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Credit Solutions - Is it a scam company?

Date: Sun, 11/12/2006 - 09:00

Submitted by anonymous
on Sun, 11/12/2006 - 09:00

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 191

Credit Solutions - Is it a scam company?

Is Credit Solutions a legitimate company? I doubt whether it is a good company. I have been dealing with them for about 2 months. I just talked to one of my credit card companies and they said that they have not heard anything from credit solutions about any kind of settlement. Now what do I do?



Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/07/2008 - 00:06

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Credit Solutions of America " aka " is the Anti Christ of the debt settlement industry. They have the worst reputation with over 1400 complaints with the BBB. They were once members of TASC but was kicked out. They then got JD Power certified and was kicked out due to customer dissatisfaction. They currently have a class action lawsuit against them by law firm Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP. If you have been screwed by them try getting in touch with that law firm. Perhaps you can recoup some of the money they took from you.


Submitted by mobile0311 on Thu, 08/07/2008 - 07:08

( Posts: 1817 | Credits: )

A friend of mine went through the program and only has positive things to say about the company. As per Credit Solutions reviews given by him, this company is definitely not a scam.


Submitted by ironlogix on Wed, 10/01/2008 - 09:22

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It's a "proposed" class action, it has not been certified as a class. CROA is the foundation for the action which is flawed - a google search for "Amicus brief for credit solutions" will enlighten you. USOBA has a verification process and according to USOBA they have always been a member. A google search for "USOBA and credit solutions" will provide additional information about the impact that the company has had on the entire debt settlement industry.
Another quick search for "JD Power and Credit Solutions" will show the original press release for the JD Power certification on their website. JD Power does not "kick out" companies that have been certified.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 12/06/2008 - 23:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I "enrolled" in the company 2 years ago. They "strongly encouraged" me to include my student loan of $25,000.00 dollars. They told me they work work with the loan company and they only enroll the accounts they know they can work with. almost 2 years later I receive a notice from my employer stating that i will be receiving a wage garnishment from this same loan. When i called CS back, they said, oh, we don't work with them. COMPLETE SCAM! Had 11 hits on my credit, and a very high wage garnishment. They said they took the account my error. I am sorry but if CS is going to enroll a $25,000.00 account, you would think they would MAKE SURE they work with the company. NEVER WORK WITH CREDIT SOLUTIONS! No one ever knows anything you are talking about and NO HELP WAS EVER DONE. I actually had to go out on my own to find where these other accounts were at now (because they were closed and sold several times to 2 or 3 different debt collection agencies). COMPLETE JOKE.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 12:39

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I own Simple Solutions Credit Consulting, Inc. I get several phone calls and emails weekly about Credit Solutions (CS). People think I am the same company because our websites (domains) are very similar. I tell the people who contact us that we are not the same company and how exactly to get their money back. ALL of it! How in the world can companies like this exist? Someone please tell me how that scam companies like CS still is open and how they can keep scaming people such as: don't stop the harassing collection calls like they promise clients; don't contact their creditors for a long while; take client's monies every month while not doing anything to constitute taking it; etc. Several clients have been scamed that contact us! I tell them to: write a demand letter to request ALL of their money back in 20 days or else you (client) will file a formal complaint with the BBB, the State Attorney General's office and the Federal Trade Commission. Most of the clients will receive their money back. If not, they can get together to file a class action suit. Most state's attorney general's offices are starting to sue companies like this and collection agencies also! So buyer beware! It's very unfortunate the consumers don't take the time to google search companies like these before spending hundreds to thousands of dollars with that company! If you want to get ALL of your options and choices to your debt, we have a FREE document "Choices for credit card debt" and is available at: or 1.888.303.7722 Ask for Valeri Thanks for reading this and we hope that it helps some people by not using Credit Solutions of America.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 21:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

not a member myself but know of people in simlar programs;credit solution's a scam. they can't help you. the bottom line is you have to work your way out of debt or be willing to let your credit lapse so you can call in and settle. just stay disciplined and you'll get through it; I did. remember it won't happen overnight. my advice is to first pay yourself and set aside emergency money so you don't have to keep using credit.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/12/2009 - 13:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

