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cash transfer centers - are they debiting money with out customer consent?

Date: Wed, 03/21/2007 - 09:42

Submitted by ouzog12
on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 09:42

Posts: 120 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 35

cash transfer centers - are they debiting money with out customer consent?

I have a loan with cash transfer center it is for 500.00 and they are charging me 132.00 in interest which I know is above and beyond my state law limits in Arizona But, here is my problem when they went into take the money out of my account the account had been frozen due to another unauthorized transaction so the bank suggested I close the account which I did and re-opened a new one well now cash transfer centers has called my work, sent my supervisor an e-mail asking them to discuss this with me an has contacted my payroll department. I contacted them and they said more or less too bad I revoked any authorization but they are saying they do not care they do not take payments and that I have to wire them the money or they will continue to call and contact my supervisor and the payroll department? What to do they want the money back at the end of this week and I will not have it.

keep them out of your account since Cash Transfer Center have taken more than what the allowed is in your state. Search throughout the forum for the letters to send them requesting a refund. Talk to your supervisor and payroll department, inform them that they are trying to obtain money illegally...and without a court order they cannot put a wage lein against your pay.
Send a letter of cease and desist to the pdl company also back it up with an email and fax of the same. Make sure to mail the letter with return receipt and keep for future. Also contact the AZ Attorney Generals office, file a complaint with the FCC and the AG's office, the AG will need supporting documents to be faxed/mailed. Be persisitant and you will be victorious


Submitted by taki2u on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 10:41

( Posts: 88 | Credits: )

CTC is known for wage assignment so immediately send them a wage revocation. Send a copy of that also to your payroll department. Cash Transfer Centre people are ruthless! You can e-mail the wage revocation, but follow it up with snail mail certified return receipt. I know that this seems like a lot but get it done NOW!


Submitted by Colleen H Carrocia on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 10:55

( Posts: 1117 | Credits: )

Report Cash Transfer Centers to your state attorney general and the BBB. They have already received number of complaints against them. You need to add your complaint also and put them under investigation.

Do a search on CTC in this board. Take a print out and show it to your employer. They might be already aware of their illegal business activities. In case they don't, the comments posted here about CTC will help them in understanding the illegal nature of their business.


Submitted by mcranberra on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 11:36

( Posts: 524 | Credits: )

Also, even though Cash Transfer Center are the original creditor, if you tell them NO PHONE CALLS at your place of employment, they HAVE to abide by that. Start documenting the dates and times they contact your employer or you at work and get your complaints in. AND get the voluntary wage revocation letter to them and a copy to your employer ASAP. They will attempt this, most employers won't accept, but better safe than sorry I say.


Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 12:56

( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Yes I did but, I just received a phone call from Cash Transfer Center and they forwarded over an e-mail to my employer
regardless of what I wrote and forwarded to them. I contacted the Arizona Financial Inst. and they stated that as soon as they get my complaint and documentation that they will be getting a hold of them right away they are not licensed in my state.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 08:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

It sounds like you are taking the right steps in dealing with Cash Transfer Center. I dealt with them in late 05 so I know what a pain they can be. If you mail anything to them, send it certified with return receipt. This way you will have proof that they received it. Don't back down from them.


Submitted by Cow & Chicken on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 14:59

( Posts: 3571 | Credits: )


Cash Transfer Center are sneaky ones. She might have had to put a boss on her original loan paperwork with them. When I defaulted with Sonic, they also e-mailed my boss at work. I didn't give them his e-mail address. That was so embarassing but he didn't make a big deal out of it. They are scaveng ers to say the least. :twisted:


Submitted by Cow & Chicken on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 05:40

( Posts: 3571 | Credits: )

I did not give them an e-mail address of my company nor the name of my boss. I do not know how they got the name of the Payroll supervisor in our corporate office in California. I think one of the reasons that the Arizona department of Finance is helping me is because they will not stop calling my work and payroll department.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 06:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well today I received an e-mail from cash transfer center after filing with the Attorney General, Federal Trade comission and the Arizona Department of Finance. I sent Cash Transfer Centers a bunch of letters stating Arizona Law, Revoking Wage Assignments, Quoting the laws of a Wage Assignment everything you could think of I think it was about 9 pages. Now I received an e-mail stating they are going to cease all collection effort.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 06:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They also got my payroll department email, and my supervisors personal email. She was upset, but I just told her that none of us at the company had it. I have no idea how they got it, but I would like to know. I just tried to login to my account with them last night, and it said I was not allowed access to their site. I do know that one of the agencies I filed with sent them a letter, but I haven't gotten anything yet. I wish they would let me know what is going on. I don't trust them.


Submitted by swoody on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 06:23

( Posts: 103 | Credits: )

Chances are you might have some difficulties with Cash Transfer Center. What state are you in? Most all online internet lendors charge the same...$25-$30 for every $100 borrowed. Remember that each payday they are going to attempt to make two withdrawals, and will charge $30 for each instance that come back NSF. They won't bargain.

