I need help to negotiate some sort of settlement or agreement regarding my auto title loan.
Date: Tue, 01/31/2017 - 22:26
I need help to negotiate some sort of settlement or agreement regarding my auto title loan.
I bought an old car as an investment. Paid cash. Suddenly without warning I lost my job. It took months to find a new one. During that time, I took an auto title loan against the car because I was short of cash. I know this was a dumb move. Anyway, I'm working now with a good job and I need help to represent me because so much time has passed without a payment. I'm not trying to get out of paying. I just need to negotiate some sort of settlement or agreement so I can manage my obligation. Is it better to work with a settlement company I've previously taklen help from?
On a second thought, you can
On a second thought, you can approach a local credit union for help as well.
There’s always an added
There’s always an added advantage if you work with a settlement company that you’ve previously taken help from. The company knows your financial history and moreover, you may get discounts on settlement fees.