InCharge Debt Solutions-Consumer feedback and complaints against them
Date: Sat, 10/18/2008 - 10:20
InCharge Debt Solutions-Consumer feedback and complaints against them
In Charge Debt Solutions complaints, I would like to hear some feedback from anyone who has used this company or anyone who has information/background on this company. I see positive reviews online and no unresloved complaints.
I have over $25,000 in debt and have had my hours cut at work and can no longer afford my minimums. My accounts are all current and I have a FICO score of over 700 so debt consolidation/settlement is a huge adjustment for me....
Any thoughts?
BBB In Charge Debt Solutions complaints
In Charge Debt Solutions Scam
I have found the following In Charge Debt Solutions complaints in the BBB site: -
It doesn't look very good to me.
In addition I have also found the following page in our forum, which you may be helpful to you: -
Stay far away from Incharge debt solutions
Debt Management Companies
As a personal experience, I recommend contacting an agency like Money Management. This is a non-profit organization. They only charge a small set up fee and no monthly fees like many debt mananagement companies out there. Money Management is part of Consumer credit counseling (CCC). They are really good.
Is InCharge Debt Solutions scam? - No way!
Most of the InCharge Debt Solutions reviews I've heard of are positive. I personally know people that have used InCharge and know some people that actually work for the company. They are local here in Orlando... I heard that they have over 80,000 clients that they deal with and 18 complaints over a 3yr period is nothing... In Charge Debt Solutions complaints, see them in BBB.
I did check out their website and they are also sponsored by the Department of Defense because they provide education to the military as well. I did not find any CCC company that came even close to being sponsored like that...
I would give them a call, because I heard that they are completely an honest and great company. That's hard to find with all those scam companies out there now!
Hope that helps...
In Charge Debt Solutions complaints, no way
They have been around for awhile and it works for me. I haven't herad of any In Charge Debt Solutions complaints
No In Charge Debt Solutions solicitation please
Sullman , this site doesn't allows solicitations. You have already tried to pitch this horrible company on another topic. Debt Zero ..aka has an F rating with the BBB. Look at BBB for In Charge Debt Solutions complaints.
In Charge Debt Solutions complaints - anyone can complain
They are a GREAT company. Keep in mind anyone can file a complaint for ANYTHING. That includes people who want their bills to just disappear without taking any responsibility.
Call them and see for yourself. The are 100% non-profit.
InCharge Solutions is not non profit
Sorry buddy they are not non-profit. There is no such thing as a debt settlement company with a 501(c)3 non-profit license.
In Charge Debt Solutions complaints and many more Cos.
:idea: If anything don't go with a money management or consumer credit counseling agency. FYI - it appears similar to a chapter 13 bankruptcy. It's virtually the same thing (lowering interest, placing funds into a trust, them disbursing your funds, etc.) without the "legal status". Also, CCCS was created by credit card companies that wanted you to pay back as much as possible. Why go with a company that is created and backed by the people who charge you in the first place? And don't look at "non-profit" companies, either. Another FYI: The credit card company "donates" a good chunk of change to these guys.
In Charge Debt Solutions complaints - just be careful. No matter what solution you choose, there will be a negative credit impact (with the exception of making your payments on time - the severity of the impact depends on the length of time it takes for you to get out of debt. Debt settlement is the quickest and cheapest route. CCCS takes around 5 - 7 years (and the payment is higher) and it takes around 36 months or so. Please take it from me - I did CCCS in the past and I'm currently doing settlement because I couldn't afford the payments anymore. It saved me about 100 dollars a month and I will be out approximately 1 year and 3 months sooner than projected with CCCS.
