Called me on my cell when I said not to call
Date: Tue, 05/07/2013 - 18:54
Called me on my cell when I said not to call
Can you tell if they're using
Can you tell if they're using a dialer?
And how did they obtain your cell number?
When and how did you send the
When and how did you send the letter???
You may have to change your
You may have to change your cell phone number. I was getting so many calls that they were maxing out my voice mail allowance. I made my settlement offers via my home phone and e-mail. Another alternative would be to just answer those numbers that you recognize, letting others go to voice mail and the erase without returning the call. They'll tire of it eventually.
They had it already
They had all my numbers. (Work,Cell, home) I don't know how they got them. I did business with this company before. It was the loss mitigation dept. I talked to the auto dialer and they said they only had the home number which I cited the COULD call. The loss mitigation person left a vm on my cell too. The same day a woman from a number they called on before (loss mitigation /settlement) called and asked to verify my work and cell phone numbers. They called the cell and I asked her why and told her I had filed a letter not to call any number other than home. She looked it up and verified that they had the letter. This dept asked for a more detailed hardship and settlement offer. I had sent the original letter telling them not to call in April.
I sent it US mail.
I sent other letters Certified mail. But how can you validate the content of the letter?