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Wells Fargo Auto loan harassment

Submitted by ladybug on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 06:14
Posts: 2753

I have a friend and her car is financed through Wells Fargo. They keep calling her everyday at home and just recently (yesterday) at her job stating she hasn't made her car payment since June. She has made those payments every month. She went in and talked to the branch manager and he contacted their installment loan department but they are still harassing her.
I told her to send a cease and desist letter but I don't know if that is the way to go as it is still with the original creditor. This is very distressing to her, I don't know what to tell her. Any help would be appreciated.

Ladybug I am sorry your friend is going through this. Wells Fargo sucks big time. I had a loan through them for my truck (the loan was in my dads name but I was paying) Then he had an accident and was perm. disabled (thank god he had the insurance on the loan) I was laid off and couldn't make the payments until the ins. got done taking their time checking things out. Wells Fargo kept calling me and him DAILY. I finally told them to contact the ins. company. I had only missed 2 payments. Thank god the insurance finally paid them off. But it was hell dealing with them.

I would send them copies of the checks she used to make the payments. I would also check her credit report to see how they are reporting on her account. Then if they are reporting it as late and she has proof that she made those payments on time, then I probably would file complaints. I know that wells fargo has many different (brain fart) business/sections, whatever you want to call them. They have the auto finance, which you can make payments at any wells fargo bank. Then they have a wells fargo finance, which you can get loans for anything but they charge high interest and you cannot make payments at the bank. So she needs to talk with a supervisor/manager at the auto finance to get it straight. Then I would seek out another bank or credit union to refinance her car. I for one WILL NOT do any type of business with wells fargo anything lol. They screwed my dad with his mortage, my truck and sucked him dry in fees with his checking/savings account.

Submitted by puddlejmpr on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 06:46


( Posts: 1634 | Credits: )

I have a sneaking suspicion that the reason she got her loan through them was because she had declared bk and she is paying like an ungodly interest rate. I think her interest rate is 11%. I filed for bk and soon after bought a used car through my credit union for 5.4% interest rate.

She definetly is upside down in her loan and has three years left to pay it off. What is really depressing she paid $18,000.00 for a pontiac sunfire that you can buy used for $7,000 or so for that year.

I feel bad for her, and that is a prime example how these finance people at these car lots take advantage of women.


Submitted by ladybug on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 06:57


( Posts: 2753 | Credits: )

yep, that is sooo true. I know my dad had great credit but we had 10% interest on the truck. And after I found out that I could have got the truck somewhere else for almost $10,000 cheaper :oops: But thanks to the insurance and my dad getting disabled (well not that part anyway) I only ended up paying around $5,000 for my truck before the ins. paid it off. So I ended up saving $15,000 :D

Submitted by puddlejmpr on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 07:49


( Posts: 1634 | Credits: )

I am new here and I could really use some help. I also have an auto loan with Wells Fargo. I got hurt at work and I am permantly diasabled. When I took the loan out I had disability insurance. Now they are saying I dont. That it expired after 2 years. What can I do? Thank you very much.

Submitted by john_Invill on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 10:05


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Do you still have the paperwork from when you got your loan? If so then read it over and see. I believe that when you take out the insurance it should be for the life of the loan, but if they say it was done after 2 years then they should have given you the option of renewing the insurance. Something doesn't sound right. I would call and ask the name of the insurance carrier that you had/still have for the disability insurance. Then call them directly. Wells Fargo has that information and you have the right to that info. Good luck and let me know what you find out.

Submitted by puddlejmpr on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 10:23


( Posts: 1634 | Credits: )

Thank You very much. I got out and I couldnt get back in. I had to reregister. I am sorry. I missed a letter. I found out I am messed up. Its a two year agreement. I dont know what I am going to do. Thanks for you help anyways. John

Submitted by johnInvll on Mon, 09/24/2007 - 11:36


( Posts: 3 | Credits: )

I had my friend pull her bank statements today for the month of June, wells fargo has been calling her continously for like 4 months stating that she never made her June payment. Well, let me tell you what happened....the a___holes!!!!!!!!posted her payment to someone else's account. So all of these months of harassment, threatening to repossess her car, and everyother nasty thing they could get away with all they have to say for themselves is "oh we are sorry we will take care of that for you" :twisted:

I told her to get the loan out of that bank. She has banked there for over 20 years and if she is even $1.00 short on her balance they of course will cover the check but still charge $34.00 NSF...that I can kind of agree with...but what morons.


Submitted by ladybug on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 19:22


( Posts: 2753 | Credits: )

I hope that they credit her account for the late payment fees also. But I would also have her file a complaint with the banking division of her state. Just because it was their mistake and they kept calling and threatening her. If it were me I would have gone off on the person that said that to me after dealing with them for months. But thats just me lol. When it comes to money I am like a pit bull lol.