If you decide to go with a settlement company, go with someone who doesn't house your funds in a third party account. Look at In Charge Debt Solutions complaints. Make sure you keep your funds in an account of your choice. Also, make sure they don't charge you upfront and that they don't charge you a monthly service fee. A good company will divide your fee into some sort of schedule - like where it is a part of your monthly payment so that you can afford it. Make sure that they are credible and have some sort of certification (BTW - BBB is not a good source...after doing my homework about BBB memberships, I found that a company can run a fast food business and then open a debt settlement company and NOT need to get a new membership with the BBB. Anything you need to know, you can find out from BBB without the company having a membership. Crazy, huh?) Check out IAPDA or USOBA credentials.
Check out your options, as well. Incharge is a CCCS company. Have a look at In Charge Debt Solutions complaints. As mentioned earlier, I'm in a settlement plan currently with RAM Financial Services (I live in Phoenix and they're local). I have 17,000 in bills and they will pay for credit repair at the end - another added bonus. I am also enrolled into their Debt To Prosperity Power plan, which is financial "life coaching", so I can learn to finally manage money by changing my habits. Another company I considered doing business with is Rise Above debt relief. They are very well known and would be another excellent choice in the settlement world. With any company, make sure they aren't trying to sign you up after speaking with you for five minutes - they know nothing about your situation and can't possibly know if they can help you.
Just remember that credit can be rebuilt, so it shouldn't come at the cost of your sanity. Good luck!
anyone know about In Charge Debt Solutions complaints?
i have 14 k in cc bills. they will charge me 2100 for their service, and reduce my bills to 6300, payments of 175 per month for 48 months
In Charge Debt Solutions
dr k, I will ask you to shop around and talk to other companies and take their quates. Search wherther you can get a better deal. Best of luck.
In Charge Debt Solutions complaints
I went through a debt settlement company and swear I'd never do it again. There are numerous In Charge Debt Solutions complaints. I paid the company a fee for a year and a half and my contract was for 3 years, they settled one card and was never able to settle the 2nd card. So, in the long run, my credit is worse than it was to begin with and am now looking into debt consolidation. I have called dozens of companies asking the same questions. InCharge is on top of my list. There are many In Charge Debt Solutions complaints. Do your home work, make sure you ask..where they are located(some are in other countries), what their fees are, do they ask the credit card company for a "fair share" charge..with this they ask the cc company to pay your fee and alot of cc companies turn them down for his reason, what is their non-profit status (are they IRS 501 (c) (3) this is usually in their about us section) are they members of the National Foundation for Credit Counselling NFCC, do they get a loan that required collateral. This is a big step that we choose because we are in a crisis, hopefully we ask the right questions and choose a company that does us good. Good luck.
In Charge Debt Solutions complaints - check lists
While searching for a settlement company, please see whether the concerned company qualifies the following: -
1. BBB accredited or not. What's the rating given to the company by BBB.
2. Does the company have any IAPDA professional? How many such professionals are there? These professionals are qualified persons who have the professional as well as educational capabilities to settle debts successfully.
3. Is it a law firm? Are they licensed with the bar association of the state?
You can ask these questions to the settlement company while shopping for one.
BBB can be a good source of information on In Charge Debt Solutions complaints.
InCharge Debt Solutions complaints
InCharge debt solutions is NOT a settlement Company like someone mentioned before. It is a 501C3 not for profit organization. Their program consists of solutions-based credit counseling. For an organization of their size, 18 In Charge Debt Solutions complaints in three years is nothing. Also, according to the BBB, all complaints show are resolved or show the company made every effort to resolve. They are the only consumer credit counseling Organization that has an MOU with the Department of Defense. You can also check out the In Charge Debt Solutions consumer reviews online and most of them are positive. I say give them a call and check them out for yourself.
incharge debt solutions
Is in charge debt solutions a good company?
I belong to InCharge Debt Solutions. Have been a client for almo
I belong to InCharge Debt Solutions. Have been a client for almost 3 years now. Started off with about $6,000 while I was still in college. InCharge does not charge you a dime unless you would like to make a contribution. I opted to give $5 per month towards the company who has helped me out of debt, HOWEVER you can GIVE nothing! ask them yourself! It worked for me, they asked me how much I could afford to pay a month, i started off at $30 for each card (I had 2) and then moved that to $50 when I was able to afford $100 per month. It's your choice, but it worked for me. They lowered my interest to 2% and 9% and argued something on my credit report for me!
i agree that it is possible to do it yourself, but that option i
i agree that it is possible to do it yourself, but that option is not for everyone. Just like everyones debt is different so are the solutions.
