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Can I settle a debt with Chase at this stage?

Date: Mon, 05/06/2013 - 05:22

Submitted by anonymous
on Mon, 05/06/2013 - 05:22

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 4

Can I settle a debt with Chase at this stage?

I’m facing a problem in dealing with Chase. They have validated the debt. I’m so grateful for that. However, they’re equally difficult to negotiate with. I have made several settlement offers to them. They have not accepted even one offer. Rather, I’ve been served with summons. Do you feel that the CA will settle the debt at this stage? I just want to avoid judgment. I’m a resident of Attalla.

They might settle prior to the court date...but then again they might not. They have already put out court and legal costs so that is tacked on to your balance. There is no law that requires them to settle.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Mon, 05/06/2013 - 07:13

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

This is why you only want to request validation if you feel the debt isn't valid. Requesting validation on valid debts is very dangerous.

Please see why sending a debt validation letter can land you in hot water for a detailed explanation as to why.

In respect to your current situation, you may want to research your options in regard to filing an answer.


Submitted by Jared Strauss on Mon, 05/06/2013 - 14:36

( Posts: 74 | Credits: )

Before I explain this, I want you to know that I'm not an attorney and that you should seek legal advise pertaining to your individual situation. What I'm about to explain to you is my perception of what I observed from behind-the-scenes while I was in the collection industry.

Collection attorneys live and die off default judgments. 90% of all people that are served never file an answer.

When you don't file an answer the collection attorney is victorious automatically.

When you file an answer they don't get the judgment by default. It creates work for them. And it creates some uncertainty for them, since they now have to prove that you owe the balance they're claiming.

Right now, they're 90% confident that you will either pay the bill or that they'll obtain a judgment by default.

But, if you file an answer, that confidence shifts and they're more likely to become more negotiable.

The most effective answer that I saw filed back when I was in the collection industry was an answer disagreeing with the balance along with a request for a detail of the charges.

When I saw answer's like that filed, I noticed that it forced the collection attorney to obtain paperwork that he or she may not have access to.

So if I were you, I would call a local attorney and get their advise about this and have them explain the particulars about what happens after you file an answer.

And then if you're comfortable with what you learn, file your answer and approach them about a week after doing so to re-initiate negotiations.

I would offer them approximately 40% of what I owed, when doing so.

Please feel free to respond with any questions. And when you're looking for an attorney, you're looking for one that specializes in consumer law, bankruptcy, or the FDCPA.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.


Submitted by Jared Strauss on Tue, 05/07/2013 - 13:32

( Posts: 74 | Credits: )