You bet I am comfortable with defamation of character when it comes to a company that several people that were CS clients!! I have proof from these clients with names to go with it. So it is not defamation of character when you have proof and evidence. Not worried about it either as I have been on the phone and argued with CS attorney in California. He finally agreed with me that CS shouldn't have used a domain similar to mine and agreed to have Credit Solutions of America tell their employees to use a different domain! I am still getting phone calls and emails weekly on what they can do to get their money back. I don't know why the FTC or the Attorney General in Texas hasn't stepped in yet and done something about this company. I'm amazed!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/23/2009 - 23:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

How is it that these companies like Credit solutions think that they can scam people and they wont discuss it? we are in a digital world and people talk. Atleast we are still allowed to do that.(for now)
this site is great in helping people make the right decisions and frankly it agervates me that these types of companies want to scream slander and everything else well what about those peoples rights? and thier money? do they think they can just do what ever they want? of course they do just like all other big business going on, with thier bailouts, and lawsuits, and crap. Frankly im tired of people like us always just getting the shaft.
Ok done ranting know i opologize


Submitted by love_my_things on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 07:39

( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

Valerie, i am sorry that you are remotely associated with CS. i being one of their past clients can vouch for you. I now have credit cards that i am paying off with thousands of dollars in interest because they never contacted the companies i owed money to. I was told never to answer mail or the phone. Now i am stuck trying to pay off credit with has been charged off and being collected my more unscrupulous companies. Its too bad i did not hear about you first.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 11:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

There are several answers for every consumer that has credit card debt. You can do something about it! Learn your rights under federal laws, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Fair Credit Billing Act and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Please contact me for a free list of ALL your options called "Choices for Credit Card Debt". One of your options is to negotiate your debt down to as low as 20%. Yes, I said 20%! But this will take awhile after you missed the first payment, usually about 7 to 10 months. You will trash your credit reports for awhile until you clean them up (called Credit Repair - fully legal by federal laws if done properly). Be careful though that you don't start making payments on an old "out of Statute of Limitations" time debt. This means that if a credit card account is - let's say 4 years old and (you live in California so SOL is 4 yrs for an open-ended account), you pay the collection agency just $20 so they stop calling you, then it starts the time clock all over again. You were better off not paying anything at that point and send them a Debt Validation Letter to validate the debt. (You do want to send every collection agency that tries to collect on the old debt with a 'Debt Validation Letter to #1 keep from a new negative item from appearing on your credit reports and #2 so they have to validate the debt, most cannot so they go away). There are different limitations on time for each state that someone can sue you regarding Oral, Written, Promisory and Open-Ended (credit card) debts. Most consumers don't know about this so they end up getting served a Civil Summons Complaint (by process server usually at your door) and the consumer does not respond within the 20 days so they receive a 'Judgment' by default. It is up to the consumer to know how to respond, and to know the Statute of Limitations on debt or they can hire an attorney who has experience in this field. The best thing here is to make sure that you DO RESPOND, even if its just to say "I deny every allegation in this Complaint and request that the court dismiss this case based upon the Plaintiff has not provided proper and sufficient evidence that the alleged debt is mine under the federal law, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act". Google search "Statute of Limitations on debt" or you can contact us for a free list. Keep in mind that Statute of Limitations is completely different than a time line that a negative item can stay on your credit reports. This is usually 7 years from the date of delinquency, 10 years for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, 7 years for a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, 7 years for a paid Tax Lien, 10 years for an unpaid tax lien and 2 years for inquiries. I hope this helps you and everyone out there having debt problems.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 00:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Wish I had checked them out sooner. I have been with them for 5 months now and have not had any settlement offers. I wondered if they were just taking my money...Now I am probably further in the rear than ever...What are my options?


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 04/09/2009 - 16:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

CSA is not a scam. But I don't recommend signing up with them. They were able to help people many years ago, but got too greedy. They hired more and more sales people to enroll customers, but not the settlement department. It's a classic case of a small business growing too fast. Customers fell through the cracks. Then when they made Matt Reivitt the director he was such a great (greedy) salesman himself that he had all the "debt consultants" actually believing that they were helping people, but they never received the proper training. And since they get paid commission on who they enroll it's easy fir a lot of them to get greedy themselves and just enroll people and debts that aren't right for the program.
It should also be known that Matt Reivitt us now the CEO of ResQDebt, a new debt settlement company. And also that is owned and operated by the same man of CreditSolutions, Doug Van Arsdale.

