Student Loan Wage Garnishment
Date: Mon, 02/09/2009 - 15:12
Student Loan Wage Garnishment
i currently have a loan with aes which is defaulted in the amt of 30,725 and received some mail from DCS stating to me the upcoming garnishment. i called dcs and explained to them that I would like to set up on a payment plan that i could afford (about 100 a month)... they bascilly told me not good enought and that i would be paying 250-300 a month on the repayment plan they offered for 9 months... i explained to them that at this time i cant afford that and i may be living in the streets in the event that the garnishment goes thur or they dont want to work with me... it was very clear that they didnt care less and they told me the garnishment will be going thur..... i then thought i would try AES themselves but of course the only thing they offered me was the number to the outsdie agency... i have already filed for bankcrupty and it was discharged in march of last year.... do i have any other options availible to me or should i just start packing up my apartment? any help would be greatly welcomed as i have until feb 21 until the garnishment goes in.... unlike some of the others i dont really care about the tax return as i didnt count on getting it back anyway.
What they offered you was a standard repayment plan for your si
What they offered you was a standard repayment plan for your size of loan. By my calculations, you interest is approximately $175 per month, so offering $100 per month while affordable is not reasonable based on your balance. Since you have received the garnishment letter,you must respond to it within the alloted time frame.
Have you tried picking up an additional job to afford your payments?