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Date: Thu, 09/13/2012 - 15:04

Submitted by tiaboni
on Thu, 09/13/2012 - 15:04

Posts: 15 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 3


i have a bunch of accounts about to pass the 30 day mark ,
i have been already getting calls. what i want to know is fist should i even be picking the phone up this early in the game ?
second if i should be which so far i have ,all they want to do is bring the account current .should i be telling them i have a little pool of money from family and im settlling with any account thats willing ? but then if i tell them i have some cash to settle they will want to no why cant you just bring account current

hope that made sence thank u to who ever can help

It is around the 90 days mark that most creditors (especially credit card companies) tend to focus on settlement offers rather coax you into paying every cent. Although, there are creditors who are known to sue at the drop of a hat. For that matter, there are lenders (especially PDLs) which would stop calling you the moment you miss a payment and on a nice summer morning you will find yourself being served or looking at a default judgment on your credit report.


Submitted by Steve Barris on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 00:26

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