I believe at one point CSA was a good company. I also know that a lot of nice and honest people work there, but are misinformed. Try debt settlement yourself. You will save yourself a lot of money. I did.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 04/10/2009 - 23:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I almost took the pluge with Credit Solutions and after reading all the negitive post, I changed my mind. THANK YOU!!! When I call the rep that explained the program to me he started to get upset with me and said that he didn't understand why I was doing this and when I told him that I had changed my mind about using his company, he told me that was not a good enough reason to cancel.

Thank you again.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 11:09

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

hi guys,
not sure why everyone has such bad luck with CS. I have been with them for 2 years and we have had nothing but good things from them. I am almost finished paying for my CC and in the next 6 months will be completely debt free. (also, i do know my cards are getting paid off because i get finalized paperwork from the attorneys offices the cards are with) Anytime i have had a problem all i do is pick up the phone and call CS and they are ontop of it...I do know the program is a self help program and by self help i mean that they only contact the CC companies if there is a problem and when you are ready to pay off. If you do not let them knwo when you have the money to pay a card off then they do not contact you. Also, if a CC company contacts CS then they will call me with an offer... so, everything has been good for me.. i wish those of you who did not have a good experience with them the best and hope you get things worked out..


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 05:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The first time we heard about credit solutions was through an interview done by NBC with one of Credit Solutions spoke person about their well to do services. Because we trusted NBC we went ahead and contacted credit solutions.

Once we applied for their well to do services - and made arrangements for their monthly fees to be withdrawn from our savings - credit solutions never contacted us about any kind of settlement. We did contact them at different times about the status of our situation - all they did was send us a "power of attorney" for us to sign - we did and nothing was done. Because credit solutions allowed so much time to pass without doing anything, our loan was sold - three times over - without our knowledge. This new company is now threatening us with garnishing our wages and the $ amount to pay is now way higher because of the thousands of dollars of interest accrued. And, we found this out NOT because credit solutions contacted us - NO! - we found this out because WE contacted them again to find out why we have not been contacted and the status of our situation - again, they are not doing anything to help our situation.

Credit Solutions tactics tell you: ignore your creditors, whether through letters or phone calls and we listened to what they had to say - after all they are supposed to be the expert. This is a mistake - you don't need credit solutions to make deals for you. You just go ahead and call your creditor and tell them your situation and they will listen and work with you directly. YOU DON'T NEED CREDIT SOLUTIONS - you can do this yourself!

They charge their fee up front and then ignore your needs. THEY ARE MISLEADING and it is wrong.

What we are doing is calling NBC and bringing this to their attention, after all they referred credit solutions to the public. There are enough people that have been taken advantage of and it has to stop NOW.

#1 We are calling NBC to call it to their attention.

#2 We are calling Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro, LLP to demand our $ fee back from credit solutions and file a complaint.

#3 We are filing the same with the State Attorney Generals office.

#4 We are filing the same with the Federal Trade Commission.

#5 We are filing a report with the Better Business Bureau.

And, #6 We are filing for a class suit against credit solutions so they be charged all the interest accrued on our account because of their negligence.

I hereby call on all you guys to do the same and just a thought - I think Google is the best source to warn people about Credit Solutions. Don't you? Thank you.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 10:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I had a totally different experience. They did everything that they promised plus more. I even felt very special and cared about because they walked me hand in hand through out the entire process. They estimated it would cost about 50% of my 47K worth of debt. They did even BETTER. They got me a settlement of 19K. That's over 60% off of my original balance. Thanks to them I am now 100% debt free and we did it within 28 months. I don't know what some of you guys are talking about but you should do your research before you start bashing a very legit company that really does help people and keep their promises.

Bronx, New York


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 20:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

"I had a totally different experience. They did everything that they promised plus more. I even felt very special and cared about because they walked me hand in hand through out the entire process. They estimated it would cost about 50% of my 47K worth of debt. They did even BETTER. They got me a settlement of 19K. That's over 60% off of my original balance. Thanks to them I am now 100% debt free and we did it within 28 months. I don't know what some of you guys are talking about but you should do your research before you start bashing a very legit company that really does help people and keep their promises. "

I agree 110%. This company has helped several of my close friends. It seems too good to be true but it really does work as promised. Maybe you just weren't serious about getting out of debt and did follow through on your part!!! Keep in mind that over 250,000 people have already been throught the program successfully. They can't all be wrong!! I KNOW this company is legit and works for those who are "serious" about getting out of debt. Don't ruin a good thing and talk bad about a good company. I think the numbers speak for themselves. You can't argue with result.