In Charge is Consumer Credit Counseling
it goes down on your credit report as a "3rd party intervention" which is bad as a bankruptcy. It normally takes 5-7 years to get out of a CCCS program and you are paying 100% of the principle plus the interest. Oh that makes sense. Might as well get another credit card and do a balance transfer. CCC is extremely profitable and is funded by the credit card companies themselves.
In charge...awesome
I have no idea, why anyone would have a complaint against this firm. I turned all my worries over to them, they worked a budget for me, gave me room, negotiated all my credit card debts, and got me debt free in 4 years. There is no set up fee, and there were even a few months where it was difficult for me, they waived payment. I reffered many people, and all are more than happy.
If there is any complaints, I would think it would be that the client has the responsability of communication to them. Changes in circumstance, finance etc...but I always found them warm and very much my advocate.
the best thing for you to do talk to your creditors and explain
the best thing for you to do talk to your creditors and explain your situation, cause to me these debt mangement and settlement companies sound too good to be true, from my experience i was in a debt settlement program with 3 cc one of my cards got settled, and the other 2 went to an attorney office and this debt company wanted me to pay more money, so i canceled the program, cause i ended up getting sued and now these creditors have garnished wages from my check. And my credit score went down. So just talk to your creditors and see if they will work with you. You'll do better paying your creditors directly instead of some settlement company, at least you'll know they are receiving your payments than a settlement company.
I've been with them for about 2yrs now, they are non-profit, the $15 monthly fee is optional. You can change it too $1 if you want to. It is considered a donation and you DO NOT have to pay it. I have changed mine to $5 a month after a few months into the program. Also, if the second post is correct with 18 complaints in 36 months, that is amazing. I am very happy with the program and I really wasn't that bad into debt I just didn't want to end up in debt so bad like my sister and mother are.
InCharge Debt Solutions
I will be as brief as possible. I have been with INCHARGE for 8 months now. I was with a DEBT CONSULTANT (DEBT CONSULTANTS OF AMERICA) group for one month. In that one month, my credit score sank like the DOW and I was getting a minimum of 5 calls a day from my creditors. All of my debt increased to somewhere around 30% on all my cards. That one-month set me back at least 6 months.
One of my creditors told me about DEBT SOLUTIONS and that they were legitimate. I had nowhere else to go.
It takes about 3 months to get all creditors to get on board and you have to do a lot of the work initially, but that is a good thing because that is what INCHARGE is all about. Teaching you to manage your money and learning how the process works. INCHARGE has many educational tools on their web site as well.
I recently had a pay reduction at my work and was unable to cover a portion of what I owed for my monthly payments. INCHARGE lowered my monthly fee by $15. It does not sound like a lot and I did not ask for a pay reduction, but they just did it and took it out of what they earn. Now I ask you, would a bad company take money away from themselves if they were not legitimate?
All I can say is the people there are honest, friendly and very helpful. Something I can???t say about the creditors they deal with.
I do intend on paying the $15 per month back when things get better at work or when I have completed the program.
In Charge Debt Solutions
So far so good with them !! I had 15 k in debt and out of control interest rates. They were able to minimize all my interest rates to under 10 % and work with my budget.
I have had all the collection calls stop and they are all getting paid.
Worked for me !!!
