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Can anyone verify the credibility of law firm

Date: Sat, 08/15/2009 - 00:41

Submitted by anonymous
on Sat, 08/15/2009 - 00:41

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 14

Can anyone verify the credibility of law firm

For the most part I understand there are sites such as BBB, and etc that give them high credibility however I was concerned since I encountered an incident when one was trying to explain to me that it is important to share password information between customer and law firm. This really confused me and I felt extremely uncomfortable to think that my definition of a password is usually a individual set of characters that is only known to one's self. I may have posted on the wrong forum so maybe I’ll try this one. I have been in contact with them about that this situation is handled incorrectly and that a person was a receptionist. I was helped by, Terry which is a person that takes online help via chat. I also believe that Terry is also Vincent Smith (Vikas Sagar), for I spent many hours of his kindness and help on my debt problem.

When proceeding to joining the firm, my account was deleted twice, and on the 2nd time this really worried me. After that I contacted Terry/Vincent Smith/Vikas Sagar about the password situation, and as shown below is the conversation that we had, and how he tried to persuade me that sharing passwords is a necessary step in order for them to help me.
Terry: Thomas, may I know that any speacific reason for you to change the password.
Thomas: ummm... everytime I have emails, bankaccounts, and etc I would assume that it's safe to change your password?
Thomas: why would I want a one letter number as my password so that anyone can access it?
Thomas: it makes no sense in my opinion
Terry: You can change the password of your account but let us know of the same as we even need to have the access to the details.
Thomas: ...
Thomas: as moderators of the web site, you should have a data base to view my information?
Thomas: I don't notify my emails, bankaccounts and etc when i change a password
Thomas: also when making an account it doesn't state I should share passwords as well
Terry: Thomas, sorry to let you know that you view is as similar to a person who is only tech savvy but not concerned about the debt.
Thomas: pardon me?
Terry: If you do not wish to share your password with the company that is helping you out to get rid of the debt, we will not be able to work on the file as we will not be able to update any details on that and look at the details.
Terry: We are financial advisor, who is helping you to get out of debt, not hackers who can get into the account just like that.
Thomas: hmmm... maybe I'm incorrect but as a web site a personal password should be considered individual to a person. Just imagine if your default password was the same for everyong?
Thomas: if that was to happene than anyone can view my information freely by anyone if they found myemail
Thomas: would you want to share your passwords with yahoo?
Thomas: yahoo doesn't even know your passwords
Thomas: for they have to reset it if there are any issues
Terry: I informed you earlier that we will update each and every details on the account so that you can view the work progress at anytime. When we open an account we give a password to you, but you can surely change that, but need to inform us about that change.
Thomas: I really don't recall this
Thomas: nor does it state anywhere on the web site
Thomas: if you woul've told me to have a joint password between you and I
Thomas: than I would've done so, but now I'm feeling really uneasy
Thomas: you honestly don't think this is a security issue?
Thomas: as a person that works for the firm I would assume that you had the technology to view my information on some other master link versus sharing the same password with me
Terry: I really feel that you are not confident or sure if you want to go with our program or not. This is a law firm and sharing your personal details with anyone will not be the case from our end.
Thomas: well as your aware you know things like this are scams
Thomas: I need to be assured your company will not try to scam me
Thomas: when you read things like this on the web site simlar to this
Thomas: I received a call from an attorney from federal legislation of unsecured loans on Thursday around 1:30pm. The first man spoke of an Indian voice and told me that they were pressing charges against me for check fraud,and theft and asked me have I ever been arrested. They also had my banking information and they told me I had received a payday loan and daufted on the loan and now I need to pay 614.00 I told them that I was with ovlg and had consolidated all my loans, but he kept telling me I need to pay that amount. I asked him what payday loan I am paying and he kept saying he doesnt know he is just from the federal legislation of unsecured loans and I need to pay that right away or else they would notify my job. He told me I could pay the payments in 3 payments of 200.00 a month and he needed 200.00 today. I told him I didnt have it, so he said borrow it from a friend oryou may go to jail. By this time I become real nervous and started asking him could I pay the money by next friday and he said hold on let me see---he came backand said I'm sorry we need 200 today. I am so glad I came back and searced them on google and found out that this was a scam. They almost had my credit card number. The have a voice like an India and sound like they are calling from overseas.
