Student loan
Date: Thu, 11/01/2012 - 15:24
Student loan
you are the only one who can
you are the only one who can help yourself. Get a second or third job and get the school paid off.
Write a check out each month and send it in. Honestly, you hav
Write a check out each month and send it in.
Honestly, you have to give us more information. Type of loan (federal or private) who is holding it, status....
I am struggling to even get my degree released to me
cannot qualify for anymore financial aid/loans and have a balance to pay the school before I can receive my degree. Im doing anything I can to try and reach out to others for help. Please visit my page if you are willing to help me.
Student loan
Dont worry about the existing student loan. The federal government has introduced a Repayment Assistance plan for student loans in order to help the borrowers to repay at an affordable rate of interest.Hire
I edited the above post...
I edited the above post....yes the federal government has many new repayment plans. You do not need to contract spammers in toronto to get information on the different programs. Simply call your lender/servicer or go to their website.