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I'm a GA resident and I have two bad cc debts BofA with last

Date: Mon, 02/24/2020 - 06:07

Submitted by Alex9
on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 06:07

Posts: Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 3

I'm a GA resident and I have two bad cc debts BofA with last

I'm a GA resident and I have two bad cc debts BofA with last activity repo 6 yrs back . Asset Acceptance bought the debt later. I've never once spoken to or corresponded with AA ever. I'm still unclear about the Statute of Limitations but would it be wise to begin disputing this debt (it's mine and I know it) or wait another year. Thanks.

Hi friend. I have checked the Georgian Statute of Limitations laws on civil disputes thoroughly. The rule says the debt collection claim can have a maximum limit of 6 years. So, make a count on your own on the years whether or not you have crossed the Statute of Limitations period. From your question it seems that it’s more than 6 years. But, please make sure.

Now we should discuss your second question. You can erase these two bad credit card debts from the credit bureau reports if you wait for another year. A bureau usually removes negative listings after 7 years.

I think it will be wise for you now. You have not responded to your two debts for so long (6 years). A sudden reopening of the case means the SOL will start all over again. The debt settlement cannot help you much in this scenario (Your credit score will remain negative as it was for the 6 years).

So, if you want to take my point of view, my suggestion will be that you should be silent.

Let what is passing by- let it pass silently.


Submitted by Ryan Miller on Wed, 02/26/2020 - 02:27

( Posts: 249 | Credits: 2769 )

I would like to add one point. The SOL period starts from the date of first default. So you have to calculate the SOL period from the day of your first default. Don't start calculating from the day when the account was opened. If the debt is valid, then there is no point in disputing it. Wait for another year and let it go from your credit report. Don't acknowledge the debt now.


Submitted by Nick Jonas on Fri, 02/28/2020 - 01:58

( Posts: 427 | Credits: )