Thomas: I would feel confident if information is confidential between you and I
Thomas: a password if you think about it should be personal
Thomas: people that create web pages should have security features that should also be personal to the user
Thomas: any information that i have should also be viewed on another method than knowing my password
Terry: Thomas, seems that you have many things to say and thus you are typing many things, but, as I am not that tech savvy that you want us to be, I would rather prefer speaking with you rather chatting.
Thomas: I really don't recall you telling me this
Thomas: hmmm.... this is quite frusterating to know you spent 2 hours with me one day to be really prompt and patient with me
Terry: if you want to share the password, we will be able to work on your case or else, I will inform the management abut your concern, and the rest will on them.
Thomas: what is the manager's email?
Terry: Any specific reason for asking the managers email?
Thomas: I just want to question him about the password issue
Thomas: do you think your password is shared with people when you sign up for web pages online?
Thomas: it's encrypted
Thomas: hence when you forget it, they regenerate a random password to you and you have to rechange it
Thomas: I totally understand that you have to view my information
Thomas: but I would also think that you have your own database to view it on
Thomas: also, you are the only web site that knew about my situation for now
Terry: When I am putting in my password with some other company that is no where related o financial help, i will make sure that it is encrypted and but when I am taking their help and in order to keep me updated with the progress, they need my password, then I will share.
Thomas: but these past days i've been getting emails and calls on debt companys
Thomas: which didn't make sense to me
Thomas: hmmm... so your feel comfortable giving out your personal passwords
Thomas: ?
Thomas: this is why I don't feel comfortable and confident to assure my funds with you guys at the moment
Thomas: I really felt this firm should be reliable in what they do
Thomas: based on BBB, and other various web sites
Thomas: passwords are suppose to be personal to an individual
Thomas: I would think your company would have a data base of records that is view in another method that doesn't use the individuals password
Thomas: I also don't recall you telling me about this as well
Terry: I am not giving them the password of my personal id but I am talking about the account that is created for me by the helping company.
Thomas: may I please have your managers email
Terry: Thomas, you do not recall as it has been always the case that you have written something and not ready to listen to me .
Terry: [email][/email]
Thomas: I'm not trying to be rude but just think about this situation
Thomas: I understand that you guys want to help us out as much as possible
Thomas: but something really minor when it comes to password issues should be individual
Thomas: you should have a database of my information without the knowledge of my information
Thomas: in terms of passwords
Thomas: when you go to the hospital, bank, and etc you have a certain account number no one knows about until they enter it in
Thomas: and there database will extract it
Terry: I have thought about the situation and thus wanted to help you as has been the case for other clients.
Thomas: I've been recieving misc emails and calls about debt settlement companys from others when I never signed up for anything, or gave them my information
Terry: We are here to help you and negotiate about your debt but not to extract your password.
Thomas: you also didn't mention this when my account was deleted the first time
Thomas: this is the 2nd time
Terry: You get emails and calls not becayse that your password is known , but for the reason that email is known.
Thomas: I believe that is false, I individual check my cookies and if anyone is scanning my computer i am warned by misc spams
Thomas: when you visit a web site you can dis allow web pages to extract your digital information. and also emails are not attached to my views as well
Terry: Thomas. please pick the call.
Thomas: I really do thank you for your help these past days but i will contact the manager to see this issue. There not point of going back and forth explaining what your trying to prove because this is a very important security issue, which gives me a red flag that this is a possible scam.
Thomas: I emailed you saying that I will get my cell phone tomorrow
Thomas: but thank you for your help.
Terry: I have left the message for you and thus you can decide if you would like to go for the program and even can send mail to the manager regarding this issue.
Terry: As i will be informing about this to him, so that necessary step is taken for the account.

