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Anyone had any complaint with Clear debt solutions?

Date: Thu, 06/26/2008 - 18:56

Submitted by cindyclevenger
on Thu, 06/26/2008 - 18:56

Posts: Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 35

Anyone had any complaint with Clear debt solutions?

Clear debt solutions
Is Clear debt solutions in northern CA a scam or a good company? I have signed up with them but am having second thoughts...can anyone tell me if they have had an experience with them, and if so, was it positive?

They have a satisfactory record with the BBB. However

They are also members of TASC so they are reputable. You could shop around with other companys if you are not satisfied. Any reason why you are reconsidering ?


Submitted by mobile0311 on Thu, 06/26/2008 - 19:29

( Posts: 1817 | Credits: )

Just having a gut reaction to some things that I saw and felt and also have not had the kind of followup I expected....2nd payment is due tomorrow and want to be sure....


Submitted by cindyclevenger on Thu, 06/26/2008 - 19:39

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I just dropped out of Clear debt solutions' so-called "program" and filed for bankruptcy. I was in the program for less than 3 months and already was being sued by a creditor. Thankfully I sat down with a lawyer before the court date and he had the court date suspended. If you get sued by a creditor and they win a judgment it's actually more damaging than bankruptcy on your credit report. To make a long story short, Clear Debt Solutions has done NOTHING for me and pocketed $1800 in my money for their up-front non-refundable fees. I'm so glad I am done with them and moving on with my life.



Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 16:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

dennis3 , I am assuming your bills were delinquent more than 3 month before you enrolled with clear debt solutions. I would even bet they were over a year delinquent. It doesn`t matter what settlement company you sign with there is always a risk of a judgment doing settlement " very slim though" , unless your bills are already delinquent for several years.
They Clear Debt Solutions is a member of TASC and thus you were told

Had you stuck it out even if you got sued they most likely have been able to settle on a possible judgment.


Submitted by mobile0311 on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 16:24

( Posts: 1817 | Credits: )

Actually, you couldn't be more wrong. I was only delinquent for THREE months and the reason listed on the cival suit was "client was contractually late for April, May, and June payments." I wasn't delinquent on any of my debts UNTIL I entered the program. They told me going into it that only 10% of the people enrolled ever get sued and usually it's for enormous debts where it's worth the creditor's efforts (hiring attorneys, etc.) to do that. My debt to this creditor wasn't all that much money.
You must be a shill working for them. These companies should be outlawed and the people running them imprisoned for life.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 11:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I do not work for them. I don`t even live in California.However I used to work for Citi Bank for 8 years so I am well aware of how the collection process works. There are a lot of variables a creditor looks at before litigation so for them to sue you in such a short period of time .I am sorry your situation didn't work out it almost never happens for a creditor to sue you in 3 month unless there is something you are not telling us. Like maybe you did some large balance transfers or cash advances shortly before enrolling in the settlement program where maybe the creditor felt like you defrauded them instead of being in a hardship.


Submitted by mobile0311 on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 12:05

( Posts: 1817 | Credits: )