FYI....Consumer Credit Counseling and Debt Consolidation is a joke!!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 20:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

How do we know you people who are writing all these positive comments about credit solutions are not # 1 employed by them or # 2 friends of friends. Anyway, the point is that NBC needs to be notified so they bring it to everyone's attention. One person is not enough to get NBC to act. We need (all of us) to get involved. Call Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP to demand your $ fee back from credit solutions. Send this blog to the State Attorney General Office. Send it to the Federal Trade Commission. Send this blog to the Better Business Bureau. Up load it in Google. Anything to stop credit solutions from mis-leading others.

We need to do this ASAP!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 09:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Usually, if it is a debt. consultant group, it is bad. It should be a non-profit debt. consolidation group.
Your first question should be, do you pay the creditors off every month. If the answer is NO or they say they wait for several months to pay off or you pay them upfront and nothing goes to the creditors for several months. Run far away from these scams. I believe these also go on your credit report just like a bankruptcy.
One month with DEBT CONSULTANTS OF AMERICA set me back 6-9 months.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 05/16/2009 - 11:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If you gave them bank account #'s please change your accounts ASAP. They will go into your account and try to pull $299.00 as a consultant fee.
DEBT. CONSULTANTS OF AMERICA Tried to do this to me but I withdrew my money first and was only charged a $25 fee from my band which was returned when I explained the situation.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 05/16/2009 - 12:01

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Credit Solutions is a scam! I signed up with their service with a small amount of debt thinking they could help me negotiate it down quickly. The only thing I got eachi and every time I interacted with their service and staff was extreme aggravation and stress. Not to mention a mega large phone bill from being left on hold for days (it seemed like) while they put me on hold talking to people at other businesses about my debt. It seems like they could do that on their own time NOT while I was on hold. That's RIDICULOUS!! Not to mention every time I called it was like I was calling for the first time, no one knew the first thing I was talking about, I had to go through each and every detail of my account. ANNOYING and very unprofessional. No one writes anything down about anything. Not to be trusted to help you out. Do the work yourself. You will wind up doing it anyway.


Submitted by Kelliecatrn on Mon, 05/18/2009 - 15:30

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I have one cc with Credit Solutions and I'm getting ready to pull it out. I have had nothing but a bad experience with them. High upfront fee - RED FLAG RIGHT THERE, but i did not know. Everytime I call about my acct, no one seems to know want the other is doing, at one point I was trying to settle a card and I had 2 different people working on my acct and neither knew it. I was going crazy, needless to say, the card never got settled and I think it was sold off from chase to a collection agency or whatever they do with them. I'm getting ready to file complaints agains CS just for taking my money and not doing anything to help me.


Submitted by tricia48 on Mon, 05/18/2009 - 19:45

( Posts: 15 | Credits: )

I am in Credit Solutions now, and I regret it every single day. They DESTROYED my credit... I had a high score before, just had a lot of debt. I thought I could get rid of the debt quicker with them, but had I known they would ruin my score in the process, I would have NEVER gone through with it. Total mistake.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/27/2009 - 13:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been working with Credit Solutions now since Feb. and they have gotten many of our credit card bills down to nothing. I have not had any kinds of problems with them and if something comes up, I get right on the phone and get a solution to the problem.
My daughter and her husband are working with Credit solutions and have been very successful as well. As for my student loans those are Government loans (Sallie Mae). I was told right from the start that they will not work with them. So I have to say they are not out to scam you.. Of course they are going to make some money, but you know I have filed Chapter 13 and it is no different. There are attorney fees and you have to appear in court, this, you work with them, fill out some paper work and fax it to them and you are done. I call them at least once or twice a month and speak with my debt counselor and have not had one problem.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/28/2009 - 02:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

[font=Verdana]The purpose of this post is to provide basic parameters associated with debt settlement programs, and hopefully address some common concerns of newly enrolled clients to the same.

Debt settlement programs are designed very specifically for those experiencing legitimate financial hardships, whereby the abilty to manage their debt has become difficult. That said, in order for a Company to favorably perform debt settlement services to clients, a usual and customary set of practices need to be followed. It is not unusual for a Debt Settlement company to refrain from contacting the creditors of clients, except for initial contact to inform the credtior of their involvement & sending a POA to be kept on file. Creditor companies will typically be contacted by the settlement company subsequent to the client successfully saving an appropriate amount of funds to address the outstanding liability.

