Confused about consolidation
Date: Wed, 11/03/2010 - 12:41
Confused about consolidation
Collections does not use the ICR schedule. Complete the consoli
Collections does not use the ICR schedule. Complete the consolidation app online and just send in a $50 should go thru
Who should I send the payment to? NCO or the Department of Educa
Who should I send the payment to? NCO or the Department of Education?
While filling out the application I had put in the NCO address and account number but i am confused as to what to put for income, it is the gross amount correct? I just want to make sure I fill it out correct the first time, because the gross amount and our agi differs by a couple thousand because of my husband's 401K.
Oops, I also meant to ask where do you put in the collection cos
Oops, I also meant to ask where do you put in the collection costs, becuase from what I have read those have to be included in with the consolidation loan. I have a breakdown of everything, the interest that has accrued, the collection fees, interest rate, and principle, but I don't see where to add in the collection costs.
The department of ed is your guarantor, not NCO so the DOE is li
The department of ed is your guarantor, not NCO so the DOE is listed. Just estimate your loan balance....the DOE will do a lender verification certificate breaking down your balance.
Payment should go to NCO.