Life can be just so strange.
See, I've been poking around the Internet regarding this whole debt settlement thing. I saw Clear Debt Solutions pawned here only a couple of times. But what the heck: that's a lead in my book. (Call me crazy, I think of myself as "thorough.")
Here's what I found:
1. The published ???????whois???????????????that is, the contact information provided by the website owners????????doesn????????t match what the website itself publishes. Legitimate businesses never do this.
2. CDS shows a physical address in the same immediate area with retail operations and a dance studio. Well that????????s interesting but not necessarily bad; maybe the rent is cheap and the dancers cute. Note that address is in MN.
3. Clear Debt Solutions publishes a ???????creditor only??????? number in the 949 area code: Orange County, CA. Not MN. Huh?
4. Two other purported debt-help businesses publish the identical 949 number: Avalon and FDN Solutions. Are we to believe that three legit companies compete for the same business in the same business space but share the same phone? (Hint: the correct answer begins with a capital N.)
5. When you call the 949 number, Digital Diane doesn????????t identify the company, but just states "negotiations dept." What legit biz doesn't proudly identify itself over the phone?
6. The website has no meaningful corporate information, such as officers, state of incorporation and so on. Who stands behind this company? Again, legit companies are proud of themselves and try to get their names out there. Crooks hide.
6. False BSI certification: Clear Debt Solutions claims that British Standards Institution certified its business. I haven't called BSI, but does anyone believe that a pricey and prestigious British standards body has come all the way to MN (or is it CA?) to certify a debt-help biz? Before you answer, note that CDS also has an FDIC logo, even though FDIC only insures depository institutions. These falsehoods are enormous red flags.
7. TASC and USOBA: To display these logos all you need is a membership, which for the latter costs $2500, and--as the bogus FDIC and BSI logos prove--probably even that is optional. Unlike a state bar or medical association that trains, tests, retests, licenses and disciplines its professionals, these "institutions" have no apparent function. No one, including mobile, has ever explained what the hell TASC and USOBA really are. Until proven otherwise, you should regard any business associated with them as a fraud.
8. The site links to a bogus ???????prnewswire??????? press release masquerading as an LA Times piece: Real companies get news organically: i.e., some reporter notices them and decides to write it up. CDS just pretends.
9. CDS website content is almost pure SEO. That means optimized for Google and other search engine spiders, not humans, in order to draw the most traffic. Substantively, Clear Debt Solutions has very poor quality: for example the bankruptcy advice is just flat out wrong and incomplete, even as a tiny introduction. (Don't go BK! Pay us instead.) Syntax and grammar are poor, which reeks of scammers who don't give a crap: they seek your traffic and your money through clever website design, and that's it.
Imagine if you basically had two choices: (1) go with CDS or (2) jab a pencil way up your nose until you can't stand it anymore. For my money, I????????d go with the nose thing. You're in control, it'll be over quicker, it????????ll hurt less, and you'll save lots of money.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 12:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Clear Debt Solutions - has multiple branches. 3 in California and one in Minnesota. The one in Minnesota is next to a dance studio (and the munchkins walking by are cute!)and other offices. The office spaces are connected. 2.) They are not just members of T.A.S.C, but are also accredited, which means they did go through a BSI Audit to ensure they are following the best standards and practices in the industry. T.A.S.C can be called to verify and to tell give you more information on what it means to be Accreditted. 3.) If considering debt settlement - you must realize around 10% of the time- a person can/will be taken to court. 4.)CDS is a completely full disclosure company and go through all options- and also cover legal and tax implications. 5.) Debt Settlement is not easy. It's a long process- for most people it's a better option than bankruptcy, but it's not for everyone. It's not a quick fix- and you've got to learn how to deal with creditor phone calls and be committed to making it all the way through. (before you even begin) There is another Company out there by the name of Clear debt solutions, which is a completely different company. Main thing with debt is get very familiar with your options- take your time- develop a game plan- and get out of debt! Debt Settlement should only be considered for those who can't make their existing payments- don't have the ability to refinance or pull out a second- can't get a consolidation loan- can't afford credit counseling- and yet who don't want to go bankrupt. It's not a fit for all types. It's not an easy way out of debt. It's effective, but not easy and certainly not an overnight deal.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 14:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I'm never one to just bash a company online but I will say this. They STOLE $1,800 in my money as far as I'm concerned and if my lawyer doesn't get it back I'll get my money's worth out of it by using my web design skills so that whenever anybody does search for Clear debt solutions they'll find my blog I create which denounces deceptive companies like them. My $1,800 will be well spent if when somebody finds this horse(bleep) company through a google search, my site will be right there underneath them. Boo ya.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/28/2008 - 05:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

And also I did not just get a loan from this creditor and then stop paying. It was well over a year before when I got the loan and then things got so bad I couldn't afford the payments to my creditors any longer. If I could I'd pay them all off and have retained a good credit score, but it simply wasn't an option.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/28/2008 - 05:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Are we talking Clear Debt Solution or Clear debt solutions? They are very good at working with people if there is a complaint. Have you sent in a letter to Clear Debt Solution requesting refunds- and explaining your situation? A letter from the lawyer you aquired would be good to send into the company as well. They do work with people. One thing about this company is they really DO WANT to help- and if you are not satisfied- they will do whatever they can to rectify the situation. People do get sued in debt settlement- it's unfortunate, but it happens. Typically to get to the other side of that situation- they settle on the judgement. If you went with our company- you knew that, because we have you go through filling out paperwork- and compliance call verifying that you understand there is a possibility of being sued. It's not fun when it happens to someone, but by stopping payment to your creditors (which you couldn't make) you are still breaking contract- and so they have every right to take you to court if they feel it's worth their time and effort. Most people don't get sued, but some people do. I'm sorry it happened to you- I know it's not fun.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/28/2008 - 08:30