And yes, they do love their wage assignments they threaten you with. However, wage assignments are totally voluntary, and are also suppose to be signed in person. You can simply write CTC a letter stating that you are revoking the wage assignment, and send it certified. Along with the wage assignment you can request them not to contact your place of employment.

What state are you in by the way?



Submitted by Teleport on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 06:31

( Posts: 1388 | Credits: )

I am in Oregon. It has been a fight with them from the beginning. I haveore than paid them the principle, along with a good chunk of interest. The main reason I filed the complaints is because I was tired of being called a b**ch, and then hung up on. That is uncalled for. I tried to explain the reason I defaulted in the first place, but they didn't want to hear it. My checking account was closed, so they couldn't draw on it anymore. I am having the same problem with another company right now. It is They are also known as STEN financial. They called and told me I had charges filed against me by the FBI. Scared the snot out of mu until I thought about it. Hopefully the FBI wouldn't be called in for a defaulted payday loan which by the way, neither of these companies are licensed in Oregon.


Submitted by swoody on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 06:49

( Posts: 103 | Credits: )

Swoody if they threatened you with the FBI, you should file a complaint WITH the FBI for a company using them as a scare tactic in trying to collect money. I can assure you that the FBI does not look kindly on this type of threat. And the next time that they call you tell them that you have filed a complaint with the FBI. Also file a complaint with ICE (homeland security) under cyber crimes.


Submitted by Colleen H Carrocia on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 06:54

( Posts: 1117 | Credits: )

Swoody - Wage assignments are illegal in Oregon. They cannot get at your paycheck without a court order, so you don't have to worry about that.

Have you called the banking dept yet? When I was going through my stuff, they helped me out and called some of my pdl's for me. I never heard from them after that. If you want I can PM you the name and number of the guy I talked to . . . .


Submitted by goudah2424 on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 07:06

( Posts: 7935 | Credits: )

That would be great. I have sent the revoke letter. I just don't like not knowing what is going on. i don't know if I should be worried that they won't let me on the site,or if I should be prepared for something nasty to happen


Submitted by swoody on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 07:12

( Posts: 103 | Credits: )

Ok - This is what I did to receive my e-mail stating that they are going to cease all collection effort.
First I filed with all of the agencies I mentioned above The AG, Federal Trade commission and lastly Arizona Department of Financial Institutions. I am aware you are in a different state but they should have a complaint form you can file on line or fax over to them. I faxed them a Wage assignment to revoke any assignment and they no longer had my permission to use. Then I put together a letter to inform them that they wer no longer permitted to contact me at my place of employment or call my employer or even to contact via e-mail. Then I put together a lengthy leeter stating once again I revok wage assignment and they cannot contact me at work and my employer and I quoted Arizona laws about PDL's
I also sent them a copy of the wage ssignment termed legal and what requirments need to be met in order for it to be legal.Lastly I sent them a Cease and Desist letter. This took sometime but the next day I got an e-mail stating that they are stopping all collection effort. They also contacted my employer how they got the e-mail address is beyond me and they also contacted the payroll department in California via e-mail do not know how they received that either. So, if you need help let me know most of what I told you is right here on this site it is a great tool for information.


Submitted by ouzog12 on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 07:54

( Posts: 120 | Credits: )

okay, little tip, if you are contact these companies via email, or their website, use a proxy server to do so. google proxy and follow the first link that comes up.

(A proxy server masks your IP address, it actually shows a bogus one) do this for your email as well, b/c IP addy's can be retrieved from mail thats been ssent.


Submitted by sswett on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 09:11

( Posts: 408 | Credits: )

I live in NC. I closed my checking account and opened a new one, because of all of the extended fees being taken out by VC and Mesa Financial. I owe VC $390 and Mesa $260. They have both been taking out the extend fees of $90 and $60 since April. None of it has been applied to the principle. I can not afford to continue to pay this. Also, I have a $400 loan with Cash Transfer Centers. With costly returned check and overdraft fees, they were able to recoupe all but $141.50. When they were not able to draft out of my account on my last payday, they contacted me and wanted me to wire them the money by Wednesday, June 12, 2007. I was unable to and now they are threatening to contact my employer to take it out of my wages. Please advise what I should do before the harrasment starts. Thanks, in advance, for all of your advice.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 06/14/2007 - 11:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Up27, do you feel comfortable contacting/emailing your payroll department and letting them know about the stituation? I emailed mine and told them there was fraudulent activity on my account so I had to close it, and that the company may try to garnish my wages. It is illegal for a company to garnish wages without a court order, so I informed them of this as well. They said my email would suffice as a wage-revocation letter & theyd keep it on file, & contact me if anyone tried to get my wages!

You can search for a wage revocation letter on this forum - send it to your payroll department, along with Cash Trasnsfer Centers. Hope this helps.


Submitted by jennyr on Thu, 06/14/2007 - 12:09

( Posts: 51 | Credits: )