Submitted by puddlejmpr on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 20:17


( Posts: 1634 | Credits: )

Lady bug, I am with puddle. They are the worst. I had a car financed through them and as soon as I could I changed the financing. After I did I called back and spoke to a manager and told them exactly why I changed banks and I told them I was filing with every agency possible and I was going to post negative comments all over the internet about them. Made me feel better but he said to go ahead.

Submitted by RoxyNY on Tue, 10/02/2007 - 09:27


( Posts: 4178 | Credits: )

I know they sound exactly like sallie mae which I have a student loan through, but that's whole different story. We did pull one credit report last night and nothing negative has shown up under there but that was just one credit bureau. I am wondering if it will show up under one of the other two. We will have to pull those up as well.


Submitted by ladybug on Tue, 10/02/2007 - 09:45


( Posts: 2753 | Credits: )

I had the same problem with Wells Fargo. Medical bills sent my wife and I into a financial disaster. We tried to keep up with all our bill but they kept piling up. All our creditors were understanding. They had to tack on late fees but they worked with us. Wells Fargo on the other hand ended up starting to call us sometimes more than once a day and even on Sunday. I have call records on my cell phone for seventy four calls in a thirty day period. In the state of Colorado if a person repeatedly calls someone it is considered harassment, unless it is Wells Fargo and you owe them money. I called the police and they said they would not allow me to file charges since I owe the bank money. One officer told me that if I owe them money that they can call me as many times as they like and don't have to say anything if they so choose. Many times when the bank called they would simply hang up the phone without saying anything. THIS MUST STOP!! What can we do so they do not continue to harass people at will.

Submitted by on Thu, 03/12/2009 - 22:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

the same thing persists almost every month even though you send your payment in on time and the post office is late in getting there. the personnal that wells fargo have are ruid, they actually tell me how to make my payments where do they get the nerve how i pay as long as they get there money. they sit at the other end of the phone and mock you laugh at you. wells fargo should be sued for harrasement and maybe they would learn a class action law suite would be good. maybe the owners of wells fargo should be called all hours of the day and night and see how he or she like it

Submitted by on Mon, 03/22/2010 - 08:44

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John G. Stumpf, C.E.O Wells Fargo
1090 Chestnut St, Apt 12
San Francisco, CA 94109-1230
HOME PHONE # (415) 346-8543
Call John at home and tell him that you don???t like frivolous phone call from Wells Fargo. If enough people call him at home he might start to understand!

Submitted by on Sat, 03/27/2010 - 08:36

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I had a vehicle through Wells Fargo and I will agree they were bad, but now my boyfriend and I have a vehicle through Santander and they have to be the worst about calling. Right now we owe the March payment and that is it, which was due on the 10th, so we are 20 days late. But the day after a payment is due the calls start coming in, and they will call my house, my cell, and his cell. They never use the same number to call from and the other day I received 6 calls on my cell and 6 calls on my home phone, plus the calls on his cell. Now I thought bill collectors could only call once a day. I understand them wanting their money, but one phone call is enough in a day. They used to even call me at work, but they have stopped doing that.

Submitted by on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 11:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Something has to be done about Wells Fargo, they will start calling at 0800 in the am until 9pm at night, this is harrassment. It ought to be a law against that and a class action suit should be filed. i deleted my work number from their files so they will not harrass my co-workers.It is nerve racking to keep receiving the calls can almost send you into a nervous condition. I will not deal with them ever again when I finish paying them.

Submitted by on Sun, 12/26/2010 - 23:23

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This is harrassment. It ought to be a law suit filed against Wells Fargo. They say they can not help the calls, this is very hard to believe. They call so much until you want to scream. I still have a call on the phone where one of theri employees had to aplopgize. I am saving it never know when I might need it. They need to take a class on customer service. They call about ten times a day on every number that they have this is ridiculous and could caouse one to have a nervous breakdown.

Submitted by on Sun, 12/26/2010 - 23:29

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They would not continue to call if you answer on the first call....then they would not continue to call. Removing your work phone wont stop them from is still in the file section.

Suggestion is to call them daily to let them know when your payment is being sent. The collections department is simply doing their job.

Submitted by SOAPLADY on Mon, 12/27/2010 - 17:47


( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

I had an auto loan through them to and they used to call me at work and harass me to. I would tell them to stop calling me at work and they would still keep calling. Thankfully I paid off my car loan and don't have to deal with them anymore. Tell your friend I said good luck with them because they harass the crap out of you.

Submitted by on Thu, 06/30/2011 - 21:37

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