When a new client enrolls, most companies recover the first two program payments in order to recover the costs associated with consultng, reviewing, enrolling, and integrating the new client appropriatley into the program.

I am hapy to continue this discussion is further detail in the event more clarification is desired.

Solicitation Deleted - Please Refer the the TOS - NASCAR Devil


Submitted by CDbanker on Thu, 05/28/2009 - 03:52

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I worked there for three months until I found out that the whole thing is a lie. We were trained to lie to the customers first off. I had four bosses in three months and all were fired. This company will fall because of the evil they do. Dont be scammed by their lies.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/03/2009 - 17:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

no matter what you are told settling you debt effects your credit terribly. If you cant pay your debts quit paying them, get a prepaid cell phone and they can never reach you. Credit is a material lie made by man to screw over others, credit cards are designed to make it very difficult to ever pay them off. Free yourself from the BS.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/03/2009 - 17:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just finished the program 6 months ago. They eliminated over 40,000 of my credit card bills for less than half of what I owed. It is a LIE that someone from credit solutions would enroll a student loan. I have over 60,000 in student loans and they told me they could not help me with them (after reading this I called my original Debt Consultant and he told me he would get fired if he enrolled a student loan).


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/03/2009 - 20:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been going through the CS program for 5 months and it is working exactly as I was told. I suspect most people who claim it's a scam are those who did not finish the program, and want their non-refundable service fees returned to them. The people who complained on this website do not back up their complaints with specific facts (except the student loan complaint). I was told upfront student loans were not eligible accounts for the program.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 06/06/2009 - 19:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

We have been with them for two years (Credit Solutions) and now it's our fault for not contacting them. Not one offer has been made in two years until we made a complaint days ago. All of a sudden they want to work with us because we want our money back, and they wanted to keep our money! They were rude and trying to back pedal when we wanted to cancel. After talking to our attorney and confronting them, they were not so happy. All of a sudden this whole situation was our fault according to them. After two employees informed us that it was not right for money to be taken out of our account, they said they would not charge us anymore. Guess was the end of the charging period favors there. Don't back down, and you can get your money back. Hopefully we all learn from this scam.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/10/2009 - 23:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This company is a complete and total scam. I to fell to there game. I was told not to call or speak to anyone that i enrolled with them that they would take care of it all. well not only did i not here a word from them neither did the people that i enrolled them with did. I have read up on the class action law suite that has been filled agains them and i will be joining that group if i do not have a complete refund of all money i paid to them with in 2 days. I have contacted my bank and i am working with them as well to reverse all charges placed against my account by them.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/24/2009 - 01:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Thank you for contacting Credit Solutions. We currently do not have a refund policy; however, we do have a team of agents dedicated to the individual review of such requests. You must speak with a live representative in regards to this matter. They can be reached at 1-800-648-4590. Thank you. A NOTHER CREDIT SOLUTION BS STORY. i was told today when i called that they did not have a number to call for a refund. o what is that number above. I have never delt with a company that trains there sales or represantatives to be such good BS artists. The are very good at bull crap. I am not done with this, they riped me off and thousands of others, i will not rest untill i get every dime back from them as well as make sure no one else has to go through what i went through


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/24/2009 - 19:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Look at this one.. It should say we strive to rip people off

At Credit Solutions, we strive to serve our clients with World Class Customer Service. To help us better serve you as well as others, we'd really like to hear from you about your experience with us.

Please take a few moments to complete our short survey, which you can access by clicking on

Thank you in advance for your time.

Best regards,


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 06/25/2009 - 15:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Please do not use credit solutions. I signed up with them and all my accounts went to debt collectors and I was threatened with lawsuits. The creditors called all day, every day. They even called on Christmas Eve. I was near suicidal. I finally got a home equity loan and paid off creditors. I settled with them myself. My credit was totally ruined and Credit Solutions got $3000.00 for doing nothing. Every time I tried to call them, I was transferred and put on hold for up to 1 hour. I filed a complaint with the BBB and eventually got $1,000 back. I didn't settle even one debt with them. It's my mission in life that others do not suffer the mental anguish that I did. Call your credit card companies yourself and try to settle or make payments. DO NOT USE CREDIT SOLUTIONS!


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 07/05/2009 - 16:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Palmetto Credit solutions,
you have to pray and just let go and let God. If it's for you then who in the hell can be against you. let go and let God. If it's a scam God will punished all that work in the Evil to get people of Andrews money....


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/09/2009 - 12:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )