Which is better
Date: Sun, 04/05/2009 - 04:40
Which is better
you cannot put a student loan into debt consolidation program an
you cannot put a student loan into debt consolidation program and they are not dischargeable in bk. Just the act of filing bk could cause the loans to default which would mess up both of your credit even worse.
No Other Options
As it was mentioned, student loans are non dischargeable in bankruptcy. Why are those the only two options?
Oh please Mike....another scammer trying to sell their "system".
Oh please Mike....another scammer trying to sell their "system". I have very little pity for you. As you yourself point out, you slept your way thru college. You deserve the mess you are in.
Thanks, But...
Actually, no. I am not a spammer just trying to sell my system. I plan on providing valuable information I've learned to those who need it. Yes, I do offer a guide for sale, but by no means does anyone have to buy it.
Please refrain from posting negative comments about me or anything associated with me without actually trying the product or knowing me. If you have any questions, I offer you to email me any time you'd like.
I don't need to know or try your system. I have 20 years experi
I don't need to know or try your system. I have 20 years experience as a financial aid officer and a student loan collector for the DOE. No system is needed to get out of default. Everything you need to know is available for FREE on the Department of Education website. A little bit more than your 151 hours of research.