going to explain it to you. Call an agent and talk to them.

The CCs and CAs are desperate to stop this process. But they just are not sure how, other than to try and come on these forum things and scare as many people away from it as possible.

In credit management and credit settlement you have risks also. And if anyone has seriously looked into doing either of these with an agency, and waited before actually taking the plunge, they can tell you that the CCs will contact you, once you fall behind in payments, and offer you the same plan as the agency but it works out cheaper because you don't have any fees to pay.

And, by the way... no agency who handles these options guarantees anything either. They have the exact same disclaimers as CMS. Including the most advertised one
C**e O*n. I know as I was considering them and got as far as getting the paperwork and contract.

Also, I looked into 6 others and got contracts from 2 others.

They all read the same.

I did not do any of 'them' because I could not afford the $3000 to $4000 a month that they wanted to auto debit from my account monthly for the next several years.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 06/16/2009 - 16:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

it's a post office not a place of business Quote:

Originally Posted by gflowers
The physical address is
2034 Columbia Blvd. #140 St. Helens, OR 97051

all I had to do was ask this guy:
Jeff Leland
Integrity debt relief group
Direct line: 503-397-0594


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 11:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

To all, [COLOR=black]Just an FYI,[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]After receiving multiple calls - at work - from several credit card companies all looking for my ex. I learned to my horror, ex has managed to get herself mired in credit card debt. Started when Am Ex lowered her credit limit. No problem but then they lowered it again this time below what the current balance was. Adding insult to injury, tacked on an over limit penalty. This seemed to have triggered a chain reaction with the other cc companies. They all jacked up the interest rates. Ie, an account that was 2.9% for the life of the balance was suddeny 29% She made an attempt to keep up but after a few months of sending hundreds of dollars in payments and seeing the balances practically unchanged, realized the hopelessness. Again, to my horror, I learned she contracted the services of CMS. Figured she's already in up to her neck, what's another couple thousand. She hired CMS in May (4 months ago). I can say that the lack of prompt communication from CMS is unacceptable. Understandably, the process is a long one but in this world of scams and rip offs, CMS at the very least should send out a monthly status report to their already nervous and stressed out client. Even if it's to say there's nothing to report yet. At any rate, it's been 4 months. We’ll see what happens.[/COLOR]


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 09/22/2009 - 12:33

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