I really hope that this post doesn't get locked, as well as deleted eventually. There has been many worries and concerns that the management has stated to me and I highly appreciate the concern, however I would just like to understand how the people actually feel. Thank you everyone that has read this.

it is true that the company has definitely shown character and compassion, but I also wanted feedback on the company. I have spent this much time and research and although there are already sources on BBB and their own websites, doing research online you???d also find out you pretty much don???t hear much about them in general. It is also very understandable that companies also make mistakes and I defiantly comprise on the degree of the mistake as well.

The thing that concerns me of the validity in their words, I do think the people that have tried to help me are all kind, knowledge, and well mannered. I don???t feel like I???m picking on the company as well, because I could very well just take my business elsewhere, however based on the research I???ve done it seems that their company ???may???, provide the most honest job as compared to the other companies that deal with credit settlement.

I pretty much feel like I would like to join their services, but I???m also concerned on the punishment that they claimed to do on that certain employee. From my knowledge it seems that person is pretty much terminated, but what I???m curious about is if this is officially true? I figure employee???s have some sort of system where there???s a certain amount of action before they can actually fire a person. However if I???m to view their web site, you can determine if a certain person is online, and also it seems these forums that I???m writing on that person that dealt with my situation is a moderator of these forums.
Basically it wouldn???t matter if they did or did not terminate a person, but if I???m told one thing which isn???t true, than that does concern me. I like flat out answers and actions when someone claims to do so. The manager of the company also kindly explained his concerns and expresses his apologizes and I do appreciate that. One comment he made that concerned me as well is that he stated that he can get phone numbers of successful people that have dealt with the company, maybe I???m over analyzing this phrase but people have privacy concerns to deal with in this type of situation. I personally wouldn???t want to have some random people contact me on how well the company has treated me on some random day and time. I do appreciate everyone???s time and consideration in listening to my concerns.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 17:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I'm with them Right now and I have 4 accounts. They already settled one after 8 months, a $9,000 debt and they settled it for $1800. That's freaking amazing!!! I was so shocked at the outcome but Its pretty sweet.

I would highly recommend the company as they are always open for calls and are easy to reach, understanding, and very nice.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/25/2010 - 13:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Why is EVERYONE all with American names? Are they outsourced? Where are they? The all have American names......I'm not real sure about them.....they claim they are in the US.

allow me to set this straight.alot of middle easterners use american interpretations of their different names.a mechanic i go to calls himself sam,but his real name is something different.i don't understand the problem,or issue here.yes the company is in this country,and yes they outsource some work,but they are in this country.


Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 06/18/2010 - 20:26

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I thought they were a law firm. How can they outsource anything? I don't know about California, but I know a lawyer in New Jersey that was disbarred for letting non-lawyers do collection work under his name. Unless you mean they farm it out to another law firm. Is that what they do?


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 06/20/2010 - 15:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I thought they were a law firm. How can they outsource anything? I don't know about California, but I know a lawyer in New Jersey that was disbarred for letting non-lawyers do collection work under his name. Unless you mean they farm it out to another law firm. Is that what they do?

oakview is a firm that does debt settlement/relief for far as i know they might outsource their billing and that's it.they are not collectors nor act as such.they have never misrepresented anything as far as some collectors do.why don't you e-mail vikas.he will give you the straught dope.oakview is not like the scam that has been all over this and other sites i assure you.