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They have been in business since May 2005, assuming 3-6 months to build the business and find new clients, how can they claim their program will get you paid off in 36 months, if they havent even been working with customers for that long.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/28/2008 - 14:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

There is a company out there that has a name that is in dispute with another debt settlement company. Clear Debt Solution is out of CA and MN, and there is another one out of TX. A lot of people have been scammed by the one is TX, because they lie about their name and try to use the Clear Debt Solution name and say they are from MN, or CA to make the person think they are the other good company. Clear Debt Solution- Good! Clear Debt Solution"s" Bad! It is very confusing!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 09/04/2008 - 11:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I've been enrolled in the CDS "program" for a year. I am not satisfied with the slowness of their service and how confused they seem every time I call. I didn't really realize this at first, but the reality is that they have every OPPORTUNITY to make money off of you, but can't PROTECT you from anything. It's like playing with fire - they set you up on "make-believe" payment plans that have nothing to do with your creditors while you sit as time passes and you risk being sued. The customer service reps often don't match up on policies, also you usually have to wait on hold at least 10-15 minutes before anyone picks up.

I was SUED by two creditors. Discover and Citibank. I put money into my trust account to pursue settlements by my top three largest accounts in July and they did nothing for three months and then I got the summons in the mail. I had to call the collection lawyer before the summons expired to save myself and ended up paying the full balance.

They did settle $14,000 of my debt with other creditors that are more lax, especially Chase, but NOT at the implied 40%, closer to 60%. They charged me a total of $4,400 in non-refundable fees - 28% of my debt!! That means that I didn't save much, and lots of money went to CDS.

I am trying to get the rest of my trust account refunded (about $3K) because I am finding that calling the creditors/lawyers/collection agencies myself is much FASTER, more effective and doesn't have a 30% service charge. They messed up a wire that was supposed to clear on Wednesday. Two days later, I had to call and request it again because they had "no record" of it. SCARY. You are better off managing your own affairs, because you sure as heck CARE more than a bunch of clueless paper pushers who don't have time to manage your account. You are much better off waiting for that 6 month sweet spot and settle with creditors on your own at 40%-50%. OR work with a credit counseling group.

Regardless of how "helpful" their intentions may seem, the truth is that incompetence and slowness of response can be dangerous when playing with larger debts and getting sued can mean your wages are garnished.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/10/2008 - 08:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They use loaded phrases like "clients rarely get sued", and others to make you feel comfortable with their process. The sales people are scum and will say anything to get you in the program. Within 6 months of being in the program I had three lawsuits against me and every creditor that I happened to pick up the phone for and talk to said they'd never been contacted by CDS, which they were supposed to be doing. They don't provide details of what they are doing to resolve your debt (I'd asked for details of phone calls and contact to my creditors and they flat our refused, saying that wasn't their policy) and the "support" manager actually admitted to me that Chase account holders get sued with relative frequency once they are in the program. In almost a year, they were only able to pay off 2 of my debtors to the tune of only about $3000, which admittedly would have been $6000 originally, but I now have judgements against me and liens on a house that I now have to give up. In all, they are just as bad as any of the predatory lenders out ther in my opinion. They claim they have good relationships with the creditors, but thats not close to the truth and they just plain lie through their teeth in the sales process and don't provide any detailed information on what exactly it is that they've done to try to settle your debt (or prove that they've even contacted anyone) on your behalf. I'd be very interested in a class action lawsuit against them.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 11/18/2008 - 09:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Ok.....I have been searching around, researching different debt settlement companies, and I keep coming back to the same result: You are expected to put away money every month towards your debt settlement, all the while your debt settlement company negotiates with your creditors, which could take months. So your not paying your bills because you putting the money away, thus effecting your credit. Why don't they negotiate the settlement FIRST, and once the settlement has been agreed upon by ALL PARTIES, then start making the payments towards the settlement? This would eliminate lawsuits by creditors not to mention the repeated phone calls and letters by creditors and/or collection agencies. Can anyone advise why this can't be done?


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 02/20/2009 - 14:15

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I worked with Clear Debt Solution for the last year and a half. I would do nothing but recommend them to anyone with debt problems. After a divorce, I was left in a situation I would have never gotten out of! In about 18 mos. they were able to settle $25,000 worth of debt for around $9,000. They are legitimate and very informative every step of the way! :)


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/11/2009 - 04:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

they dont find a setltement first because the cc companies usually want the settlement upfront and in one lump sum and how are you going to do this if you havent saved any yet?

