Abstract judgment
Date: Sat, 10/27/2012 - 07:41
Abstract judgment
There is some conflicting information here. How can there be a j
There is some conflicting information here. How can there be a judgment on an account which has already been paid in full by one of the 2 co-signers? Does not sound right. Arrow has gone up in the air and seeing that it is 7 years (or more) since the account was reported, it must have dropped off your credit report by now.
This is how I see it:
Arrow having gone out of business might mean that the account got handed to somebody else, in which case you would need to find that somebody, pay them and have the judgment satisfied and file the satisfaction documents with the court to have the lien removed.
Now if the judgment is invalid (since Arrow died), you can file a motion to vacate or remove the judgment with the county court.