Submitted by paulmergel on Mon, 06/21/2010 - 08:33

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I wasn't trying to say or even imply that they were a scam. I don't know a great deal about the law firm other than what I've read on this site. I was just confused when you said they outsource because I didn't think law firms were allowed to outsource the way other types of businesses can.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/21/2010 - 10:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have not used this firm; however I have been pulled into an ongoing scam which is very similar to the one Thomas had spoke about earlier--one in which I have been threatened with everything from lawsuits to incarceration if I don't pay on a pdl which they won't tell me with whom. Every person who calls has an American name with an Indian accent. And---not everyone with a middleeastern name uses an American derivative--I know many middleeasterners who are very proud of their name and don't create american derivatives. That point notwithstanding, I have spoke to many others who have been experiencing these ploys. I do know that there are companies actively seeking a solution to this problem of fradulent business practices. Many of these scams are moving targets so it is hard to get them but the cause continues.
If you truly owe money, find a legitimate lawyer in your community who handles financial issues like this and seek his help. KIf it sounds to good to be true, it probably is! At one time I looked at a firm that I found out later was not even recognized in my state and therefore would not have been able to help me. Call your state attorney's office or department of financial institutions for their consult. I find it really hard to believe that a debt settlement company settled someone's $9000 debt for $1800 and did not make a penny on it. I hope the person who paid the $1800 got a receipt from the company with whom the debt was paid.
Be wise and be careful. Watch out who you give your information to.
Also-why would any company offer 24/7 assistance and then have someone on the phone line who does not know what he/she is doing.
By the way, I did track one individual's name to find out that the American name was actually of a government employee in the area. I have now sent an email to this man to let him know his name is being used in a fraudulent scam.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 07/31/2010 - 07:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I have not used this firm; however I have been pulled into an ongoing scam which is very similar to the one Thomas had spoke about earlier--one in which I have been threatened with everything from lawsuits to incarceration if I don't pay on a pdl which they won't tell me with whom. Every person who calls has an American name with an Indian accent. And---not everyone with a middleeastern name uses an American derivative--I know many middleeasterners who are very proud of their name and don't create american derivatives. That point notwithstanding, I have spoke to many others who have been experiencing these ploys. I do know that there are companies actively seeking a solution to this problem of fradulent business practices. Many of these scams are moving targets so it is hard to get them but the cause continues.
If you truly owe money, find a legitimate lawyer in your community who handles financial issues like this and seek his help. KIf it sounds to good to be true, it probably is! At one time I looked at a firm that I found out later was not even recognized in my state and therefore would not have been able to help me. Call your state attorney's office or department of financial institutions for their consult. I find it really hard to believe that a debt settlement company settled someone's $9000 debt for $1800 and did not make a penny on it. I hope the person who paid the $1800 got a receipt from the company with whom the debt was paid.
Be wise and be careful. Watch out who you give your information to.
Also-why would any company offer 24/7 assistance and then have someone on the phone line who does not know what he/she is doing.
By the way, I did track one individual's name to find out that the American name was actually of a government employee in the area. I have now sent an email to this man to let him know his name is being used in a fraudulent scam.

yep these scams get people's info from illegal ipdl's.these places either sell,or give it it to the scam.they threaten everything under the sun to get people's bank info.our gov't should do something about it.enough FTC complaints,and they will.that is why me,and others advise filing FTC complaints as well as police reports for any threats.then we say hang up on them.yes these place are complete scams and should treated as such.


Submitted by paulmergel on Sat, 07/31/2010 - 08:25

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

What's going to happen with the firm under the new FTC rules? I just read that debt settlement law firms are considered the same as debt settlement companies and have to change their entire payment structure. Some of the debt settlement people are saying that the new rules will kill debt settlement.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 08/01/2010 - 15:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

It is a coincident that when this firm is involved and you get the foreign harassment calls at the same time. I have gotten them. Please do not pay any attention to these calls. Just keep hanging up on the. I really do think they are coming from the company. Everyone that works at the company talks in a fluent american accent.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 04/21/2011 - 07:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I set settlement with this law firm in November of 2012. My debt was over $3,000. They put extra $3,000 as fees from Pay Day Loans. Now I owe them $6,000? It sounds fishy to me.I live in New York and after search about laws on PDL they are not legit doing business in New York. So now I am trying to cancel deal with them and looking for refund.


Submitted by pascha on Thu, 02/21/2013 - 06:24

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