I hate the idea that these types of posts come up because i dont believe everyone that posts and its a shame that others come here for help and get fearful of settlement.

I am a settlement survivor and i say survivor because it sucks. And anyone who tells you other wise is a liar. But the program works and it works well. You guys expect to charge like its going out of style and it be a easy free ride out of debt. You screwed up. Now you have to suffer as i had.

As for settlements not getting settled the typical results are settlements are getting settled usually around 7-8 month mark were things start to pan out and it all depends on the type of debt you have and your creditors if they are hard to deal with or not.

Im sorry you may get angry with me, but i just find it hard to believe you got sued in the first 3 months. It would still be with the origional creditor it never even made it to collections at three months.

In no way have i ever worked for one of these companies but my personal experience is this. I was in a settlement program 2 years had around 7 or 8 creditors, all settled around the 12-13 month mark except for 2 or 3. And i did get sued at the 2 year mark on my last creditor citibank which everyone knows is a pain to deal with. and it was my smallest account. 2 years later not 2 months. We are missing something here if you got sued that quick it just does not happen


Submitted by love_my_things on Wed, 03/11/2009 - 06:04

( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

I rcv'd a call at work from a guy by the name of Chris Carter.. He had told my employer that they were having me arrested on my job because I owed a company 630.00.. To add to my stress the contacted my mother (to whom I don't live with) and told her that I was going to be arrested if I didnt pay this company their money.. I tried calling a gentleman back who claimed to be " An Attorney" for this company.. I informed him that i needed him to fax me something with his Law firm letterhead... still have not rcv'd.. i called back a few days later.. inquring about them coming to my job and having me arrested.. I even got good and told them that they would hear from my attorney.. to make a long story short.. I have not heard back from them....


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 14:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Clear Debt Solutions of CA supposedly settled a debt for me with one of creditors back in Dec 08. Well the creditor charged my account off as a bad debt last month. I am finished with CDS as they have taken almost $6000 of my money over the last 14 months without a single account being settled. Be very aware of Clear Debt Solutions of California.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 05/02/2009 - 17:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This has been the absolute worse nightmare for me. I signed up with Clear Debt Solution a year ago this month. During that time I paid them 1300.00 in fees and they have done absolutley nothing towards helping me settle my debts or provided any sort of service to me at all! All of my balances are now much higher than when I first signed up with CDS and my credit is completely trashed! I called them many times asking what was being done on my behalf, only to be told that they would get a negotiator busy working on my case and call me back on a specific date. They never call back, and when I call them...I am informed each time that no one has been working on my case and that they are sorry. I am now facing my first court apperance, as one of my creditors has filed suit against me. I contacted the company back in May as soon as I received the summons. They never contacted the creditor until this past week and that only got done by me getting upset to the point of having to ask to speak to a supervisor. I was called back the next day by the supervisor only to be informed that the creditor in question will not authorize a third party debt settlement company to work with them. Keep in mind that I was assured when I signed up with CDS that they had worked with all of my creditors in the past and that reaching a settlement with them would be no problem! I have cancelled my program with CDS, and am now waiting for my saved funds to be returned to me so that I can deal with the creditor taking me to court myself hopefully before the court date arrives. This company is a complete and total fraud and scam in my opinion! I have filed complaints with the BBB, Federal Trade Commission and the Attorney General of California...I am also looking into seeking legal action to have the 1300.00 of my money that they charged in fees, that they most certainly did NOT earn, returned to me. I urge anyone looking for financial help to RUN not walk from this company and please, please, please spread the word and help others from making the same dreadful mistake that I have.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 08/07/2009 - 19:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Web Skills huh? Got any nun chuck skills, bow hunting skills to go along with that? :)