Credit counceling is for suckers. Call your creditor(s) yourself
Credit counceling is for suckers. Call your creditor(s) yourself and tell them if they don't lower your rate then you will have to enroll in a debt settlement program. Creditors hate that word. They'll change your rate over the phone. I did it with 5 creditors! In Charge is in charge of a scam for suckers...
in charge
incharge did not work for me. I had about 25,000 in cc debt. They did not lower my payment they just rolled them all togther and tacked on a $50 fee.(my monthly payment was 580 a month) After about a year in the program i saw little change in my cc balances. The interest rates sky rocketed and they kept charging late fees, and such. but my sister used them with great success but her debt was very small less than 5000. So maybe it just depends on the amount of debt and who your creditors are on how well the program will work for you.
No you are not in a bad program. I just started and am getting w
No you are not in a bad program. I just started and am getting wonderful responses from them and my creditors.
What you have to think about is that you are not totally putting them "incharge". You HAVE to watch your statements and balances. If the creditor did not agree with what incharge offered them, incharge will still make the payment you signed up for and you have to make up the balance.
which i dont mind doing b/c i am going to have 25 years of debt paid off in 4 years! YIPEE!!!
I know some people have said "just do it yourself, your creditors will work with you" I fyou are like me and hold a full time job! I dont have time to do i leave it to someone who has time and gets paid for it
I.E. I pay 398 a month with a 40 fee tacked on. And as each creditor gets paid off that "fee" goes down
i am paying off my credit cards through them- no problems whatso
i am paying off my credit cards through them- no problems whatsoever. i pay my monthly fee on time, and will have paid off $21k-ish of debt in 4 years. i couldnt do that on my own. 2 more years to go, and i have learned my lesson. i will say that my friend joined & was having trouble making the payments due to job issues, and never really saw the debt go down- some cards wouldnt even join the progam. so it didnt go as well in that case. but i would recommend it- its better than bankruptcy, helps build your credit score back up (vs not paying or paying late), and you cant use cards in the meantime- so no additional debt.
in charge debt solutions
I used them several years ago and was completely satisfied with their service.
they are reputable and can be trusted.
In Charge
I recommend In Charge they help me pay off my debt years ago and now that I have gotten laid off and my with my husbands passing I need them again. I paid every month and within the three years all my cards were paid off. My debt is much higher now but, I know they will help.
they helped us
I used to pay 1200 a month now I pay 726
for 5 years! They helped us! I recommend In Charge Debt!
Some of my cards didn't lower the interest rate much!
some lowered to zero up to 8%. The two cards that didn't lower much, have larger payments! It will all work out!
Only about half closed my accounts, I really think our credit will be restored and better then ever in 4-5 years!
We were paying the minimum and not getting anywhere before! Our Credit was good but not 700s. That is our goal!
After making this choice, I think we will some day soon!
InCharge Debt Solutions
I'm through with this company and I couldn't be happier!
Ok, that's very misleading. The reason I'm through with them is because my wife's debts are now completely paid off thanks to them. During college she got into a bit of CC debt and was a bit irresponsible paying them off. After months and months of calls and threats from various companies, collections agencies and lawyers, we got her signed up with InCharge.
What they did was fantastic and stress-free for us. They called all the companies, negotiated payments and/or settlements and then set up a payment plan with us. Could we do this ourselves? Possibly, but because they're experienced, have contacts and have a reputation, it's much easier to have them do it (and did I mention stress-free?). As they are 501(c)(3), they ask for a monthly donation along with our payment. Even a little is better than nothing, especially for the work they do.
After a couple of years of monthly payments, we were complete. Month after month, they send an update of how the accounts are doing along with loads of debt management materials to read up on. If there was ever an issue with any of the companies, we would call InCharge first and they would handle it or tell us how to. This happened on more than one occasion. Someone mentioned that CC companies will put "3rd Party Intervention, which is just as bad as bankruptcy". This is untrue, at least for us. Since we've been working on her credit, her score has gone from 568 to currently 666 and rising in 2 years time.
I'm unsure how they stay above water, but I'm glad they are. Do not listen to anyone who only relies on BBB reviews. This company has done nothing but good for us and thousands of other people.
Also, the company hasn't changed names, they're still InCharge (dot org).