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I'm never one to just bash a company online but I will say this. They STOLE $1,800 in my money as far as I'm concerned and if my lawyer doesn't get it back I'll get my money's worth out of it by using my web design skills so that whenever anybody does search for Clear debt solutions they'll find my blog I create which denounces deceptive companies like them. My $1,800 will be well spent if when somebody finds this horse(bleep) company through a google search, my site will be right there underneath them. Boo ya.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 10/15/2009 - 15:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am finally done with these scammers!!!! they did pay off one of 3 accounts I had. I have been sued by the other 2. so you add the upfront costs, along with all lawyer fees I ended up paying double for the one account they did settle! this is wrong I was taken advantage of I lost my job and my wife does anything she can to get us by! these people blow smoke up your butt, to make you feel better about going through them. the reality of it is they lie.
It is like going to burger king and ordering 3 bacon burgers you go to pay and they say here is one that is all we can do for you, but we will keep the money for the other 2 sorry. that should be illegal, that is not wright! they took my money on the basis that they would handle 3 accounts they onley handeled one so in thery they should give me the money back for the other two. we had you sighn your life away in one of your most volunerable moments. I am very angry!!!! they didnt even do anything to hold off my creditors, no never contacted them never sent proof to them about how I was working with them. nothing!!! I payed for nothing only to get further in debt and have my credit trashed!!!!! lets get a class action lawsuit against these people!!! we get enough people that have been bent over by these clowns we just might win they are theves!! I still havent gotten my money back that was in the account they set up either!!!!!!! that better happen soon or I will be taking a little joy ride down to esegundo ca or wherever these people claim to be!!! love one angry dude!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/28/2009 - 09:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I had been enrolled in the Clear Debt Solution program for the past 2 years. It has worked out to a certain extent for me. I had approx. $15,000 in debt (not much by some standards) but I just couldn't make the payments anymore and was getting way over my head. After enrolling, I followed all their instructions, and I still received a certified letter from one of my creditors to appear in court. CDS helped me with a letter writing process to get through this snag and I never heard from that particular creditor again. I have already settled for less than 50% of my debt with several of my other creditors. Unfortunately, I have suffered through this economy and have made the decision to cancel my account with CDS in order to use the remaining money I have saved up in my attached account to help get by. The statute of limitations is almost up with the remaining debts that I still have so I'm hoping I'll be safe until then. I am very satisfied with this company and if it weren't for the fact that I'm having trouble even paying my rent right now, I would still be enrolled with them. If nothing else than to continue saving money.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/08/2010 - 12:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by cindyclevenger
Clear debt solutions
Is Clear debt solutions in northern CA a scam or a good company? I have signed up with them but am having second thoughts...can anyone tell me if they have had an experience with them, and if so, was it positive?

I paid them ??560 a few months ago and they appear to have done nothing and not generated any leads of their own. I have given them several leads from my own investigations but they still cannot trace the person who owes me money. I am giving them a final chance to justify their fee and if not I am going to pursue a refund through my credit card company. I can't believe I was so stupid to have paid up front. I mean, what incentive do they have to do any work at all? They have THEIR money........


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 10/02/2010 - 10:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just wanted to put a little input here. I have been working with Clear Debt Solution since June 2008. I had a total of over $30000 worth of debt between 5 cards. I have had a good experience with this company and just wanted to post something positive so that others will know not everyone has had a negative experience with them. They have settled 3 of the 5 credit cards needing settlement. Yes, I have been sued by one, but it is currently settling now before we ever went to court. I have also been threatened with 2 arbitrations, both of which were dropped after I responded. Clear Debt Solution has been very helpful with any questions or problems I have had. They advised what to do in each situation. The most important thing to do is answer any instance of an arbitration or lawsuit. If you don't answer, they get a default judgement. Once a company sees you are going to fight back, they generally back down. The burden of proof is on them. All that said, CDS was upfront from the beginning with me and I knew there was a possiblity of being sued as well as how they do their settlements. They also sent a packet detailing all of these issues. I also get monthly calls from my debt settlement coach and quick responses via email or phone for any questions I may have. I'm sorry to hear about all the people who got scammed (possibly another Clear Debt Solution company). The ones however who did not do their research on how debt settlement companies work, then you should have. There are many sites on the pros/cons of debt settlement. It is not a fun process and clearly not for everyone.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/12/2011 - 09:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

been enrolled in the program since 2008 with 5 cards and 1 loan totaling 20k.. till today 3/6 things have been taken care of.. you also get a 1040 c, i believe is a debt forgiveness tax form during the tax season to file so the company cant come after you to get the remaining/extra fund not paid for. the advisor does call you every month or so to talk in case you may have questions. they work faster if you regularly send them monthly statements/ debt collection notice anything that can help them trace where your account is or has been sold to.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 07/12/2011 - 14:53

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