My mother uses In Charge after getting into credit card debt. Or
My mother uses In Charge after getting into credit card debt. Originally, they charged her a small fee, but waived it after a short time because my mom's income is low. Mom has paid off all of her cards except 2, and those 2 had large balances. But money is paid every month, and she gets statements from In Charge on a regular basis. She and I are both happy with the company.
It works! (InCharge)
I was looking for the number for InCharge for my brother and came across this forum. I was surprised to see that people had issues. I am actually very surprised. I had accumulated debt in school due to careless spending and of course it caught up when I figured I could transfer balances, but never closed to cards. I called InCharge and 4 years later, their program completed and I am debt-free from credit cards. I honestly would recommend the program. I am not sure of the issues other people had, but I know it worked for me. I am very thankful for the service.
Not a scam
No they're not a scam at all. I've been with them for over 3 years now. I too was in over $20,000 in debt with 5 creditors. Being on InCharge, I was able to knock off 3, so now I am only left with 2, now $12,000 left! I am so excited, I am so close to freedom! Its nice to not have creditors hassle you about payments. InCharge works with them to lower interest rates and monthly payments.
But I must tell you this, yes InCharge is a non-profit organization and is approved by the BBB. When I first called to sign up for them, they tried to add a per month courtesy charge. But I told them to take it off, and they did with no problem. Their customer service is very polite!
They have a online website that you can track your payments and creditors, update your account information etc. Its very convenient. No worries at all from them. And if you are worried about it, just make sure you check with your creditors often to make sure those payments are being distributed to them. That's what I do.
I have used them for over a year without issues. My balances ha
I have used them for over a year without issues. My balances have gone down and I've paid a few debts off. They've been a big help, and I feel as though they can be trusted.
Forget the Debt settlement co or the credit counselling. Why pay
Forget the Debt settlement co or the credit counselling.
Why pay someone for something that YOU can do yourself?
Contact the CC or debt collections. Ask about their "hardship" programs.
Remember..if you DON'T ask you DON'T GET!!!
If you get an unsatisfactory answer from a debt collector ask to speak to someone else or their supervisor who will have the authority to go lower.
Amex is different now than before where they would not budge on their settlements. With the economy I can negotiate a settlement and pay over 6 months where the first time around they wanted a luimp sum.
Citibank was more generous with their hardship program.?*
I finished paying off my Wal-mart card.
I've been there, it will get better.
Hope this helps,
P.S. Google Suze Orman she has a great strategy to pay off your CC faster.
I have used them for a year and my debt is much lower it's a ver
I have used them for a year and my debt is much lower it's a very good company and I trust it and feel happy that I found it. It's been a great help.
InCharge Debt Solutions is also a nonprofit organization, has a
InCharge Debt Solutions is also a nonprofit organization, has a nonprofit education foundation, works with the Department of Defense to provide needed personal finance services to the military, and has the highest rating offered by the Better Business Bureau.
InCharge has the highest rating offered by BBB, check it out.
InCharge has the highest rating offered by BBB, check it out.
Love them!
I have had personal experience with In Charge Debt Solutions and I'm really surprised to see any complaints. They were extremely professional. I paid off $30,000 + in credit card debt in less than 4 years. My credit rating was not harmed in the the contrary. My credit rating went up because my debt was eliminated. This is a good - honest company.
I just went through their online application and am to the end w
I just went through their online application and am to the end where it asks for my bank information. The deal seems too good to be true? The reason why I am seeking help is that two my my credit cards have jacked up my interest rates to 26 and 29.9%. Both cards have a high balance and we were able to make the payments when they were below 10%, but now the finance charges alone are insane, more than the total original payment was before the interest rates went up.
They are telling me I will have a savings of $177/month and be paid off in 4 years. That is a dream come true, is this for real or am I being scammed?
I have also tried to deal with both card companies, both say I do not qualify for the hardship program and I have each month for several months now.